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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3

I feel like trying to guess at what happens to Pinkman is just calling in rainclouds to drench the parade :)

But I wouldn't be surprised if, at some point, he just goes back to the police and turns himself in somehow. That kid has always had an overdeveloped sense of penitence.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Was wondering if Team Walt would poke their head up one last time.

You realize he died penniless and alone, in a Nazi meth lab, with his family completely cut off and hating him.
Killed Jack & Avenged Hank. Reconciled with Skyler. Hatched the best possible plan for leaving his son/family money. Showed up Gretchen and Elliot. Killed Lydia. Freed Jesse. He died happy.

#TeamWalt won.
<3 Todd. I have no idea how that sentence was going to end, but I so totally love that he's so fundamentally lacking in normal emotion that he's not even angry at Mr. White for killing, like, all of his friends and family.

I don't think he knew Walt did it lol

Remember the beginning scene with Lydia? He has no clue what's going on. He also proved that by killing the kid on the scooter. He's a robot.


But why does that matter? Walt still managed to end things (or at least try) on his own terms. Just because it was told from Walt's perspective doesn't change the fact that it happened.

We feel sorry for Walt, the episode really colors the somber tone because we see Walt putting finality to everything. Even if it's mostly what he wanted, having every scene be from walts perspective creates a mood and the camera direction/music emphesize that.


And it ends. I found this final season to be weak. Not weak, weak... I mean, it was enjoyable, but the thing about Breaking Bad was the whole ride, not the ending. It was all about watching the adventures of Mr. Walt and Jesse and all the "turns" and "crashes".

I will sure miss it.


That's happened since the start of the series though.

Yeah, anyone that has accepted the world in which this show takes place from the beginning should be okay with everything that happened in the finale. It's not doing anything so outlandish that it hasn't been seen before.
Because they didn't. Because then Walt wouldn't have killed them.

Because Vince wrote it that way.

Yeah, I don't know why they would have checked the trunk anyway. Is that normal procedure in a situation like this, to comb their car as well? If he doesn't have anything on him, I don't know why they would assume he had something in the trunk.

They definitely bought into the "Mr White is desperate, and really wants to cook for us" hook, and let their guard down a bit.
Killed Jack & Avenged Hank. Reconciled with Skyler. Hatched the best possible plan for leaving his son/family money. Showed up Gretchen and Elliot. Killed Lydia. Freed Jesse. He died happy.

#TeamWalt won.

Died penniless and alone in a Nazi Meth lab.

That's not a win. That's a managed loss. It was fascinating as hell to watch, though.

re: Nazis not checking the trunk: So far as they're concerned, he's not much more than a pindick nerd who makes good drugs. I don't think they ever really considered the guy to be a serious threat at any point.


The bead appears in the middle of her chest immediately, with no adjustment whatsoever. If you were 30-50 yards away I think you'd have a hard time doing that with just a laser pointer. But hey, it's been a long time since I fussed around with a laser pointer and it's not something that particularly concerns me.

They actually don't appear right on their chests. Her's appears on her right arm and his actually doesn't appear on him at all, it pans over from the left onto him.
What else could anyone have expected this episode to be? It's everything that the previous episodes have built it up towards, everything is as it should be. Or is that what made it disappointing?

I feel satisfied with this ending. and I don't want to hear or see any complaints about "idulgent fanservice" or people who are "disappointed" because I think they covered it all pretty well.

-I dont care where Huell is (lol)
-Skyler got to hear the truth from Walt about the whole "family" thing
-Holly and Flynn and Skyler are guaranteed that 9+ million through Flynn
-Marie will be glad to be able to bury Hank
-Jesse is a free man and "got his" in the end (sans Brock being motherless)
-The police catch their guy
-Nazi's all die
-Lydia gets fucked (although I feel for her daughter)
-And Flynn... well Walt "just died" so, yeah. He got to tell of his dad, protect his mom and in his mind he's probably the hero of all this after calling the cops on him in Ozymandias.
Agreed. Very by the book predictable but that's okay, it's what Gilligan wanted

I feel satisfied with this ending. and I don't want to hear or see any complaints about "idulgent fanservice" or people who are "disappointed" because I think they covered it all pretty well.
I could never understand this aversion to closure in television shows that some people seem to harbor. Closure can be a good thing too. Case in point: Six Feet Under -- a show that went out of its way to hit all the right notes on the way out. The final season had moments that were just as moving and "artistic" as any of the other shows that aimed for ambiguity.

I'll come clean here and admit that I'm a closure junkie. When I evaluate a completed television series or recommend a show to a friend or family member, I factor in its finale as a measure of its overall quality. The destination is just as important to me as the journey, I suppose. That wild roadtrip with your pals may be fun, but a rundown, fecal stained motel will still taint the experience nonetheless.

As others have posted earlier, more shows than not end with cliffhangers for the sake of being cliffhangers. So much so that one could argue that its as much of a pandering gesture as what they are claiming Vince Gilligan has done with Breaking Bad's finale.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I'll have to watch it again, but I really remember thinking Todd was acting completely ridiculous at the end. I figured he would have tried something, not set up a good angle to die at.


Probably just about the best possible outcome for the finale. Really glad to see Jesse Need For Speed away and all the smaller characters get sent off properly.

Had to laugh @ that EW article talking about The Searchers...that movie is corny as fuck; might as well be a comedy with some of the John Wayne lines.


Beat EviLore at pool.
WTF I just realised fuckers didnt explained wtf hapenned with the other 80 million.

Jack was trying to say something then Walt just shot him. Felt good. Even better cause it was the same way Hank died in a way.

I just wish it was in the car Jesse took.


I feel like trying to guess at what happens to Pinkman is just calling in rainclouds to drench the parade :)

I can't imagine any scenario in which Jesse isn't completely screwed after the events of this episode. He has neither the money, the wits, nor the resources to deal with being a wanted man.


People were getting choked up while watching this? Really? These were all deplorable character's.

Not a top five show for me, but I do think seasons 4 and 5 we're very, very good and the show went out well.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I think Todd spent the $69 million on chocolates and flowers for Lydia.

And still didn't seal the d--*choked to death, necksnap sound*

Had to laugh @ that EW article talking about The Searchers

Except Vince talked about it being inspiration in the finale writing team on Talking Bad.

You know, this is the first series that I was exposed to "Meth Damon" but I hope he gets more work. Not necessarily as Todd or his "Friday Night Lights" counterpart but something. His cold "nothing personal," "shit happens..." needs to be in more shows.

I can't imagine any scenario in which Jesse isn't completely screwed after the events of this episode. He has neither the money, the wits, nor the resources to deal with being a wanted man.

He never cared about the money after Todd killed the kid in Season 3 when they got the train. Yes, he was stupid in some aspects but not completely stupid. After all, he cooked a product of meth that was better than Walts by himself/with Todd's help.

The last bit, well I don't think Vince thought of fingerprints at a crimescene and it's typical "Hollywood magic all up in here, bitch!"
For me, I think that I left the episode feeling like Walt didn't have his rise from the ashes moment. I wanted a last moment of Heisenberg, a resurfacing of the dark rider. Yes everything was masterfully planned but I don't think the M60 turret fills enough.

This is man with lines like "I'm the one who knocks!" and "Say my name.". I wanted another moment like that to send us off even if the weakness and shell soon shattered afterward.

Of course I'm also glad they didn't go over the top too much or just plan jump the shark (I'm looking at you Battlestar).

**Cheer-up beautiful people.

What you have to consider is that over the last few episodes Walt came to terms with the fact that Heisenberg was just a bullshit persona he created in order to survive and excel in the aggressive, violence fueled drug business. Yes, he killed people when need be, but almost always from a safe distance, passively (i.e., Jane), or by surprise ("Half Measures"). For such a badass he wouldn't dare engage in any serious combat with anyone, and even in tonight's episode with the M60 tearing through the building you could tell he was shook.

I'd argue that he was the biggest blowfish of them all.

Threatening the Schwartz's with laser pointers was probably one of my favorite Heisenberg moments because it was equally menacing and phony as hell -- just like Heisenberg himself.

And blowing Jack's head off before he could finish a sentence just seemed like a fitting end for someone who delivered the same fate to his brother-in-law despite his pleads not to.

Overall, this is easily my favorite series finale since The Shield. I can't wait to rewatch it with somebody who hasn't seen it.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I felt like it went by really fast, so in a way the finale felt short.

I want to see some of the aftermath, like what happens to Skyler and the kids and Jesse now that Walt's dead.

I really disliked how Jack was adamant about showing Jesse to Walt.

To people wondering about Lydia at the cafe...

Walt and Lydia's first meeting (Gliding Over All):

Walt and Lydia during the "Crystal Blue Persuasion" montage (Gliding Over All):

Todd and Lydia meeting (Granite State)

Todd, Lydia, and Walt meeting (Felina)

Looks like the same table to me, though Todd was at the "meeting table" and Lydia wasn't in their meeting.[/QUOTE]

Ahh, ok. I was looking for some pictures. I thought she was closer to the interior of the cafe. I was off.
Yeah I really like the fact that Walt didn't give a fuck about the rest of the money. In the end, I think we can look back and realize that in Gliding Over All he never cared about all that money, only the feeling it gave him that he had actually made it.
Died penniless and alone in a Nazi Meth lab.

That's not a win. That's a managed loss. It was fascinating as hell to watch, though.

He met his inevitable death on his own terms, with his family provided for and after taking revenge and safeguarding the future of those who threatened to harm his family.

That's a #TeamWalt win right there.


I too do not understand the aversion to closure on television shows. I suspect it's because most shows have utterly terrible endings so overly praising open-ended endings is the apologists way of actually saying "no, see, but, postmodernism!!!!111" But that's just me. I guess that's why I prefer film to TV by a very large margin.
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