Cool, I'll sort it out when I get in tonight. I'll get the code of the console too, someone is welcome to Monster Hunter if it's available, not my thing.PM'd. Can only redeem one game per account anyway, so someone can't have both NSMB2 codes.
Did you ever redeem your 3DS console? If not, you might be able to get a free copy of Monster Hunter 3 from someone if they already own it!
So anyone after this other NSMB2 code?
Hasney, I'll check my other game boxes, I got OoT3D, Luigi's Mansion 2 and 3D Land new, so they'll have codes also. It's only first party Ninty games that have them right?
It's Bert isn't it?I think the most disappointing part was when I discovered his real name
it's not kent
or paul