I was actually hooked during the first season. A lot of fans say they dislike Season One, and I never got that. When Cranston has those really emotional scenes about having cancer (the scene where the family gives Walt an intervention, and he gives his speech about not wanting the remainder of his life being sick on meds while he withers away). Or the scene where Walt realizes he won't be alive to see his baby daughter grow up.
The show early on just had really powerful acting. I think the scene that really got me though, was when Walt killed Krazy-8. When Walt puts the pieces of the plate together, and realizes that he has to kill him. I knew during that episode that this was going to be a really great show.
What if Walt teams with Todd and Jack to kill everyone else?
I would lol if the final episode opened with the exact same scene S5E1 opened with.
Blows my mind that this 90% of this show takes places in the course of 1 year. Seems like longer.
It's really stupid. I mean this was one action packed year.Blows my mind that this 90% of this show takes places in the course of 1 year. Seems like longer.
probably the most unrealistic thing about the show
Why is it stupid?
All the seasons pick up from where the other left off (I think season 2-3 is the exception)
this is some weird nitpicking :|
What if Walt teams with Todd and Jack to kill everyone else?
It's just weird to think that a high school teacher becomes a meth kingpin within a year.
As promised, my wife made Heisenberg cake for tonight
Say my name
I don't know if this is real or not, seems too much like a set up, but I chuckled...
Homeless Man does Breaking Bad impressions for food
Yeah, that's one criticism I have of this show. The writer's perspective of time always felt off to me. I think it would have been better had the show taken place over 3-4 years.
Then again, it doesn't really impact the story too much for me. I mean, it wouldn't change the plot if it all played out the same way, and they instead told us it happened over 3-4 years. Maybe Hank recovering so fast, but outside of that.
it was fake
I just watched the last episode and I'm finally caught up.
I'm really excited for the finale but I have no idea in what direction its going to go.
Kind of surprised they brought up Gray Matter again so late in the series and I'm worried they are going to spend too much time on that after ignoring it for so long. The season hasn't disappointed me yet though.
Awesome impressions, well, the first two, but definitely not homeless. Maybe homeless-chic.I don't know if this is real or not, seems too much like a set up, but I chuckled...
Homeless Man does Breaking Bad impressions for food
I just watched the last episode and I'm finally caught up.
I'm really excited for the finale but I have no idea in what direction its going to go.
Kind of surprised they brought up Gray Matter again so late in the series and I'm worried they are going to spend too much time on that after ignoring it for so long. The season hasn't disappointed me yet though.
Hey I had a question that a couple different people have asked me that I haven't been able to answer. In the various cooks on the show we see them using dumping silver strips, almost like confetti, into the cook and I was wondering what that was exactly?
Hey I had a question that a couple different people have asked me that I haven't been able to answer. In the various cooks on the show we see them using dumping silver strips, almost like confetti, into the cook and I was wondering what that was exactly?
aluminum I think? When Victor was cooking and Walt was sitting there watching them he was expecting Victor to forget the aluminum
Tonight's special edition patron.
I know, I couldn't find a green sharpie : pYou put some real effort into this.
So if there is ONE thing you want to see in the finale, what would it be. It can be anything. But what's one specific thing that you really would like to see happen in this final episode of Breaking Bad?
I was working on this poster before the second half of season 5 started. today I finally finished it!
Walter Jr opening an IHop.So if there is ONE thing you want to see in the finale, what would it be. It can be anything. But what's one specific thing that you really would like to see happen in this final episode of Breaking Bad?
So if there is ONE thing you want to see in the finale, what would it be. It can be anything. But what's one specific thing that you really would like to see happen in this final episode of Breaking Bad?
I was thinking: does Walt even know where the Nazi meth camp is? I can't recall him ever going there or being told where it is.