Ban Puncher

It's a pretty decent debate you could have over whether Rotten Tomatoes or Brett Ratner has done more harm to the culture of film.
Of course Marvel would love RT considering they have been kind to you, i bet you get your dad, Disney pay for your grades don't you Marvel.With all due respect...nothing to debate about. Ratner easily.
Rotten Tomatoes, while flawed, is still the best metric we have for films.
And for the most part a fair albeit not perfect representative of a films quality.
Remember when it was implied that BvS may be "too smart" for some audiences due to its deeper and more serious themes?
Then Lex Luthor left pee on a desk then made a monster out of his DNA and an alien corpse, Batman hit Superman with a toilet and they stopped fighting because they both had a mother named Martha.
Middle America is too stupid to tango with the philosophical beast of a film that this was
I would say he's mad because he can't fool people into seeing his bad films, but a lot of people saw BvS...
It's a pretty decent debate you could have over whether Rotten Tomatoes or Brett Ratner has done more harm to the culture of film.
Nothing wrong with review algorithm websites (though Metacritic should be people's preference),
He's right in a way. The lengths to which people use Rottentomatoes as gospel is not healthy. Some of the best movies of the year end up in that 70% range.
I do agree that both RT (and metacritic) are pretty bad. People should make their own decisions to watch movies or play games based off the trailers, previews etc. Only use those for things you're on the fence about, even then, it'd be better to just have a few reviewers who mirror your tastes and see what they've said about it rather than just make quality judgements based on a number.
But people in general, are too lazy.
I feel like this is also a lot of gamer culture bleeding into a field that they may not have the proper context for. Good and great films getting a more mixed reaction than you would expect is rather commonplace and has been for decades, and coming from a medium where anything that receives less than a 8/10 has achieved leprosy status, that can come as quite a shock. I'm not calling out that poster specifically, but I do see that happen a lot.This is review culture in general.
Speaking as someone in middle america, I did literally look at the score and go "I'm not seeing that." I have pretty lax standards though. Generally ill only have second thoughts on something if it scores below a 50% on rt, and even then there are exceptions. I mean, I saw the Shack (21%) and enjoyed it. Conversely, Boyhood and Moonlight were fawned on and I found both exceptionally mediocre. In the end RT is just a tool, not the end all be all.And he manages to get in a dig about Middle America.
RT is a decent system that can point you in the right direction of some good critics and some thoughtful reviews. The problem with the current RT is that they aggregate so many reviews that it actively turns people off from investigating a movie beyond its RT meter. The end result is that movies like BvS and SpeedRacer pretty much get a shitty reputations in casual circles despite being well-made films. Anyone with an open mind can see that those movies have a niche appeal that can hit its mark for a certain kind of viewer. In theory, RT should reflect that (I would argue it does!) but that's not what's going on at large.
Let's face it, most people are lazy and would prefer a quick ostentatious blurb instead of a drawn out, nuanced discussion on a particular perspective. They're perfectly satisfied with someone like Jeremy Jahns shouting into the screen with a goofy smile giving a film 4 Snickers Bars out of 5.
The shitting on Brett Ratner is also played out guys. We got tired of those after XMen 3.
I don't even know what "review culture" means, really.
RT is a decent system that can point you in the right direction of some good critics and some thoughtful reviews. The problem with the current RT is that they aggregate so many reviews that it actively turns people off from investigating a movie beyond its RT meter. The end result is that movies like BvS and SpeedRacer pretty much get a shitty reputations in casual circles despite being well-made films. Anyone with an open mind can see that those movies have a niche appeal that can hit its mark for a certain kind of viewer. In theory, RT should reflect that (I would argue it does!) but that's not what's going on at large.
Well is it RTs fault then? If they'd educate themselves they would quickly understand that 8/10 critics gave the film a decent/passing grade which I believe is 6/10 on RT. Math is just too complicated for people. And they do include the average rating.RT scores could be helpful but they are not tell all be all.
Saw Kong last week and it was a bad movie. 80% on RT tho and when people see that they think 8/10
Well is it RTs fault then? If they'd educate themselves they would quickly understand that 8/10 critics gave the film a decent/passing grade which I believe is 6/10 on RT. Math is just too complicated for people. And they do include the average rating.
I feel like this is also a lot of gamer culture bleeding into a field that they may not have the proper context for. Good and great films getting a more mixed reaction than you would expect is rather commonplace and has been for decades, and coming from a medium where anything that receives less than a 8/10 has achieved leprosy status, that can come as quite a shock. I'm not calling out that poster specifically, but I do see that happen a lot.
With all due respect...nothing to debate about. Ratner easily.
Rotten Tomatoes, while flawed, is still the best metric we have for films.
And for the most part a fair albeit not perfect representative of a films quality.
I don't think Ratner has a clue. Mainstream audiences care little for rotten tomatoes, as evidenced by the success of so much crap out there, including Batman Bin Suparman.
I don't think Ratner has a clue. Mainstream audiences care little for rotten tomatoes, as evidenced by the success of so much crap out there, including Batman Bin Suparman.
The question is the skew of Rotten Tomatoes vs Metacritic, with RT making a movie that gets all 6's 100% fresh vs Metacritic's 60%, but then metacritic can have a few outliers throw off the score (three 1s and seven 8s is a 5.9, but would be 70% fresh).
You know. Everyone on GAF should know.I don't even know what "review culture" means, really.
Ive always viewed Ratner as the 100% talentless version of Zack Snyder. At least Snyder has an identity, Ratner has nothing.