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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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Morning all, have any of you ever been part of an employment tribunal hearing? I'm being called as a witness due to my part in the dismissal of an employee (specifically I was the investigating member of staff) and wouldn't mind knowing what to expect! Ta x

For your company's lawyer to advise you settle / the employee to win.

At least that's my experience via my friends company.


Fucking METRO man, assholes!

Page 3, massive headline,
3 characters killed off in Game Of Thrones.
Then a massive pic of
one of them getting killed.

Who the fuck does that? Honestly, I'm really angry! Is it such a slow news day that you need to resort to spoiling TV shows for people?

I literally threw the paper across the room in a fit of petulant rage.

Edit: I guess I was too late!


Oh hey, the whole "I'm out of breath and all I've done is sat up straight" thing is still with me. Time for another doctor's appointment. Earliest "emergency" appointment they have? 11am. What a farce.

Hate hate hate being off work ill for this length of time. We're at an especially busy part of the show's production, too. All I'm able to do is check my emails every hour or so and forward on anything that has come my way to someone who isn't ill. Feel so goddamn useless.

edit - Not that I agree with the practice at all, but television episodes have always been considered fair game once broadcast by British press. The more broadsheet-y rags may give the courtesy of confining it to blogs.

Morning all, have any of you ever been part of an employment tribunal hearing? I'm being called as a witness due to my part in the dismissal of an employee (specifically I was the investigating member of staff) and wouldn't mind knowing what to expect! Ta x
Where's Phisheep been, anyway?


Gah, it's seriously pissed me off! It's not even so much the spoiler, just the complete lack of tact on their part.

One of TV's biggest shows, let's just spoil it for the nation. The fucking pic was so explicit, there is no way I could've just ignored it.


I wouldn't care, I very rarely read the METRO, I just grabbed it randomly from a table in McD's this morning.

I'm never reading it again, and I'm going to start a countrywide hate campaign.

no angel

For your company's lawyer to advise you settle / the employee to win.

At least that's my experience via my friends company.
My company's fairly aggressive re settlements and will only do so if they are in the wrong, the only way I can see this lad winning is if the dismissal falls down via an ACAS process issue as he was pretty bang to rights for misconduct. I know the investigation was conducted properly (as I did it and I'm awesome) but I can't speak for the disciplinary. Oh well, I'll just have to wait and see, it will be an experience at the very least!


The weekend needs to hurry the fuck up and begin already. Longest week. >__<
Give it two hours, Wed lunchtime, then it's the peak of the week. It only gets closer to the weekend from that point on.
Yeah, this wait for Animal Crossing is killer.
I hear good things about this game. It looks like a cross between SimCity, Viva Pinata and Pokeymanz. I'm not sure if it'd be my type of thing. I used to love C&C, and I play the shit out of Halo Wars and Xcom, but I get the feeling this isn't the same kind of strategy game.


Give it two hours, Wed lunchtime, then it's the peak of the week. It only gets closer to the weekend from that point on.

I hear good things about this game. It looks like a cross between SimCity, Viva Pinata and Pokeymanz. I'm not sure if it'd be my type of thing. I used to love C&C, and I play the shit out of Halo Wars and Xcom, but I get the feeling this isn't the same kind of strategy game.

Animal Crossing has no similarities to C&C, it's not even a strategy game. It's just a relaxing collectathon.
Today is my Friday, awwww yeeeah

Although tomorrow won't be fun, 10 hours in the car :/


Where are ya headed? :O

On another note, I was speaking to my mom and she said she'd hook me up with the plane fare if I wanted to head back home to LA any time this year. Time to plan some vacation!


Bleh I'm terrible at Ace Attorney. Already had to use a guide because I didn't notice the mafia lady was giving me the wrong name in case 3 and now I'm in case 4 and can't find the contradiction in Lotta Harts testimony :( I've already done all this once as well.


Animal Crossing is a game about life for those who don't have one.
Haha, that's one way to put it!

It really doesn't look like my kind of thing, it's just I hear nothing but positive reviews. Plus, if any of the lads looked over my shoulder and saw me playing what appeared to be a cartoon for toddlers, I'd probably get a slap.
If Animal Crossing was released as like, one of those mobile/Facebook games it would probably be responsible for some deaths. The absolute pointlessness yet despite that being incredibly addictive and enjoyable for that would merge perfectly with the levels of obsession people have with like, Candy Crush.

And it would be fatal.

Probably for the best it's on 3DS.

Jedeye Sniv

I hate to be 'that guy' (even though I seem to do it a lot), but GoT was on two whole days ago. Those watching it should really have seen it by now (especially since it's AWESOME :p). Just because the show is great, doesn't make it exempt from having people talk about it after it airs.

Speaking of, it feels so good to be able to talk freely about what happened in my own house, I've been trying not to spoil Mrs Sniv for three whole years now. Still, out of the two of us, I was the one wet eyed by the end of the episode.

Everyone needs to watch this show NOW!


Whatever happened to that Phoenix Wright live action movie? Was it any good?

I hate to be 'that guy' (even though I seem to do it a lot), but GoT was on two whole days ago. Those watching it should really have seen it by now (especially since it's AWESOME :p). Just because the show is great, doesn't make it exempt from having people talk about it after it airs.

Speaking of, it feels so good to be able to talk freely about what happened in my own house, I've been trying not to spoil Mrs Sniv for three whole years now. Still, out of the two of us, I was the one wet eyed by the end of the episode.

Everyone needs to watch this show NOW!

I kind of agree with you on a level; if you don't want to hear me talk about a show after it airs, then you're better just leave the room. But I think a publication should be held to a different standard.

Where are ya headed? :O

On another note, I was speaking to my mom and she said she'd hook me up with the plane fare if I wanted to head back home to LA any time this year. Time to plan some vacation!

Going to Fort William

Can I come to LA with you and meet all your famous friends?


The thing is Jed, the problem is even necessarily spoiling the show, it's just, what are you doing as a national publication if the best thing you can find for page 3 is spoiling the biggest TV show in the country?

Your mates taking about it at work is one thing, a national newspaper basically giving it the whole "Bruce Willis is dead all along," bit not 48hrs after it airs is both inappropriate and churlish.

I still maintain, it was a dick move.

Now let's move on, I don't want to dwell on this hurtful incident.
The thing is Jed, the problem is even necessarily spoiling the show, it's just, what are you doing as a national publication if the best thing you can find for page 3 is spoiling the biggest TV show in the country?

The actual biggest TV shows in the country are soaps, and they're spoiled on front covers before airing.


The actual biggest TV shows in the country are soaps, and they're spoiled on front covers before airing.

Because it's always been that way and everyone knows what to expect/avoid. And those are in gossip/TV guide mags as opposed to newspapers.

besides, most of the people who watch soaps can't read anyway

Jedeye Sniv

The thing is Jed, the problem is even necessarily spoiling the show, it's just, what are you doing as a national publication if the best thing you can find for page 3 is spoiling the biggest TV show in the country?

Your mates taking about it at work is one thing, a national newspaper basically giving it the whole "Bruce Willis is dead all along," bit not 48hrs after it airs is both inappropriate and churlish.

I still maintain, it was a dick move.

Now let's move on, I don't want to dwell on this hurtful incident.

This is true. More tits less spoilers!!


This is true. More tits less spoilers!!
Sun Page 3 Thursday 6th June 2013 said:
News in Briefs

Chelsea, 19 from Essex was shocked at METRO spoiling her favourite TV show.

"I couldn't believe they'd conduct themselves in such an unprofessional manner. It's like the best show ever and stuff!"

Still, Chelsea's lovely chest is enough to cheer anyone up, eh lads?


That Metro thing is so shitty.

Genuinely just sent my first angry email to a newspaper telling them it was unprofessional and I won't be reading their paper again.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
My dream are so awesome, i reckon they would be wicked movies
That Metro thing is so shitty.

Genuinely just sent my first angry email to a newspaper telling them it was unprofessional and I won't be reading their paper again.

can we share this email around


Am I the only one that reads those tiny quotes before checking out the knockers? I mean, sure they're unavoidable the second you flip the page but at least we gotta hear hear them out first. Is Michelle against the war on Iraq? Is Katie for the ban on fox hunting? I really want to know what their political viewpoints are first before I spend 30 precious seconds checking them out...I only read The Sun whenever someone leaves it at a bus or in at a starbucks.

free man-card if anyone wants it...

no angel

For your company's lawyer to advise you settle / the employee to win.

At least that's my experience via my friends company.
My company's fairly aggressive re settlements and will only do so if they are in the wrong, the only way I can see this lad winning is if the dismissal falls down via an ACAS process issue as he was pretty bang to rights for misconduct. I know the investigation was conducted properly (as I did it and I'm awesome) but I can't speak for the disciplinary. Oh well, I'll just have to wait and see, it will be an experience at the very least!


That Metro thing is so shitty.

Genuinely just sent my first angry email to a newspaper telling them it was unprofessional and I won't be reading their paper again.
I actually rang, but it just went to voice mail. So I left this msg:

"Why did you spoil Game of Thrones? Your paper sucks. Fuck you."

I'm such a child.
That's it! Degree over!

Right this moment I feel like Gandalf after he defeated the Balrog and smote upon his ruin.

What the fuck do I do now? Gym I think.
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