It's 75 minutes doe...
22 of those minutes are commercials.
It's 75 minutes doe...
The last 70ish minutes are he and Skinny Pete acting out their Babylon 5 fan fiction.
Cornballer said:- Huffington Post: Breaking Bad Final Episode Won't Please Everybody, Says Vince Gilligan
Vince Gilligan said:The thing that works so well about the ending of "MASH" is that implicit in the very first episode is the idea of what the ending should be. The seeds are planted in that very first episode—here's a show about a bunch of people thrown together and they will make the best of a bad situation, but they all desperately want to go home.
So it stands to reason the final episode of "MASH" should be that everyone gets to go home — it’s a big goodbye — and that I think is the perfect ending for that series. It’s not a surprise ending. In fact you see it coming for 11 years, but it’s what you want as a viewer. It’s the only thing that can really satisfy you. And that’s why I think it’s a nearly perfect ending—or perhaps not nearly at all. Perhaps it is the perfect ending.
With a show like "Breaking Bad" viewers love the surprises we throw at them — they love those twist and turns that we give them—but sometimes the best surprise is no surprise. And I’m not giving away anything that will happen tomorrow, I’m just talking about what we discuss in the writers’ room: is the perfect ending surprising or preordained?
Uh oh.
Bad news for any Portland-area fans thinking about hitting up Kiggins theater to watch the finale:
The C&D's have begun raining down.
Uh oh.
Bad news for any Portland-area fans thinking about hitting up Kiggins theater to watch the finale:
The C&D's have begun raining down.
Seriously an OT3 for an 8 episode season, that's gotta a record or something.
Seriously an OT3 for an 8 episode season, that's gotta a record or something.
I will be (pleasantly) surprised, if not shocked, if this happens.I firmly believe that we'll need an OT4 by...Thursday.
Uh oh.
Bad news for any Portland-area fans thinking about hitting up Kiggins theater to watch the finale:
The C&D's have begun raining down.
So do folks think Walt Jr. was underused? Gilligan has expressed regrets about that. Personally, I'm totally fine with his role and Mitte's performance. I'm very very happy Gilligan didn't go into any extended AJ Soprano-esque arcs.
Heisenberg should go to Nazi hideout and use Mercury Fulminate like he did on Tuco's joint, blow it to shit and gun everyone down with M60.
lewis was criminally underutilized.
Make enough of it so it looks like a new batch of the blue stuff and then boom!
So here's what Walt probably needs to do:
- Confront Lydia
- Find out where Jack and the Nazis are (if he doesn't know)
- Kill Lydia (ricin in stevia)
- Kill Nazis
- Get money
I wonder how long the episode will take to cover that. Knowing Gilligan the opposite of all that we expect will happen.
I'm almost certain on one point, Todd and the nazis are going to get what's coming to them.
You forgot about Trent. He's a loose end too.I'm sorry to say you all got it wrong. Walt is going to...
Kill Gretchen and Elliot
Kill Nazis
Kill Todd
Save Jesse
Kill Marie
Kill Walter Jr.
Kill Skyler
Kidnap Holly. Again.
Then Walter, Jesse, Lydia and Holly ride into the sunset. The End.
He has no idea if Jesse is alive. Charlie Rose never said that the blue meth is "back". All he said was that the product in the past has made it's way <all the states he mentioned> Walt has no idea if Jesse is alive or not.He's not going to kill Lydia. Lydia is such a manic that she would either kill herself or freakout and get caught when the Nazis blue meth operation blows up. Plus she doesn't pose any threat to Walt.
Walt knows Jesse is alive because only he and Jesse can make blue meth, so the m60 is probably reserved for the Nazis. Only way he can track them down is through Todd (he has his number).
does walt even care about jesse at this point? he's nothing to him.
does walt even care about jesse at this point? he's nothing to him.
does walt even care about jesse at this point? he's nothing to him.
Lydia's going to get some ricin in her stevia, why else would the show keep bringing it up?
Watch from 51:35. Charlie Rose specifically mentions that blue meth is his signature product, and that it's all over Southwest. Only he and Jesse knew how to cook blue meth. When he was still in Albuquerque he was aware that Todd and friends weren't able to make the blue stuff, so someone is helping them. It has to be Jesse. And Jesse was last seen taken by the Nazis.He has no idea if Jesse is alive. Charlie Rose never said that the blue meth is "back". All he said was that the product in the past has made it's way <all the states he mentioned> Walt has no idea if Jesse is alive or not.