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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3

does walt even care about jesse at this point? he's nothing to him.
That's what I love about the show. Walt and Jesse's relationship is complicated as fuck. It probably went into land of no return now. But you never know with Heisenberg and his Uncertainty Principle.


Watch from 51:35. Charlie Rose specifically mentions that blue meth is his signature product, and that it's all over Southwest. Only he and Jesse knew how to cook blue meth. When he was still in Albuquerque he was aware that Todd and friends weren't able to make the blue stuff, so someone is helping them. It has to be Jesse. And Jesse was last seen taken by the Nazis.

Does Walt know Todd can't cook it to be blue, though? All Walt knows is that Todd was having purity issues; the first time color becomes a concern is the first post-Declan cook, when Lydia is surprised it's not blue (which would seem odd if Todd had a known issue producing blue-colored meth from his first two solo cooks.)

Having blue meth hint to Walt that Jesse is still alive would be pretty effective narrative shorthand, but I don't think there's much in the show that establishes that's factually what happened. Had Charlie Rose mentioned the 90+% purity, I think it'd have been a more solid indicator.


Randomly watching Hazard Pay and it finally makes sense why Mike stops, faces Huell, and puts his right hand in his jacket pocket as he walks into Saul's office. Brilliant.


Jesse's Problem Dog scene at rehab was just on the marathon. God damn what a powerful scene. Did Aaron Paul win an Emmy for that?
I think he won the Emmy for End Times, the episode before the season finale. Probably because of the scene where he confronts Walt about the ricin.


Unconfirmed Member
yanno what man

i think the ending is going to be about jesse and walt

i think the feud with the nazis will be taken care of with fairly quick, walt will devise a plan to mislead them into designated spot and mow them down by himself

and the rest of the episode will focus on jesse and walt,

what the hell am i saying

this is so OFF
The Nazis are villains introduced in the past season. Walt and Jesse's dynamic was the core of the show for years.
It would only be inappropriate for the final episode to concern itself with anything but Walt and Jesse.
jesse's problem dog scene is the high point of the entire series. it was on youtube under some christian bullshit pretense but i think it's been pulled.

walt supplied todd with enough info to cook blue meth. todd even wrote it down because walt is a fucking idiot.
Does Walt know Todd can't cook it to be blue, though? All Walt knows is that Todd was having purity issues; the first time color becomes a concern is the first post-Declan cook, when Lydia is surprised it's not blue (which would seem odd if Todd had a known issue producing blue-colored meth from his first two solo cooks.)

Having blue meth hint to Walt that Jesse is still alive would be pretty effective narrative shorthand, but I don't think there's much in the show that establishes that's factually what happened. Had Charlie Rose mentioned the 90+% purity, I think it'd have been a more solid indicator.
I think the series producer removed the doubt of Todd's probability in creating the blue meth himself through trial and error when Charlie Rose mentioned it as Heisenberg's "Signature product".


Does Walt know Todd can't cook it to be blue, though? All Walt knows is that Todd was having purity issues; the first time color becomes a concern is the first post-Declan cook, when Lydia is surprised it's not blue (which would seem odd if Todd had a known issue producing blue-colored meth from his first two solo cooks.)

Having blue meth hint to Walt that Jesse is still alive would be pretty effective narrative shorthand, but I don't think there's much in the show that establishes that's factually what happened. Had Charlie Rose mentioned the 90+% purity, I think it'd have been a more solid indicator.

Walt knows Todd can't cook Blue. In exchange for killing Jesse the Nazi's want Walt to tutor Todd for a few cooks. Jack specifically mentiond teaching him how to give it the blue color.
jesse's problem dog scene is the high point of the entire series. it was on youtube under some christian bullshit pretense but i think it's been pulled.

walt supplied todd with enough info to cook blue meth. todd even wrote it down because walt is a fucking idiot.

How do we know Walt gave him the right formula when he left? It would seem like a very Walt move to not let anyone rival his precious product.


Walt knows Todd can't cook Blue. In exchange for killing Jesse the Nazi's want Walt to tutor Todd for a few cooks. Jack specifically mentiond teaching him how to give it the blue color.

I forgot that line from Uncle Jack, I stand corrected. I still kind of hope it goes the other way (Declan was passing off his lower-purity stuff as 'Heisenberg's signature product' with food coloring before he hooked up with Walt, wasn't he?) just because I'd like to see Walt flummoxed by the undead Jesse, but if he knows Todd can't cook blue than it's a perfectly logical conclusion for him to jump to.

How do we know Walt gave him the right formula when he left? It would seem like a very Walt move to not let anyone rival his precious product.

Todd was writing everything down while Walt was teaching him to be lab assistant. Giving your assistant bad instructions for a joint cook seems dangerous.
I want the cold open to just be an aftermath of whatever the hell happens in the episode, and then the rest catches up to that point. Similar to the pilot.

Speaking of which, is that the best opening scene to any series ever? Especially considering the show lived up to it.
Rumor has it Obama has a small cameo in the finale.



I forgot that line from Uncle Jack, I stand corrected. I still kind of hope it goes the other way (Declan was passing off his lower-purity stuff as 'Heisenberg's signature product' with food coloring before he hooked up with Walt, wasn't he?) just because I'd like to see Walt flummoxed by the undead Jesse, but if he knows Todd can't cook blue than it's a perfectly logical conclusion for him to jump .

Yea, that was one angle I was I intrigued by. Walt via whatever master plan or miracle clears out the Nazi's compound and hears that ghost yelling for help.

I thought about the food coloring too, but crappy crank dyed blue wouldn't have the nation, which means the DEA, in so much of a tizzy that they speculate that Heisenberg is still running his operation.

7he Talon

I think it might end in a similar way to the last scene in 'Half Measures' back in season 4.
Replace the two gang members with Uncle Jack and his gang and the car with the machine gun. Walt will save Jesse, look at him and say "run", Jesse will run away and Walt will die.

Jesse will live, and he and the audience will be left with the question "Why did Walt go back for Jesse?". Because his family is a lost cause at this point... He wont be able to redeem himself with them (especially Walt Jr). Jesse is all he has left and is his one way to go down fighting.

Just a thought.


I shot people I like more for less.
Man this part where Hank takes Walt to Los Pollos Hermanos is great. Love how the show managed to keep a humorous streak even as it got more and more serious.

LOL at the above
This happened to a lot of theaters that were showing the Walking Dead. AMC had sent them letters to stop last season. I'm pretty sure theaters can do it, only if it's being broadcast for free. But if they charge tickets, they aren't allowed to.

I'm actually surprised that theaters were going to do this for finale.

I was hosting one of those free screenings when the letters came down. It was pretty well known. In fact, of all the theaters that got C&D's, our screenings at the Hollywood Theatre and screenings at Alamo Drafthouse in Austin were the first two to get binged. The following week came a pretty big swath of C&D's, and by the third week, it was basically "I hope there's a bar flying low enough under the radar around here."

I figured that with all that foreknowledge, theaters had actually gotten permission from AMC. But I guess not.

Still not the greatest of calls on their part, really - commercials are still getting seen, theaters aren't charging admission, and there's NO way the finale is going to be hurt, ratings-wise, by the number of people choosing to watch theatrically. ABC never shut us down for screening the final season of Lost, and NBC/Universal was cool with our showing the back 10 of Battlestar Galactica. It ended up being free advertising, really.


The "lol junior loves breakfast" thing has really run its course by now.

I still want the last scene of the series to be Walt Jr. walking amidst a pile of corpses and finally getting to sit down and have breakfast. Then he realizes the milk is expired, and he hangs his head in defeat.

I'm a heartless bastard.


I still want the last scene of the series to be Walt Jr. walking amidst a pile of corpses and finally getting to sit down and have breakfast. Then he realizes the milk is expired, and he hangs his head in defeat.

I'm a heartless bastard.

You're a sick SICK man ........


Jesus fuck. 3 weeks ago, I started watching this show due to the request of my friends. Just finished the latest episode 5 minutes ago.

Goddamn. This is the best thing on television. 5 seasons of watching a normal guy turn into one of the most disgusting villains I've ever seen, yet I still want to cheer for him. Sunday can't come fast enough.
I still want the last scene of the series to be Walt Jr. walking amidst a pile of corpses and finally getting to sit down and have breakfast. Then he realizes the milk is expired, and he hangs his head in defeat.

I'm a heartless bastard.

That's Twilight Zone-level shit.
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