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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


Vince Gilligan's headcanon is that Jesse gets away, so that's my headcanon too, fuck all y'all haters

I honestly didn't care about anything else happening or not happening in this episode: I just wanted Jesse to be okay.

If Jesse's story had ended on a low-note it might have ruined much of the show in my eyes.


Had to laugh @ that EW article talking about The Searchers...that movie is corny as fuck; might as well be a comedy with some of the John Wayne lines.

The Searchers is a pretty well respected film in terms of themes, direction, and cinematography.

Dozens of films have copied or paid homage to the famous "Door" shot in The Searchers. I believe a recent episode of Breaking Bad did it, actually.



Beat EviLore at pool.
Yeah I really like the fact that Walt didn't give a fuck about the rest of the money. In the end, I think we can look back and realize that in Gliding Over All he never cared about all that money, only the feeling it gave him that he had actually made it.

That is why I really loved the Skyler scene. Him finally just saying I did this all for me not his family. Really wish we got one last scene with Jesse and Walt just saying something at least.


Hate to say it, but Walt casually seeing Skyler was pretty bad...in fact, it was pretty much Dexter level.

It's the last time he'll ever talk to his wife again, someone who he knows he's hurt but still deeply cares about. He also wants to see Holly before he goes.


I really disliked how Jack was adamant about showing Jesse to Walt.


Walt accused him of teaming up with a snitch. Jack is exactly the type of thug for whom snitches are the worst thing ever, so this was a huge insult to Jack's Nazi Pride. It worked for me.


Died penniless and alone in a Nazi Meth lab.

That's not a win. That's a managed loss. It was fascinating as hell to watch, though.

re: Nazis not checking the trunk: So far as they're concerned, he's not much more than a pindick nerd who makes good drugs. I don't think they ever really considered the guy to be a serious threat at any point.

He had cancer, he was on borrowed time anyway. He eliminated the threat to his family and provided for them. Oh, and he had fun.


Can someone describe the continuity error the watch was fixing? Just curious.

In season 5A episode 1 with the teaser walt doesn't have a watch on, later in the season they added the watch story with jesse but had to fix a continuity error of walt not having it BEFORE entering ABQ, which is where they put the small scene in.
How come the motherfuckers didn't check Walt's trunk?

Same reason the Aryans didn't kill Walt in the desert: Breaking Bad writing.

Still, I thought it was a great ending, and the best finale I've seen since The Shield's. It handled everything well, and didn't go in the direction I had anticipated (Jesse killing Walt), which I felt would be predictable.


Walt accused him of teaming up with a snitch. Jack is exactly the type of thug for whom snitches are the worst thing ever, so this was a huge insult to Jack's Nazi Pride. It worked for me.

Keep in mind that this is also the same guy who kept the rat alive and making meth for them because his nephew has a crush on his business partner.

Nazi logic is strange.


Died penniless and alone in a Nazi Meth lab.

That's not a win. That's a managed loss. It was fascinating as hell to watch, though.

re: Nazis not checking the trunk: So far as they're concerned, he's not much more than a pindick nerd who makes good drugs. I don't think they ever really considered the guy to be a serious threat at any point.

He provided for his family. That was his claimed goal from the start, right? Death was inevitable either way, so that doesn't really factor into my perception of whether it was a win or not.

Meh. It could be spun as a win.


If any UK viewers know when this hits Netflix, will you PM me with the details? I'm trying to stay out of this thread and was wondering if it's worth staying up and waiting.
That is why I really loved the Skyler scene. Him finally just saying I did this all for me not his family. Really wish we got one last scene with Jesse and Walt just saying something at least.

Nah that nod said it all

Can someone describe the continuity error the watch was fixing? Just curious.

Apparently in the flash forward of the first season five episode he didn't have it at the diner.


I think the saddest shot in that episode was Walt looking through the window of another house and seeing Walt Jr. returning home, knowing that he would never get to say goodbye to his son. The last words he had with him were words of anger and disgust. "Why aren't you dead already? Just die."

The only child Walt had a real relationship with will forever recognize him as a monster, a different person from the caring, loving Father he wanted to be remembered by. Walt Jr. won't even use his birth name. Walt never gets his wish to be remembered in a good light by his son.

He gets to remember his father as a murderous, drug lord who killed his uncle and his partner in cold blood. There is no redemption for Walter in that sense.


Awesome season. Epic Walt/Godfather mass kill scene moment, Walt/Hank showdown, Jesse flipping the f#$% out. Ending was okay. It certainly wrapped things up, but I'm not sure if it was on the same level as the rest of the season. I suppose if I have to make an excuse for it, it would be that it was mirroring Walt's own decay in health and power in that it wasn't quite as powerful as the previous episodes but still got the job done. Also, glad that completely casual, soulless piece of shit Todd is dead.


So how do you rank the final episodes?

Best to worst
-Granite State
-Blood Money
-Rabid Dog


In Dexter, characters can pretty much get away with anything and supposedly Walt getting into the house is Dexter level

I feel the fact that he's there and Skyler not resisting, arguing, yelling at him is a way to show how truly broken she is. Walt entering isn't what's important, it's the message he sends while there, and letting the audience see how Skyler has adjusted.


that bitch is dead

The wound wasn't bad enough to kill him in the 5+ minutes he was walking around after he got shot, so why would he suddenly die in the 90 or so seconds before the police got there? It's not like he got shot in the chest or anything, it was his side. Didn't look like worse than a flesh wound to me, maybe a shot to the kidney.
I'm sattisfied with the ending, TV dramas tend to have horrible finales though, so my expectations were low from the beginning.
I'd just say, I wish it wasn't so damn heavy handed. That ending song was just dumb. And those final moments between Jesse and Walt felt hella scripted. What the hell was that.... it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth that the final scene is the biggest slice of ham in the entire show, a show which initially drew me in with it's lack of ham.

Guess Who

I'm going to get all deep and shit and say that Walt leaving behind his watch is symbolic of how he's been watching the clock tick towards his inevitable death, but now he's leaving that behind, no longer fearing death or watching the clock as he's going to die on his own terms

colleges, if you're looking for an english professor, hit up my resume


The "why don't you just die already" line would have been a lot more powerful had Jr. not already said it before in the series. I know, I know... dramatic irony! full circle! But still.
Excellent finale because Walt fans can see it as Walt being a total fucking bad ass, because lets be real that trunk get up was fucking real

and people that understand Walt is a horrible animal get the catharsis of him finally admitting it and in an awkward way trying to set things right
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