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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3

I'm curious. What redemption do you guys think he got? I agree the ending was tonally celebratory for Walt. Walt mentally went out on top etc. But what did Walt do, that really gave him redemption?

As far as I'm concerned, Walt finally accepted he was an evil bastard, that got his rocks off doing terrible shit. He embraced it, and went out dying this way. But is that really redemption?

Exactly, who is he really redeemed by besides himself. Everyone else still hates his guts.


I just can't envision anything close to a bright future for Jesse.

I think the show intended for viewers to think that Jesse is free to start a new life.

The reality is that he isn't smart like Walt and will probably either be mentally crushed under all his guilt (he was already crushed, now add Andrea onto the pile) or taken into custody. He is still wanted for questioning I assume.
Didn't end the way I wanted but it's still a great ending. Walt never fully went evil which is my only disappointment. I guess this was the happiest ending the show could get, which I'm 100% ok with.

Vincent truly took this to Scarface in the sense that the protagonist dies in a huge gunfight on his own terms.


Very satisfying finale. disappointing that Walt gets a mini-redemption of sorts, but eh, that's the path Gilligan wanted to go down, so be it. Best episode of an underwhelming season, without question.

I saw it more as Walt making amends for the pain he caused. Perhaps that would lead to mini-redemption, but with how adamant Gilligan was about Walt being irredeemable it's up in the air.


How the hell are people saying this was the weakest season? Seriously are you on crack?

I think that's really only one person.

I saw it more as Walt making amends for the pain he caused. Perhaps that would lead to mini-redemption, but with how adamant Gilligan was about Walt being irredeemable it's up in the air.

The universe finally saw fit to let Walt's actions have the consequences he claimed he intended them to have, but only after he could admit that it wasn't what he really wanted. That's how I see it.

I don't see it as redemption. He's making amends of sorts, but he could only ever achieve a half measure on this one. The damage was done.


Seeing Walt's happiness in the meth lab was really sad (though very fitting) to me. He could have been anyone, done anything, and he chooses this?

Walt was probably the most enjoyably fucked up character I've seen in fiction in a long time.


I'm curious. What redemption do you guys think he got? I agree the ending was tonally celebratory for Walt. Walt mentally went out on top etc. But what did Walt do, that really gave him redemption?

As far as I'm concerned, Walt finally accepted he was an evil bastard, that got his rocks off doing terrible shit. He embraced it, and went out dying this way. But is that really redemption? It's not like Walt set out there to save Jesse's life. That was just an on the Whim decision he made, when he saw Jesse, and felt bad for him.

He was able to right the wrongs with Jr. and Jesse. And given his death was pretty inevitable, it's hard to feel that that was really Walt paying for his actions when he died. I wouldn't have minded some really bleak shit, Walt's actions destroying everyone he comes in contact with. But I also understand Vince's reluctance to go for that ending lol

There's no doubt that he caused huge amount of pain to everyone in his life. But he still managed to make amends. I think I would've preferred permanent consequences.
I think the show intended for viewers to think that Jesse is free to start a new life.

The reality is that he isn't smart like Walt and will probably either be mentally crushed under all his guilt (he was already crushed, now add Andrea onto the pile) or taken into custody. He is still wanted for questioning I assume.

Jesse is almost certainly involved in the Walter White investigation. Skyler undoubtedly named him at some point - probably immediately.

I can't imagine he's free to do anything but go into a miserable life of hiding for the rest of his life.


Alan Sepinwall:
But it also felt so neat, and so orderly, in such an un-"Breaking Bad" sort of way, that I don't think I can give the show bonus points for its last episode in the same way that "The Shield" or "Six Feet Under" get extra credit for their finales.

the video of jesse confessing everything is at the compound and while it doesn't exonerate jesse completely, it does show that he was doing everything he could to bring walt down with the DEA, something they would almost certainly consider.

jesse is supposed to be free in the ending. there's a reason he left before the cops came.
The only loose end that needed tying up was Walt Jr. crying in a fit of shame that he was sorry for not watching Heat.

What an excellent movie, that Heat.

That really was everything I wanted in the finale. It really was a perfectly paced episode.
I was yelling and freaking out the whole time. So glad badger and Pete were there.

Lydia looked like shit : )

It's like they knew it couldn't end without Jesse murdering that fuck Todd.

I like that they kept it simple with Jesse. He got away and you can just guess at the rest.

It didn't feel unexpected; lots of people were pretty damn close about the events and it was still done perfectly. That's how you end a show.

Jesse is almost certainly involved in the Walter White investigation. Skyler undoubtedly named him at some point - probably immediately.

I can't imagine he's free to do anything but go into a miserable life of hiding for the rest of his life.
I don't think she would have named him. Even then only Hank, Gomie and Walt knew the full involvement.

What does make me think is the confession. It could easily still be in the compound.
I'm curious. What redemption do you guys think he got? I agree the ending was tonally celebratory for Walt. Walt mentally went out on top etc. But what did Walt do, that really gave him redemption?

As far as I'm concerned, Walt finally accepted he was an evil bastard, that got his rocks off doing terrible shit. He embraced it, and went out dying this way. But is that really redemption? It's not like Walt set out there to save Jesse's life. That was just an on the Whim decision he made, when he saw Jesse, and felt bad for him.

I think he did go there to save Jesse while also wiping out Lydia and the nazis, so that he could do something good before he died
He was able to right the wrongs with Jr. and Jesse. And given his death was pretty inevitable, it's hard to feel that that was really Walt paying for his actions. I wouldn't have minded some really bleak shit, Walt's actions destroying everyone he comes in contact with. But I also understand Vince's reluctance to go for that ending lol

He didn't right his wrongs by a long shot. JR still despises him and so does Jesse. And Ozymandias and Granite State were as bleak as you can get. I really feel like Walt suffered even if he died on his own terms I was definitely not Team Walt


He was able to right the wrongs with Jr. and Jesse. And given his death was pretty inevitable, it's hard to feel that that was really Walt paying for his actions. I wouldn't have minded some really bleak shit, Walt's actions destroying everyone he comes in contact with. But I also understand Vince's reluctance to go for that ending lol

to be fair the ending it's a lot more open than it seems.

We don't really know if the money really went to Jr. and Jesse probably got caught by the police...


YouTube Comment:

"Poor Lydia. So obsessed with order and perfection and she ends up dying with shit spraying out of her bleached asshole."
Todd is weirdo. I bet if he finished his sentence he would had asked how Walt did it or even like, Mr white, a gun came out of your car. Heh. Eat it Todd!


the video of jesse confessing everything is at the compound and while it doesn't exonerate jesse completely, it does show that he was doing everything he could to bring walt down with the DEA, something they would almost certainly consider.

jesse is supposed to be free in the ending. there's a reason he left before the cops came.

The DEA knows everything Marie knows, and Marie knows he was cooperating. May have even seen the tape. Jesse is probably going to get off light in the end.

Incidentally, a lot of the direction of this episode reminded me of Lynch-style just like the stuff around the interrogation of Jesse did.


the video of jesse confessing everything is at the compound and while it doesn't exonerate jesse completely, it does show that he was doing everything he could to bring walt down with the DEA, something they would almost certainly consider.

jesse is supposed to be free in the ending. there's a reason he left before the cops came.

Why would they not destroy that video of jesse's confession right after watching it? Why would they keep evidence of someone ratting them out.
Crow eating: Thought for sure we wouldn't get any Gray Matter wrap up. Of course we led off with it. And the way it tied Badger & Skinny Pete back in for one last go-round was pretty slick, as well.

Gilligan stuck the landing, and he did it by delivering exactly what was expected.

M60 for the Nazis
Ricin for Lydia.
Money for his kids
And Pinkman was set free.


Alan Sepinwall:
But it also felt so neat, and so orderly, in such an un-"Breaking Bad" sort of way, that I don't think I can give the show bonus points for its last episode in the same way that "The Shield" or "Six Feet Under" get extra credit for their finales.


Damn, shame on Vince for making too neat of a finale.
Jesse is almost certainly involved in the Walter White investigation. Skyler undoubtedly named him at some point - probably immediately.

I can't imagine he's free to do anything but go into a miserable life of hiding for the rest of his life.

I think the ending was very much meant to indicate that, whatever awaits him, he's finally come to terms with his own misery because he's finally escape the web in which Mr. White has caught him. Perhaps he'll never be anything more than a cashier in a podunk town, hiding from the cops, but he's free to make his own destiny within that milieu.


What a finale.

The thing with Lydia is not a plothole. She always sits in the same place. All Walt needed to do was take a packet of Stevia, mix some ricin into it, and place it back at her usual spot. He was keeping tabs on her. Although I am curious how he sealed it back up. Some kind of adhesive, I guess. Given how intelligent and calculated he has proven to be this is not a difficult task for him.

His final encounter with Skylar just goes to show you what a horrible person he became. But at least he finally had the courage to admit that he did all of this for himself before anyone else. It was good to hear that. Seems like Walt always lacked confidence to better himself despite the fact that he was a genius.

I feel so bad for his family. They are broken. Skylar, Marie, Walt Jr... and how he last spoke to his father... just heartbreaking stuff. The look on Skylar's face when Walt walks out and she knows it'll be the last time she'll ever see him with their daughter. When Walt Jr came home and Walt didn't approach him... ugh. And it almost seemed like Junior looked behind him to check and see if someone was there, maybe he was looking out for his mom, or maybe he was looking for his father. Either way, just so sad.

I am happy for Jesse Pinkman. He didn't deserve to die and Walt knew that. My only complaint is that I would have liked to hear Walt say "I'm sorry for some of the things I put you through", and something to the effect of "you know you don't want this kind of life anymore. You're free. Start over."

Gunning down the Arayn Brotherhood -- and the way he made the device that allowed him to do it -- was the epitome of badass, and quite a swan song for Walt.

The finale really demonstrates how human this show is. Nothing out of the ordinary or overdone. Just very natural, all the way down to the final moments. That might be why it is such a turnoff to some people, but this show is so real. That's what makes it so good. Also, looks like there's no need to worry about the scene with the pink stuffed animal in the pool/body bags on the road.

Breaking Bad is without a doubt one of the best TV shows I will ever come across in my life. Nothing will ever come close to the unique quality found on this show.
I think my thoughts mirror Alan's writeup. The series really ended with Ozymandias and then we got the epilogue to see the fallout and wrap it up.

It did seem too clean for the show and for Walt, but I do like they didn't try to out predict everyone and come up with an ending that doesn't fit the tone of the show. The soprano's ending works for that show since it was a show that liked to aimlessly wander at times and took pleasure in misdirection of the audience, dropping plot threads left and right and caring more about characters in the mob than the mob dealings themselves.

Anyways 6 Feet under i think is the most powerful ending to a show i've seen, and Shield the most powerful season. This one ranks up there and its sitting right up against the Wire as my #2 favorite TV drama.

- I'm glad he finally dropped the "for the family act"
- Marie seems to be handling things pretty well
- Jesse lives! But he's so self-destructive i doubt it'll last for long
- Skyler is so broken. Hope she doesn't get cancer from all that smoking


also I totally called Grey Matter being the way Walt was going to get money to his kids. I am very proud of myself
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