You ever fired the double-barreled shotgun in Doom II? It just feels better than guns from other games. More powerful, even if compared to a bazooka or something.
That's generally what people mean by "guns feel powerful". It's a hard thing to describe.
There's a kick behind them. The recoil feels good and solid - they have some weight to them and when bullets hit enemies react well. There's also a nice meaty, bassy sound to them which I think a LOT of games lack.
There's a kick behind them - they have some weight to them and when bullets hit enemies react well. There's also a nice meaty, bassy sound to them which I think a LOT of games lack.
You ever fired the double-barreled shotgun in Doom II? It just feels better than guns from other games. More powerful, even if compared to a bazooka or something.
That's generally what people mean by "guns feel powerful". It's a hard thing to describe.
.....Just to clarify I was asking whether he was talking about powerful as in, u shoot dem n dey kill peeps or in the sense that when you play the last of us, you really feel how they are portrayed is powerful.
When you aim a gun at enemies sometimes in this game there are instances where they scream/plead before you pull the trigger, and it is the only game I have genuinely felt like I am killing/murdering someone, and when you blow their fucking face off with a shotgun for the first time, it's shocking, literally shocking.
Even when you get shot it's pretty devastating at how you get knocked off your feet. I think it's the first game I've seen that actually shows the less arcadey side to guns, you aren't carrying 20 mags around at all times, you can get faced up against 15 enemies and have a revolver with 3 bullets, no other choice but to improvise, leave the gun out of it.
That wasn't the case in this instance, which is kinda annoying because I thought it would be worth the mention
SO MR KNOW-IT-ALL, I'm going to assume you havent played it and therefore didnt really need to interject in that condescending manner
omg fuck HaloGAF, bunch of obsessive compulsive lunatics who play a single series obsessively for a decade and get progressively bitchier with each installment.
Anyway, great news about the xbone, but you know all the Sony teat-suckers are going to go on and on about teraflops like they know what they're talking about now instead of repeating 'anti-consumer' like a mantra while they pray to Kaz gifs. I really hope the conversation shifts over the coming months to being about the actual games.
omg fuck HaloGAF, bunch of obsessive compulsive lunatics who play a single series obsessively for a decade and get progressively bitchier with each installment.
I'm taking it easy over the weekend, totally fucked the INSAAAANITY WORKOUT by all this drinking and smoking, really need to get back into it so I'm going to just detox over the weekend and get back on it starting monday, NO MORE RELAPSE
omg fuck HaloGAF, bunch of obsessive compulsive lunatics who play a single series obsessively for a decade and get progressively bitchier with each installment.
Anyway, great news about the xbone, but you know all the Sony teat-suckers are going to go on and on about teraflops like they know what they're talking about now instead of repeating 'anti-consumer' like a mantra while they pray to Kaz gifs. I really hope the conversation shifts over the coming months to being about the actual games.
omg fuck HaloGAF, bunch of obsessive compulsive lunatics who play a single series obsessively for a decade and get progressively bitchier with each installment.
Erm, no? I think this is my fourth band in a decade. This band I'm in now is only a year old. And a creative endevour isn't exactly the same as spending 1000+ hours on each game of a series and then wondering why you're getting tired of it.
Fuck yeah, me too. Not helped by having the hot water on for a bath makes my central heating come on too. Really need to get a plumber out about that...
because your rage is taking me back a little, you know? The vitriol you hold! (I love it)
But seriously, some people just love to do the same thing over and over, to perfect it. Fighting game community is the same. If a game is well made, no two matches will be the same, anyway.
I'd say it's the same for people who play Football, Tennis, Boxing etc. etc. all the time as their only sport. Even the same activity can provide enough variety, and there is a joy that comes with feeling you have progressed at a singular activity.
You can't get 'better' at Animal Crossing so that doesn't count.
But Chinner has the right of it: there was no condescending intent. I wanted an excuse to get misty eyed about the Doom II shotgun. Also, I can think of no better explanation for "the guns feel powerful/great/fucking right" than id games.
But Chinner has the right of it: there was no condescending intent. I wanted an excuse to get misty eyed about the Doom II shotgun. Also, I can think of no better explanation for "the guns feel powerful/great/fucking right" than id games.
I kinda felt like you were explaining to me what powerful means
I am 19 years old
I know the definition, I knew what I was talking about, I'm super fucking cranky and this means I'm snappy as fuck.
I'm sorry
The point was I asked Mike a direct question and two people who havent actually played the fucking game answered it for him, this annoyed me, I can't really explain any reasoning behind it, it just did
because your rage is taking me back a little, you know? The vitriol you hold! (I love it)
But seriously, some people just love to do the same thing over and over, to perfect it. Fighting game community is the same. If a game is well made, no two matches will be the same, anyway.
I'd say it's the same for people who play Football, Tennis, Boxing etc. etc. all the time as their only sport. Even the same activity can provide enough variety, and there is a joy that comes with feeling you have progressed at a singular activity.
You can't get 'better' at Animal Crossing so that doesn't count.
I get you, but I still think the practice of single minded repetition is in itself unhealthy (for videogames specifically, which aren't the same as sports or music which can be intrinsically beneficial to health etc), and I don't really credit those guys with any real applicable insight. It's like - yes, if you play a shitload of Halo you know all about weapon spreads and reload times and all that jazz. But to a 'casual' (and by casual I mean play multi for about three months before moving onto other games) player it means very little. And so the hardcore get upset that a few variables have changed and that's all the online conversation becomes. "it's not the same as it was!" To players like myself who just like to jump in every year for the franchise fix before going on with our lives it's meaningless.
I had a great time with H4, both in SP and multi. Loved the new additions and CoDifying of the multi, thought it made for a much more enjoyable experience, especially when soloing (so a game wasn't wasted if my team was a bunch of idiots, I still got XP and could make out well). And it still had that five-shot-kill floaty bouncy sticky grenade Halo feel.
I think that the hardcore are their own breed with their own specific interests and needs. But they're armchair designers in the same infuriating way that Gaming Side are now all armchair hardware engineers and the community becomes toxic as it dawns on them that the devs aren't really listening to them as much as they'd like.
And my rage is mostly because it's early. I get less rageful as the day goes on. But I will say Fuck HaloGAF at any point of the day
omg fuck HaloGAF, bunch of obsessive compulsive lunatics who play a single series obsessively for a decade and get progressively bitchier with each installment.
Anyway, great news about the xbone, but you know all the Sony teat-suckers are going to go on and on about teraflops like they know what they're talking about now instead of repeating 'anti-consumer' like a mantra while they pray to Kaz gifs. I really hope the conversation shifts over the coming months to being about the actual games.
It's a console launch, the games are going to be shit. Kaz gifs and GDDR5 are all they have, XB1 fans aren't even afforded that because mattrick has the charisma of a leper.
I never had a problem with that word, but I remember about two years ago, people were whinging about it, saying it's misused. It really isn't, it's an incredibly apt description for a game depicting things relating to viscera, ie: most video games.
Games, particularly violent games, often appeal to our base instincts, at the behest of intellect. This is exactly what visceral means.
Guys, is the term/question "Did you smash her?" a normal thing or is it native to pompey, I only ask because every locals that knows I left with the blonde that night has asked it in this particular way
I never had a problem with that word, but I remember about two years ago, people were whinging about it, saying it's misused. It really isn't, it's an incredibly apt description for a game depicting things relating to viscera, ie: most video games.
Games, particularly violent games, often appeal to our base instincts, at the behest of intellect. This is exactly what visceral means.
The point was I asked Mike a direct question and two people who havent actually played the fucking game answered it for him, this annoyed me, I can't really explain any reasoning behind it, it just did
It's a forum, every discussion we have is open for others to comment and post on. They only wanted to help and have a discussion as it's an interesting topic.
It's a forum, every discussion we have is open for others to comment and post on. They only wanted to help and have a discussion as it's an interesting topic.
It's a forum, every discussion we have is open for others to comment and post on. They only wanted to help and have a discussion as it's an interesting topic.
Guys, is the term/question "Did you smash her?" a normal thing or is it native to pompey, I only ask because every locals that knows I left with the blonde that night has asked it in this particular way
Where do you live: Birmingham
Where are you from: Birmingham
Occupation: Teacher
University: Wolverhampton
Favourite Sport: Football
Political party of choice: Labour
Favourite thing on the box: Supernatural
Favourite crisp flavour: Worcester Sauce
Favourite biscuit: Figroll
Favourite Pokemon POST 151: Jigglypuff.
Beano or Dandy: Neither
Where do you live: Birmingham
Where are you from: Birmingham
Occupation: Teacher
University: Wolverhampton
Favourite Sport: Football
Political party of choice: Labour
Favourite thing on the box: Supernatural
Favourite crisp flavour: Worcester Sauce
Favourite biscuit: Figroll
Favourite Pokemon POST 151: Jigglypuff.
Beano or Dandy: Neither
Jigglypuff was awesome. I worked with teachers for about 5 years, I don't envy you at all. How do you find teaching? Are the kids complete arseholes wherever you teach?
I don't know what makes me sadder about these magazines - that publishers have such a low opinion of women and their intelligence, or the women who actually buy them. Aim higher ladies ffs!
I don't know what makes me sadder about these magazines - that publishers have such a low opinion of women and their intelligence, or the women who actually buy them. Aim higher ladies ffs!
It's pretty depressing, the fact they think that being "real" means airing your shit in public and being a vapid fame obsessed chav who doesn't know how to behave in public.
Guys, is the term/question "Did you smash her?" a normal thing or is it native to pompey, I only ask because every locals that knows I left with the blonde that night has asked it in this particular way
Jigglypuff was awesome. I worked with teachers for about 5 years, I don't envy you at all. How do you find teaching? Are the kids complete arseholes wherever you teach?
Teaching is new to me, but I've worked in a school for over 5 years, so I'm pretty good with dealing with students. I'm just very sarcastic and dry with them.
Been perusing the Xbox DRM shitstorm on the main board. This tug of war between fanboys is hilarious.
Am I the only one who thinks MS's u-turn is a bit embarrassing? I also find the contingent of Xbox fanboys who suddenly think the Xbox will "win" because of this are hilarious.
Been perusing the Xbox DRM shitstorm on the main board. This tug of war between fanboys is hilarious.
Am I the only one who thinks MS's u-turn is a bit embarrassing? I also find the contingent of Xbox fanboys who suddenly think the Xbox will "win" because of this are hilarious.