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BREAKING: Mattis freezes transgender policy; allows troops to continue serving


Yes, the president ordered the pentagon to 'study the issue' which gives him sufficient latitude to take his time in ordering, overseeing and analyzing the results of the study, so he isn't forced to go through the ranks and disrupt ongoing deployments in a pointless, expensive hunt at the snap of a finger.

He's not disobeying the order, he's just putting it on a slower timetable than Agent Orange is likely to have envisioned because the president is an impatient baby who wants everything now, now now.

Source? By all accounts, Mattis ordered the study and the freeze on letting trans recruits in in the first place after plans were already in motion to let trans recruits in from the Obama administration
A plan to allow transgender recruits to join the United States military beginning on Saturday has been delayed for six months by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, a Pentagon spokeswoman said on Friday.
The 11th-hour decision byMr. Mattis will allow service leaders to ”review their accession plans and provide input" as they consider what impact adding transgender recruits would have on ”the readiness and lethality of our forces," the spokeswoman, Dana W. White, said in a statement.
The delay was announced one year after the Pentagon lifted its ban on transgender people serving openly in the armed forces.
Military leaders formally requested last week that Mr. Mattis approve a delay, The Associated Press reported on Friday. The news agency quoted a memo it obtained in which the defense secretary noted that his decision to defer ”does not presuppose the outcome of the review."


How bizarre, studying the readiness and lethality of troops. I don't get it. Just some troops, trained like the rest.


Don't get me wrong this is great news but I don't think this is quite the slap across the face to Trump some are making it out to be. It is not some kind of power play. This isn't Mattis really defying Trump at all.
So this will only delay things?

Not sure why Trump made this an issue anyway but this makes him look bad.

Don't get me wrong this is great news but I don't think this is quite the slap across the face to Trump some are making it out to be. It is not some kind of power play. This isn't Mattis really defying Trump at all.

Perception is everything, and Trump's ego is fragile.



99% of the posts in this thread are in response to the misleading story and not the actual situation where this step is in accordance with Drumpf's stated plan. We need a thread title update if not locking this entirely.

These posters are right on the money. OP is intensely misleading.
How bizarre, studying the readiness and lethality of troops. I don't get it. Just some troops, trained like the rest.

That's fairly naive. While I'm set against this transgender ban and related nonsense (seriously, they've been serving this whole time. DADT 2.0), the military conducts studies all the time on training methods, unit/mos viability, and integration.

While many here on priciple will want to deny it, the women's combat unit integration in the US was a farce in how it was conducted. The "passing students" from SOI were pushed through failing points due to the political pressure.

Which has me worry about these studies directly from the Pentagon. If there was that much motivation to influence the results of a positive motion that was controversial, than what does that mean for something that those that call the shots want to see fail?


Trump to attack him on twitter in 3...2...1!

I'd love to see him try to fire Mattis. lol

After he talked about him so lovingly during his campaign.


So...I guess Mattis is the real president now?

Or is he just the first person in history to have to be a nanny to a president?
This lets them delay making that decision until whatever study they commission is done, which would take months. In theory, a Pentagon that actually wanted to do this could have implemented it within a much shorter time frame. Basically, this shows that Mattis and/or the Pentagon is willing to drag their feet on it, which is good news for those already in the military.

Correction this can take years. It took 10-20 years for them to change physical readiness test rules. This could take a long time as well if it not a top priority.

What the military will look at for certain is how to make invididuals that are transitioning deployable because that is all that matters.
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