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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3

My fav show is now over!!!!! Over bitch!!!!! What the fuck!!! It's all over - BITCH!!!

Now, where's the spinoff where we find the REST OF WALT'S $70 MILLION!!!


I think Jesse is probably screwed because he went off into the desert with Hank and Gomez to go confront Heisenberg. Nobody hears from any of the three of them again. Heisenberg takes credit in a roundabout way for the death of two DEA agents.

Now, in short order, Heisenberg is going to resurface, looking grizzled and dead, the bodies of the two missing DEA agents are going to turn up with no third corpse for Jesse, and Jesse is going to be out and free in the world.

At this point, if I'm the DEA, I'm probably looking for Jesse Pinkman, known accomplice to Walter White, for his contribution to helping Heisenberg murder two DEA agents.
Hank and gomie never told anyone about Jesse, the DEA never knew Jesse turned snitch.


Bish loves my games!
Keep in mind that this is also the same guy who kept the rat alive and making meth for them because his nephew has a crush on his business partner.

Nazi logic is strange.

Remember how Walt got Jack too help with the 9 hits in jail? Stung his pride. "It can be done, the only question is: are you the man to do it?"


<3 Todd. I have no idea how that sentence was going to end, but I so totally love that he's so fundamentally lacking in normal emotion that he's not even angry at Mr. White for killing, like, all of his friends and family.
Or he's just a moron and doesn't understand what is going on.
So how so you rank the final episodes?

Best to worst
-Granite State
-Blood Money
-Blood Money

I would say:

Ozymandias (best episode in the show as far as I'm concerned)
Granite Slate
(tI would rank these as 'top twenty' material for perspective)
Blood Money
Rabid Dog.

I'm still not sure how I feel about Felina; it was a very good episode, shot very well, neatly wrapping up the remainder of the storylines, and it with some excellent moments. It was very enjoyable but I think I'll need to dwell on it further before conclusively deciding what I think of it.

EDIT: Oh also I loved Todd's final line and Lydia's complete lack of care for him as she doesn't even recognise (remember is probably a more fitting word) his voice.

EDIT: Season wise:
Seaspon 5 Part 2 > Season 4 > Season 2 > Season 3 > Season 1 > Season 5 Part 1

I'm still unsure if I'd place Season 5 Part 2 ahead of Season 4 or not however.


I feel the fact that he's there and Skyler not resisting, arguing, yelling at him is a way to show how truly broken she is. Walt entering isn't what's important, it's the message he sends while there, and letting the audience see how Skyler has adjusted.

The whole, "the cops are watching your place, they know Walt is in town" ended up being nothing more than a way to have Marie on screen, and ultimately setup the reveal that Walt was already there. The impact of that shot can't happen without some kind of setup first.



S3 remains the peak by a pretty sizable margin. Then 5.1/4 tied, then a pretty large jump down for 1/5.2.

The less said about S2, the better.


Now that this show is over, you know what that means...!


1. Ozymandias
2. Salud
3. Confessions
4. One Minute
5. 4 Days Out
6. Half Measures
7. Face Off
8. Dead Freight
9. Crawl Space
10. Peekaboo


Canadians burned my passport
I love how Gilligan engineered a conclusion where both Walt-fans and anti-Walt-fans can claim victory.


That's the problem though. Walking in plain daylight, and having just two cops who aren't even doing their job right.

Perhaps they exist in a world were every other person's avatar isn't a walter white picture so he isn't as recognizable as he would be to you or me. Just spit balling here.


natural sweetener that isn't sugar nothing special

I remember before Stevia was approved by the FDA there was all this internet hype about how it's this completely great, natural sweetener that's just as good as sugar -- BUT THE FDA WON'T APPROIVE IT because they've been bought out by those evil billionaires of the sugar-industrial complex.

Then stevia gets approved and it turns out it's just another weird fucking sweetener with a strange aftertaste that is nowhere near as good as sugar.
That need for speed trailer was such a piece of shit. That music and corny ass monologue

I hope Aaron Paul has something else lined up because I'm not watching that crappy fast and furious wannabe


I think the saddest shot in that episode was Walt looking through the window of another house and seeing Walt Jr. returning home, knowing that he would never get to say goodbye to his son. The last words he had with him were words of anger and disgust. "Why aren't you dead already? Just die."

The only child Walt had a real relationship with will forever recognize him as a monster, a different person from the caring, loving Father he wanted to be remembered by. Walt Jr. won't even use his birth name. Walt never gets his wish to be remembered in a good light by his son.

He gets to remember his father as a murderous, drug lord who killed his uncle and his partner in cold blood. There is no redemption for Walter in that sense.

Let's face it, Jesse is his real son.

I thought the ending was a little safe, but at the same time, this was like a 55 hour movie. You can't follow three act structures every 47 (or however) minute period, it just doesn't work.

I think if you include the last ep then you get the classic, "all is lost" moment.

My only beef is Walt's victory is so complete, and he basically gets everything he wanted. Gillian talks about trying to flip the audience back to Walt's perspective after turning him so evil, but I kind of like evil Walt. I almost wanted him to succeed totally, to get away with everything, but for Jesse, Jr., and Skylar to die. That would have had him wearing the proverbial crown of thorns in his own personal hell.

But I guess this works too. It was a very safe ending, all the plots were wrapped up nicely.
I can't be the only person that thought for a second that Jesse was going to hit walt with the car, right? When he's backing up Walt is right in the mirror and then is goes past him again.


I hope someone got Huell some pizza.

The "why don't you just die already" line would have been a lot more powerful had Jr. not already said it before in the series. I know, I know... dramatic irony! full circle! But still.

I'm not sure there was any way he could pull off that line and make it remotely "powerful."


Well, it was a good ending overall. They gave closure to all of the significant story lines and it was nice seeing justice served - especially to Lydia. I have to wonder, though, if there were any alternate endings. I was expecting to be shocked, but that just would have angered people who wanted the nice ending.


A better finale would have been if Jesse killed Walt.

This one was playing it safe in almost every way, and in doing so made the finale merely ok rather than great.


She didn't know they went out to the desert together.

Hank and Gomez were so closely monitoring Jesse at that point that Jesse was living in Marie's house. He was basically constantly with them or within their range of surveillance, working with them on the Heisenberg case. There is no way he goes missing at the same time they do and she doesn't make the conclusion that the guy who was constantly with them in the days leading up to their disappearance was with them when they disappeared.

And if, somehow, she doesn't make that link, her home is ransacked shortly aft her husband's disappearance/death, and evidence only Marie, Hank, Gomez, and Jesse could possibly know exists (as Marie saw them setting up to record Jesse's confession) disappears. There's just no way Jesse doesn't look shady as fuck, from the outside.
A better finale would have been if Jesse killed Walt.

This one was playing it safe in almost every way, and in doing so made the finale merely ok rather than great.

walt dying in his car after saying "just get me home.. ill take care of the rest" would have been better


Loved it. Pinkman spin-off if Saul fails?

I think the only thing I was disappointed about with Breaking Bad is we never got a complete and full picture regarding Gus and his back story. A prequel involving his rise to prominence just seems more interesting and easier to pull off to me. Plus I just see Gus as a character who can carry a series more so than Saul.


I'm wondering if Todd was thinking to himself while Jesse was chocking him to death;

"Jesse, we're buddies! Why are you doing this?"
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