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Brink |OT| _/^\_


Raide said:
Finished Campaign. Not too difficult but on random occasions the bots gave me a good kicking. A few spots seemed really hard to attack/defend. Despite the A.I being dumb, they know how to gang up on you. :D

Mainly as Medic but swapped to Engineer a bit for those pesky defender missions.
I gave up on the campaign after I had a bot ninja loot an objective a split second before I got it and then stand still for around 4 minutes as the timer drained.


100% of the games I've tried this morning have had terrible lag on the 360. Every one with a human, even if it was 2v2 on competitive.

I feel like I need to shelve this game until it is fixed, which may take awhile.


Gattsu25 said:
I gave up on the campaign after I had a bot ninja loot an objective a split second before I got it and then stand still for around 4 minutes as the timer drained.

Yeah a few times I was raging after the A.I picks up an objective and then runs right into the whole enemy team. :D

The amount of times I was left to do things and only near the end did the A.I swap classes to help me out.


Gattsu25 said:
I gave up on the campaign after I had a bot ninja loot an objective a split second before I got it and then stand still for around 4 minutes as the timer drained.

Had that happen too often, I raged quit the game a few times. It seems to be pretty random because I had other games with really splendid AI ...
I must have gotten lucky last night as I played from around 8pm till 3am with no lag. I played through both campaigns online but did not get the achievement for it. I am also level 12 now and did not get the level 5 achievement. I hate borked achievements.

I also got lucky with my teams as they all knew what they were doing and each match was tension filled fun. Everyone was sliding around, marking enemies, and giving up their supplies. It was great fun and I hope I can find more matches like that in the future.

I hope they fix the lag issue soon though as those of who who can't play because of it are missing out on a great game.
Mr_Brit said:
Less than a week and it's already dropped £15, I bet launch buyers aren't feeling too good about those launch day purchases.
It was even cheaper before release (PC ver). So yeah, still feeling pretty good about it! What price did you buy it for?
I switched to my new medium character and was surprised at how few bullets it takes to take someone down with the assault rifles. I always have to empty a full clip with the SMGs. It might have to do with the ease of getting headshots, but it was a significant difference after playing so much with my light dude. I think ammo is an issue, but that's why you need good soldiers.


I just read the Eurogamer's tidbits on the latest 360 patch... so basically they're fixing lag on console versions by reducing the max amount of human players (8) for servers in standard games? man... this game is gonna hit 15-17 pounds in 2 weeks max. PC version completely obliterates the console counterparts, it's like they made the PC version and then rushed the porting to 360/PS3 or something, it is THAT bad.

Apart from that I've already finished the campaign (sec. & res.) and challenges, latest PC patch seems to have fixed some minor graphical issues and performance is also improved, bots are a bit more aggressive now also... ok so I'm ready to go online, what's the IP and password of the EU server again? (PC version)
Lince said:
I just read the Eurogamer's tidbits on the latest 360 patch... so basically they're fixing lag on console versions by reducing the max amount of human players (8) for servers in standard games? man... this game is gonna hit 15-17 pounds in 2 weeks max. PC version completely obliterates the console counterparts, it's like they made the PC version and then rushed the porting to 360/PS3 or something, it is THAT bad.

Apart from that I've already finished the campaign (sec. & res.) and challenges, latest PC patch seems to have fixed some minor graphical issues and performance is also improved, bots are a bit more aggressive now also... ok so I'm ready to go online, what's the IP and password of the EU server again? (PC version)

I haven't tried it yet but I don't think there's a password atm.
Yeah, this game is fucked and DOA for consoles unless a REAL lag fix gets implemented very soon. Cutting human players in half didn't even really fix the lag, just made it a bit better.

EDIT: just played a few matches with no lag; so perhaps this did fix the problem (although it's still a workaround.)


Captain Fish said:
I switched to my new medium character and was surprised at how few bullets it takes to take someone down with the assault rifles. I always have to empty a full clip with the SMGs. It might have to do with the ease of getting headshots, but it was a significant difference after playing so much with my light dude. I think ammo is an issue, but that's why you need good soldiers.

The A.I is pretty good at throwing Ammo at you when you get really low but it is great to have a Soldier class that is built around supplying plenty of ammo. :D

Once my Ninja Medic is built, I am building a Soldier and an Engineer.


Genesis Knight said:
Yeah, this game is fucked and DOA for consoles unless a REAL lag fix gets implemented very soon. Cutting human players in half didn't even really fix the lag, just made it a bit better.

yeah I think this is the 1st game in videogaming history that cuts the max number of online players in half one day after launch (Europe at least). I know you can still play 8v8 in custom/private games but 95% of the gamers will play standard. So basically the team it's you with a couple of friends and a random guy + 4 unpredictable bots... unbelievable. Also no pre-lobby, clan or party system in place in a 2011 mp game... 14,99 pounds @ Amazon UK in 15 days.

edit: typo, least for last :p


Lince said:
yeah I think this is the 1st game in videogaming history that cuts the max number of online players in half one day after launch (Europe at last). I know you can still play 8v8 in custom/private games but 95% of the gamers will play standard. So basically the team it's you with a couple of friends and a random guy + 4 unpredictable bots... unbelievable. Also no pre-lobby, clan or party system in place in a 2011 mp game... 14,99 pounds @ Amazon UK in 15 days.
The worst part is, if the game at least had some offline multi, I'd eventually buy it and get some friends to play it as an alternative to Halo. If the Xbox community dies off, I'm just going to wait until I get a new PC before I start playing again.


Genesis Knight said:
Yeah, this game is fucked and DOA for consoles unless a REAL lag fix gets implemented very soon. Cutting human players in half didn't even really fix the lag, just made it a bit better.
A lawsuit should be brought against them. If they are really cutting down on the players I want a refund. Even when the server has only 8 players there is still a good chance the game will lag.

This fucking company better be willing to give refunds if they aren't going to fix the lag problem. I didn't pay to play an 8 player game with 8 maps and no single player campaign. FIX THE LAG ON 360 OR BE PREPARED TO REFUND PEOPLE THEIR MONEY!


Neo Member
If Activision didn't give refunds for the PC version of BLOPS's hilariously awful optimization and lag, I doubt SD will do anything for ya.
I need to stop pre-ordering games, damnit.
It's not so much the pre-ordering. It's buying titles on day one. The only reason I took the bait was because of the D2D 25% off at $37. I would love to get my money back.

So , less than a week old and people are already crying "Lawsuit!" ?
I don't like buying broken products. How about you?


Raide said:
So , less than a week old and people are already crying "Lawsuit!" ?
Online is broken and to try to fix it they are going to cut one of their selling points. I would love a refund if they can't make 16 player matches play smoothly most of the time. Not like it isn't possible since there are games that do accomplish what SD couldn't with this game.
DeanoCalver said:
If you want to get a 360 controller working with Brink PC I've posted a guide on the steam forums. Feels a bit long to repost here...

Thank you so much Deano. I really appreciate this from you and I will try it out ASAP. Will let you know how it works. Thanks again.

Lince said:
I just read the Eurogamer's tidbits on the latest 360 patch... so basically they're fixing lag on console versions by reducing the max amount of human players (8) for servers in standard games? man... this game is gonna hit 15-17 pounds in 2 weeks max. PC version completely obliterates the console counterparts, it's like they made the PC version and then rushed the porting to 360/PS3 or something, it is THAT bad.
Standard match is 8 players but there is now a Big Team playlist which is still 8 vs 8. I played 3 hours of lagless matches last night in that playlist, full 16 player matches. The first day lag with Brink was horrible, but it had been getting better for me every day since. I still think it's atrocious that there is no lobby system, but at least the lag is starting to get better.

Still think we should have gotten a server browser and dedicated server support. If a $15 game in Section 8 can let you download a dedicated server client on PC and host your own 360 server, there is NO excuse why other, $60 titles can't. Absolutely inexcusable to have no dedicated server support in 2011.


BloodySinner said:
I don't like buying broken products. How about you?

Yes, its a annoying but I also don't expect to buy perfect software either. I don't like buying broken products but I have a bit more patience when the developers are actually updating people with what they are doing to fix it. Yes the lag is annoying but I expect them to sort that.

So many online games come out and they have issues. Lord knows I would love them to be doing more Beta's to test the issues first but Developers cannot make perfect games. Especially where PC's are involved.
Ramirez said:
Why are you still in here?
I know why I put that guy on ignore.

NIN90 said:
Just had a great game on the EU GAF server.
Cheers to all gaffer that played.
Kicked me out after playing just a short bit of one map...damn. Hope I'll be getting some more games in this weekend.


Darkshier said:
Standard match is 8 players but there is now a Big Team playlist which is still 8 vs 8. I played 3 hours of lagless matches last night in that playlist, full 16 player matches. The first day lag with Brink was horrible, but it had been getting better for me every day since. I still think it's atrocious that there is no lobby system, but at least the lag is starting to get better.

The fact that they had to make the standard, de facto playlist of 8v8 human players a separate list with some restrictions and warnings (not guaranteeing a lag-free experience) is rather telling and the culprit of this generation "launching of broken games and then trying to fix them through endless patches" bullshit.

charsace said:
Online is broken and to try to fix it they are going to cut one of their selling points. I would love a refund if they can't make 16 player matches play smoothly most of the time. Not like it isn't possible since there are games that do accomplish what SD couldn't with this game.

MAG 256 players, never forget. Heck even KZ2 32p was better than what I'm seeing on my friend's 360 (he's returning the game and asking for a refund this afternoon).
So many online games come out and they have issues. Lord knows I would love them to be doing more Beta's to test the issues first but Developers cannot make perfect games. Especially where PC's are involved.
No public demo, no beta testing for PC users.... nothing. No excuses. Their fault.


Lince said:
The fact that they had to make the standard, de facto playlist of 8v8 human players a separate list with some restrictions and warnings (not guaranteeing a lag-free experience) is rather telling and the culprit of this generation "launching of broken games and then trying to fix them through endless patches" bullshit.
Before "this generation" you would have just been stuck with a broken game forever.

But, yeah, this is totally worse.
Lince said:
The fact that they had to make the standard, de facto playlist of 8v8 human players a separate list with some restrictions and warnings (not guaranteeing a lag-free experience) is rather telling and the culprit of this generation "launching of broken games and then trying to fix them through endless patches" bullshit.

MAG 256 players, never forget. Heck even KZ2 32p was better than what I'm seeing on my friend's 360 (he's returning the game and asking for a refund this afternoon).
I completely agree and think Brink's launch state is unacceptable. Splash Damage said there was a day 1 patch to fix issues like we are having, I would hate to see how the game performed before that patch, yeesh. Really though, a beta or even a demo could have caught issues like these, long before the game came out. I don't see why the added expense of a beta wouldn't be worth it, when your game ships in a state like Brink did.

Like I said though, it is also pathetic that a $15 game has better netcode and dedicated server support, than most $60 games. I can't even buy another 360 and copy of Brink and use that as a dedicated, like original xbox live games let me do.

I want to play Brink, I like it. The lagless matches I have gotten into are amazing. They are the exception to the rule though as the vast majority of 360 players are experiencing gamebreaking lag. It's such a shame too as Brink has a ton of potential. Can't expect gamers to sit on their laurels waiting for a patch, when there are other games they could be playing.


Twig said:
Before "this generation" you would have just been stuck with a broken game forever.

But, yeah, this is totally worse.

before this gen I would have returned the game and got back my money 100% no questions, if the goods are broken and don't work as initially advertised I'm entitled to a full refund, be it last gen, this gen or next gen.

Darkshier said:
I want to play Brink, I like it. The lagless matches I have gotten into are amazing. They are the exception to the rule though as the vast majority of 360 players are experiencing gamebreaking lag. It's such a shame too as Brink has a ton of potential. Can't expect gamers to sit on their laurels waiting for a patch, when there are other games they could be playing.

that potential is already found playing the PC version, honestly Brink should have stayed PC only since it's clear they are really struggling porting it to consoles (at least from what we've experienced playing the 360 code). Not that it's a demanding game at all, there are plenty of online shooters (both 360 and PS3) that look and perform way better with higher player counts.


UnholySpectacle said:
I must have gotten lucky last night as I played from around 8pm till 3am with no lag. I played through both campaigns online but did not get the achievement for it. I am also level 12 now and did not get the level 5 achievement. I hate borked achievements.

I also got lucky with my teams as they all knew what they were doing and each match was tension filled fun. Everyone was sliding around, marking enemies, and giving up their supplies. It was great fun and I hope I can find more matches like that in the future.

I hope they fix the lag issue soon though as those of who who can't play because of it are missing out on a great game.
It's RANK 5 not lvl 5
I dont like how the stat bars on the guns arnt accurate. For instance the bar on the single fire rifle is lower than some of the other rifles even though it does the most damage by far according to the wiki


Lince said:
before this gen I would have returned the game and got back my money 100% no questions, if the goods are broken and don't work as initially advertised I'm entitled to a full refund, be it last gen, this gen or next gen.
So why don't you?


Lince said:
The fact that they had to make the standard, de facto playlist of 8v8 human players a separate list with some restrictions and warnings (not guaranteeing a lag-free experience) is rather telling and the culprit of this generation "launching of broken games and then trying to fix them through endless patches" bullshit.

MAG 256 players, never forget. Heck even KZ2 32p was better than what I'm seeing on my friend's 360 (he's returning the game and asking for a refund this afternoon).
Ok im sorry but REALLY!? Have you ever heard of something called Dedicated Servers? because you should know brink only uses P2P unlike MAG or KZ2.

EDIT: Also PC version of Brink uses Dedicated servers but 360/PS3 versions do not.


Twig said:
So why don't you?

why would I? I think you're a little confused, maybe I didn't make myself clear sorry English is my 3rd language. The thing is I got the PC version, this version of the game performs great (so far)... but a couple of friends bought the 360 version (before knowing about the game-breaking lag issues) though one of them has successfully returned the game and got a full refund minutes ago.


Twig said:
So why don't you?

why would I? I think you're a little confused, maybe I didn't make myself clear sorry English is my 3rd language. The thing is I got the PC version, this version of the game performs great (so far)... but a couple of friends bought the 360 version (before knowing about the game-breaking lag issues) though one of them has successfully returned the game and got a full refund minutes ago.

wwm0nkey said:
Ok im sorry but REALLY!? Have you ever heard of something called Dedicated Servers? because you should know brink only uses P2P unlike MAG or KZ2.

sorry I meant every 2011 high profile game should have dedicated servers, and FYI Killzone 2 is a peer-to-peer game, there's a server managing host transfers and stats/unlocks/medals but the gameplay is all p2p.



Lince said:
sorry I meant every 2011 high profile game should have dedicated servers, and FYI Killzone 2 is a peer-to-peer game, there's a server managing host transfers and stats/unlocks/medals but the gameplay is all p2p.

Ok yep agreed 100% on that one actually.


sam27368 said:
I've been out of the loop but is Brink coming back to the UK steam store? Been wanting to buy it on steam since yday.
It is not back. I don't think there has been any word on why it was removed or a date when it will be put back on.


Neo Member
CriginsMcJuggs said:
I dont like how the stat bars on the guns arnt accurate. For instance the bar on the single fire rifle is lower than some of the other rifles even though it does the most damage by far according to the wiki

The bar is Damage Per Second.


nismogrendel said:
Anyone else notice you can use the Steam server browser for this? I just noticed that this morning... pretty handy!

Thanks for posting this. In game browser is a bit frustrating the Steam browser is MUCH BETTER.
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