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I love 'cunt' - such an awesome word.
Even better than cunt is 'cuntish'. Just has all the right consonants to be an amazing word to say.
I love 'cunt' - such an awesome word.
http://youtu.be/-XjPMgRfLlc?t=1m54sI think you need a thick london accent to say cunt correctly
like Jason Statham voice
great grandson
even I know that, pull your finger out, royalist
I love it when Dennis pops his head round the door just to offer a few choice words of kindness/encouragement.Congratulations on having a prince who can get the job done BritGAF.
Can I get any of you cunts a drink?
saw both pacific rim and the worlds end recently
honestly came away from pacific rim much more satisfied.
the world's end is funny and would be fine but it ain't in the same league as Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz
Pacific Rim just does what it sets out to do without tripping over itself.
lol, keep fightin' guys. The real gif thief finds it amusing.
and since Mike was kind enough to gift me Castle Crashers on PC (thanks!), is anyone up for a 4 player session this week?
I think it fitted in nicely between Shaun and Hot Fuzz. I appreciate that it never took itself too seriously - whilst it did tackle more "serious" issues than either of the other two films, there was never a gag too far away. Additionally, the ending showed theyweren't taking themselves too seriously. (I mean the ending of the actual film, not the epilogue bit).
I actually like the queen and Will and Kate (although she's merely a womb and I'd steer well clear of Parisian tunnels if I were her) seem fairly nice as well. I just hate the idea of having to support their extended family with our tax money and having to hope that our next head of state isn't an idiot.
We should give them enough money for the upkeep of the palaces and a Steve Jobs-esque £1 a year salary, as welll as paying for travel expenses. If they decide that they need more money, they can provide tours of Buckingham palace for Chinese tourists.
To be fair, I wouldn't exactly want Cameron to have even more power. Politics and democracy are nonsense as well. It's all nonsense. Find a way of ensuring that an idiot such as Harry can't become our head of state and cut their money off significantly and I'll be all for the monarchy. It's not as if Queen Liz can trace her family history back to when King Arthur pulled the sword out of the stone. That would inspire awe. Seriously though, if she could trace her family history back to Athelstan, I would be impressed and say 'fair enough'. Why are these people treated like demi-gods because they happened to be the family still in power when everyone decided that it's nonsense and subsequently everyone stop waging war over it because it wasn't worth it?
It's a tradition, but it's recently got rid of one of its traditions, the sexist one. We still have the bigoted tradition of being the head of the church of fucking England and not being able to be a Catholic. It'll probably get rid of that in 100 years when we have King Jamal of England, the Rastafarian, then everyone will realise that without tradition it's nothing and it'll get fucked off.
The monarchy should register as a charity. People would still pay for it and everyone would be happy.
I sleep at the top of the house so I'm surrounded by the sound of the rain hitting the roof much like when it hits the rain, except without the worry that the rain will somehow seep in.BOOM!
Thunder and lightning, wrapped up all warm in bed and shit, best thing in the world.
Except rain on a tent.
Me! Me!
yusss! 2 more folk required. Shame that Kentpaul didn't pick it upI take it its full price now?
Well, I'm free tonight for Castle Crashers or The Last of Us if anyone is up for some multiplayer banter.
what does everyone think of the Beano's 75th anniversary issue cover? Sure has drastically changed since I last read it.
that picture of Coco, jesus
Dave won't be able to stand up straight for a week
Should've called the police. Fuck inconsiderate bastards like that.
It was a hot night.
Mabe they just wanted everyone tochill
Effort, I was comfortable in bed. Apparently it's not a rare thing for them to do this. My parents bitch about it most nights. I'm surprised one of the neighbours hasn't complained - unless it's not going over the sound level that allows the police to intervene.
The police consider almost any noise after 10:30 in a residential area enough to intervene, especially if it's music / partys etc... and a week night.
My friends street has 2 guys living there who have had the odd party, someone called the police and they came round sharpish and made them shut the music off and that was a Saturday.
You could also go and have a word in the daytime when they are sober.
The police consider almost any noise after 10:30 in a residential area enough to intervene, especially if it's music / partys etc... and a week night.
My friends street has 2 guys living there who have had the odd party, someone called the police and they came round sharpish and made them shut the music off and that was a Saturday.
You could also go and have a word in the daytime when they are sober.