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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


Why couldn't lydia have just gone to a hospital. Or is ricin incurable once administered?

Ricin breaks down at the molecule level? I don't think it's something that can be reversed if it's not treated fast enough:

Ricin works by getting inside the cells of a person's body and preventing the cells from making the proteins they need. Without the proteins, cells die.


It kind of seems like most of the critics are sort of lukewarm on the finale. Like they all agree it was a good ending to the show. But that it wasn't a great episode. I'm guessing they are in the same group of fans, that really wanted to see a much darker and harsher ending?

I just wanted a surprise at some point. The episode was completely adequate in wrapping things up, but that's all it was.
i fucking love the split second misdirections in these last few. like skyler accidentally stabbing flynn or jesse just straight running walt over in his car. and i love how he checks the rear view mirror for walt as he's enjoying his freedom drive.

i love everything about it really.


Walt clearly went in there thinking that Jesse was in cahoots with Jack. He had every intention of killing Jesse along with the rest of them.

Once Walt learned his meth was back on the market, he knew Jesse was cooking again.

The last time Walt saw Jesse he was taken away by the Nazis.

Walt knows the Nazis well enough to realize that if Jesse is cooking for them, it's essentially with a gun to his head. Not Jesse's choice.

Not to mention, Walt wanting to kill Jesse goes against everything the episode was about - Walt making amends, accepting his responsibilities, and stopping himself from blaming other people. Wanting to kill Jesse just feels out of place.

I guess I'm in the minority on this.


It kind of seems like most of the critics are sort of lukewarm on the finale. Like they all agree it was a good ending to the show. But that it wasn't a great episode. I'm guessing they are in the same group of fans, that really wanted to see a much darker and harsher ending?

Who is lukewarm on it? The ones I've been reading have been very positive, while saying that "Ozymandias" was the peak of the series, not a slight to this episode at all.


Alan Sepinwall:
But it also felt so neat, and so orderly, in such an un-"Breaking Bad" sort of way, that I don't think I can give the show bonus points for its last episode in the same way that "The Shield" or "Six Feet Under" get extra credit for their finales.


Except it wasn't. The entire episode was under the perspective of Walter and him seeing himself finishing it all under his terms that of someone who is smarter than the people trying to catch or kill him that of someone who is wrapping it all into one neat little package with no loose ends. We saw the ending through the perspective of a delusional egotistic criminal.


I kind of feel that Jesse killing himself in front of Walt would have been more of a dramatic pay-off, particularly in the way that it shows how cancerous he was to him.


i fucking love the split second misdirections in these last few. like skyler accidentally stabbing flynn or jesse just straight running walt over in his car. and i love how he checks the rear view mirror for walt as he's enjoying his freedom drive.

i love everything about it really.

for a minute there i actually thought jesse was going to nail walt with his car.

just realized this is kind of obvious to you
A lot of the pressure to prosecute either of them very hard goes away now that Walt is dead. They wanted Walt, Skyler and Jesse are small fries.

I don't know that I buy that Jesse would be considered a "small fry."

With Walt dead, I'd argue that there's probably even more pressure to nab Jesse. Someone has to pay for Heisenberg's crimes.


Who is lukewarm on it? The ones I've been reading have been very positive, while saying that "Ozymandias" was the peak of the series, not a slight to this episode at all.

Maybe lukewarm isn't the right word. But Sepinwall's and Ponzy's reviews both praise it, and kind of are saying at the same time, it was just good. They don't = all critics. So yeah, kind of exaggerating there. I've just noticed a handful of people now (besides them) also agreeing with this sentiment.

So yes, they are positive. But also not in love with it.


I guess Walt dying in the lab makes it look like he was doing the work, so Jess really is off scott free.


For me, the problem isn't that loose ends are tied up, the problem is that it's nowhere near dark enough.

Except it wasn't. The entire episode was under the perspective of Walter and him seeing himself finishing it all under his terms that of someone who is smarter than the people trying to catch or kill him that of someone who is wrapping it all into one neat little package with no loose ends. We saw the ending through the perspective of a delusional egotistic criminal.

How would shifting the perspective change the fact that Walt did end the finale on his own terms? It's not delusional if it's true.
I hope Bogdan got his car wash and dollar back.

I'm also glad Better Call Saul is a prequel so I can just pretend Saul, Huell, Kuby, Francesca, and Danny the laser tag guy are off having wacky adventures together in Nebraska or Belize or whatever.

The Hermit

So the show ends wih Walts redemption, and it is kinda happy too...

I did not saw that coming. I was a bit disapointed, but it was very good, i don't know how else to finish it.
Oh, also, I fucking loved the Marty Robbins tape falling out. It's nice that some people called that a few weeks ago.

Walt was basically a fucking ninja in this episode. Just appearing everywhere!


I don't really have a penchant for looking to closely at review scores, but it's pretty cool that the entirety of Season 5 received an A or A- on the AVClub.


I am actually surprised by how "standard" that ending was compared to other Breaking Bad finales/episodes. Everything went about as well as expected. Some great shots/scenes though...

I kinda lol'd at Jesus Jesse, the imagery was just too much.

Now I am sad Breaking Bad is over. :(


It would have been more interesting for Walt to reveal to Gretchen and Elliot that he'd previously invested capital into their firm via a traceable proxy, and that if they didn't do what he asked he'd have someone (don't know who) release that information to the police/news.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Fantastic ending the an amazing series. Seriously, this is the best TV series that I have ever seen. It has been a fantastic ride.

As for the Lydia thing - it's really not far fetched to assume that Lydia likes to do everything the same exact way - down to what table she sits at. I seem to recall that exact same table being the place that Walt and Lydia always met, and I believe Lydia sits at that table whenever she met with Todd as well. She's very methodical and, in the end, that was her weakness.

Also, it's really not a stretch to believe that Jack would want to prove his "honor" in the sense that he did care very deeply when Jesse was ratting out his nephew (he was ready to kill Jesse straight up until Todd stopped him) and now he wants to prove that he would never work with a rat. That he (Jack) has given Jesse a fate that he perceives to be worse than death.

While there may have been stretches to keep the plot going (what series doesn't have it?), Gilligan masterfully was able to use all of the characters' motivations to provide logical reasoning to those stretches. At least for me.


I don't know that I buy that Jesse would be considered a "small fry."

With Walt dead, I'd argue that there's probably even more pressure to nab Jesse. Someone has to pay for Heisenberg's crimes.

This probably depends on if Jesse's confession tape is still around, or if Marie has seen it and/or how much she knows.

Without that I don't know if they have any reason to think Jesse is anything but a low level dealer.


I'm guessing they are in the same group of fans, that really wanted to see a much darker and harsher ending?

We have had plenty of those. No thanks. We watched the entire series and were rewarded with a great ending that tied it all up. No depressing stunts to keep it real or ambiguity like the Sopranos finale.


It kind of seems like most of the critics are sort of lukewarm on the finale. Like they all agree it was a good ending to the show. But that it wasn't a great episode. I'm guessing they are in the same group of fans, that really wanted to see a much darker and harsher ending?

I think, for me at least, it's not necessarily wanting a darker ending so much as it is having a little bit of story whiplash. Ozymandias and Granite State are basically Walt brought low, his luck and schemes having run out, leaving behind a desperate man on the edge facing his end.

Feline winds up feeling strange because Walt is basically totally in control throughout. His luck is in full force with the car. He manages to get Gretchen and Elliot to dance to his tune (or at least appear to be doing so), and he sciences up an awesome and total defeat for his enemies. Jesse lives because Walt decrees it. He even schemes ricin into Lydia's Stevia, sealing off that little loophole.

So it's just weird, mentally, to go from Walt at the end of his rope to a Walt basically dictating the events of the finale. It's a solid finale, it just feels... Strange. It makes me wish for a five-minute epilogue where we find out all of his last schemes ultimately failed, and Walt died as deluded as he lived.


Wow really? How many of you believe Walt went there to save Jesse?

I really did not read it that way at all.

I didnt either, but i think its true. The only reason being that in interviews it has been said that walt goes back to ABQ to "Protect someone" the only person fitting that bill tonight was Jesse.


I feel sorry for any show coming out after Breaking Bad... you already lost... was such a good ending.

Die Lydia Die!!!!


The whole show was about Walt doing everything on his own terms, except these final few episodes. I feel this episode was Walt acknowledging his downfall, and just going down with everyone around him. He has one last high by controlling everyone and everything, but this time he knows the motives behind his actions.

Walt was 100% pure in this episode.


I REALLY doubt this.

He definitely wanted to kill Jesse when he entered the meeting. That's why he waited for Jesse to be brought in before firing the M60. It wasn't until he saw how shitty he looked that he decided to save him.

Vince says this himself in the making of video.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
What was the whole point of the watch on the telephone?

They talked about this on Breaking Bad. You can make it a philosophical thing you want, but Vince admitted it was an "OH SHIT, CONTINUITY ERROR FIXED" thing. Given the flash forwards.
What a finale.

The thing with Lydia is not a plothole. She always sits in the same place. All Walt needed to do was take a packet of Stevia, mix some ricin into it, and place it back at her usual spot. He was keeping tabs on her. Although I am curious how he sealed it back up. Some kind of adhesive, I guess. Given how intelligent and calculated he has proven to be this is not a difficult task for him.

Actually this isn't the case. She usually sits against a window. Just fastforwarding through Granite State, and in her scene with Todd they were sitting back to back against a window. I could be forgetting something else, but from my memory she's always, and if not always then usually, sitting against a window.


While I do get the complaints that it the ending is too cleanly pieced together, the same could be said arguably for the second and fourth seasons.


I don't know that I buy that Jesse would be considered a "small fry."

With Walt dead, I'd argue that there's probably even more pressure to nab Jesse. Someone has to pay for Heisenberg's crimes.

There is no way that jesse won't be brought in, at the least. His fingerprints are all over that lab, his DNA is everywhere in that pit.

Personally, I doubt that any jury with a smidge of empathy is going to listen to his story and then go particularly hard on him. The guy was tortured into being a meth slave by nazi's, for christ sake. On top of all the other shit he has had to deal with. Jesse did wrong things, including murder, but if I were on the jury, I'd be hardpressed to kick his ass in any harder than the rest of his life already has.


I didnt either, but i think its true. The only reason being that in interviews it has been said that walt goes back to ABQ to "Protect someone" the only person fitting that bill tonight was Jesse.

Yes. I remember Cranston said that in his Rolling Stone interview way back last year. He said Walt was going back to protect someone. Hmm. I guess I just don't understand the scenes where Walt is talking about Jesse angrily (he's still alive!? He's cooking with them?).


I REALLY doubt this.

I feel less lonely now having that opinion. :)

Walt feigned anger at Jack when he said Jack was supposed to kill Pinkman. It was just manipulation to set the scene for Walt making sure Jesse wouldn't die in the gunfire.

Like I said earlier, Walt going in there to kill Jesse goes against everything the episode was about. Walt did want Jack to kill Pinkman after the desert shootout, but his view on that as well as other matters changed.

Walt told Skyler that he did everything for him, not family. To me that pretty much encapsulates Walt accepting full responsibility in the pain he caused other people, especially Jesse.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
They talked about this on Breaking Bad. You can make it a philosophical thing you want, but Vince admitted it was an "OH SHIT, CONTINUITY ERROR FIXED" thing. Given the flash forwards.

I'm glad he actually cares about that stuff. A lesser show would just go with the flow and let the plot hole happen. Not this show though, not Gilligan!
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