You already had people lined up since 4 to watch it at my locale theater. Some dedicated fans. Had a few people dressed up as Hiesenberg, Hank, Walt on the yellow haz suit, someone as Hector in a wheel chair lol. Gonna be a glorious crowd to watch it with.
Hooray!Time for everyone's favorite Todd moment:
okay Walt![]()
That scene with Marie was kind of out left field. But man, Heisenberg being killed by Marie? I don't think that would be a fitting death for him.
My oddball prediction:
Marie kills Walt. The therapist session was a form of foreshadowing.
I'm not sure I could watch it in public, if anyone so much as breathed loudly during the ending/important scenes I'd be biting their faces off; I'll be locking myself in a dark and soundproof room to watch it.
Cons of watching the finale in a theater: Can't go crazy when the shit hits the fan
Since everyone is making predictions here is my wild guesses.
Walt dies by Jessie. They exchange final words and it is a mercy killing.
Jessie goes off to live with Brock.
Skyler lives. Prison?
Marie lives.
Todd dies. Jessie kills him with science bitch!
Nazi's and Jack are gunned down by Walt.
Lydia is killed by the ricin.
Everyone else lives.
Walt Jr. Never Eats Breakfast Again.
Pollos Hermanos! The only right choice.
KFC, but I'll let it slide.
Jesus, this Gray Matter episode hurts a lot more now. Elliott is straight up giving Walt a job, and he's turning it down.
Every single escape hatch that Walt just blows past or blows up stings a lot more on rewatch.
Normally when iTunes store updates that night. Around 1am?How long does it normally take for episodes to go up on Amazon/iTunes?
I'm gonna have to go dark for a bit.
Lydia dies, but it's because she steps out of the shower one day and Todd is standing there waiting for her. "Oh, I'm sorry ma'am, let me get you a towel." She screams and slips, cracking her head on the tile floor and bleeding out. Todd decides to get it on with her while the gettin's still good. After he finishes, Todd reaches up and closes Lydia's now lifeless eyes.
Do people really believe Jesse can use science to kill anybody? The stupid junkie fuck up doesn't know any SCIENCE!
Lydia dies, but it's because she steps out of the shower one day and Todd is standing there waiting for her. "Oh, I'm sorry ma'am, let me get you a towel." She screams and slips, cracking her head on the tile floor and bleeding out. Todd decides to get it on with her while the gettin's still good. After he finishes, Todd reaches up and closes Lydia's now lifeless eyes.
Do people really believe Jesse can use science to kill anybody? The stupid junkie fuck up doesn't know any SCIENCE!
Do people really believe Jesse can use science to kill anybody? The stupid junkie fuck up doesn't know any SCIENCE!
Holy fuck that promo. Walt is going to fucking NUKE New Mexico, there is no other possibility.
Careful spoilers are everywhere in the net. Blacking out. Cyall afterpretty much 1 hour left