If we did leave, would there be anything stopping us joining again in the future?
Can a Member States decision to withdraw be reversed?
10.We asked our witnesses whether it was possible to reverse a decision to withdraw. Both agreed that a Member State could legally reverse a decision to withdraw from the EU at any point before the date on which the withdrawal agreement took effect. Once the withdrawal agreement had taken effect, however, withdrawal was final. Sir David told us: It is absolutely clear that you cannot be forced to go through with it if you do not want to: for example, if there is a change of Government.10 Professor Wyatt supported this view with the following legal analysis:
There is nothing in the wording to say that you cannot. It is in accord with the general aims of the Treaties that people stay in rather than rush out of the exit door. There is also the specific provision in Article 50 to the effect that, if a State withdraws, it has to apply to rejoin de novo. That only applies once you have left. If you could not change your mind after a year of thinking about it, but before you had withdrawn, you would then have to wait another year, withdraw and then apply to join again. That just does not make sense. Analysis of the text suggests that you are entitled to change your mind.11
11.Professor Wyatt clarified that a Member State remains a member of the European Union until the withdrawal agreement takes effect, so would continue its membership on the same legal terms as before the decision to withdraw.12
I'm not sure if this advice is valid or not after what people on here were saying to me a couple of days ago. Basically the government and nation can humiliate themselves and keep the status quo, otherwise possibly rejoin later with Euro etc, not happening.