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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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Obsidian fan
Mike is currently living in a box, Tash, don't listen to him. Pay him back or I'm sending that one ripped guy 'round your place. I forget his name.

No, not donkey show.
Feeling better this morning.

But, I have decided I'm sorting the flat out, with or without his help. But I will make it clear that without his help means many of his things may be thrown out, so it's his choice.

Now to decide whether to do car boot sale, or sell stuff on ebay, or just give it to charity. Not even sure if any of the stuff I'll be getting rid of would be worth anything to anyone. And it's a hassle. hmmm.

Fuck it, might just sell everything I own and move to Sunderland

That's a joke obvs, I'm not one of those crazy girls ;)


Maturity, bitches.
Also why show football which we suck at and not tennis and cycling which we have actually done well in in recent years?

Also lacks fracking in public.


lol at the power station being so prominent, whole thing feels like a nostalgia piece or a tourism brochure for people who think Britain is still policed by the King's knights.


I'm not one of those crazy girls ;)
Haha, you know me too well Soturi, I love that tune!

I'm glad you got your head clear and decided to sort it out. You'll feel so much better with some space and breathing room. Good luck!

And as I said last night, you're absolutely welcome to come up and stay here for a few days if you ever need a break. The lads will be cool.

Mi casa su casa!


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Started the day with a jim jeffries show on netflix and laughed my ass off, Damn dude's funny as fuck. Managed to sell an old phone on amazon for 40 quid apparently when i checked my emails, someone bought the lagging shitty android 2 device lol. (Really was a horrible phone, It was better off in my drawer but money doesn't make its self you know ? )

Days wages made in the same time it took me to make my breakfast.


Was pulled over at security and they took so fucking long to sort some toothpaste I had I ran with my bags to the end of the terminal where my gate was. Relieved I got there I presented my boarding pass and the woman says "this isn't your flight."

I go erheeheherrrmccujshetg (boarding pass says gate 49 at the time im there)

Apparently my flight was delayed 2 hours. Now I'm sitting with a group of people on standby, which feels like being amongst the group of village outcasts. Thinking of starting a new civilization with them in the terminal.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Was pulled over at security and they took so fucking long to sort some toothpaste I had I ran with my bags to the end of the terminal where my gate was. Relieved I got there I presented my boarding pass and the woman says "this isn't your flight."

I go erheeheherrrmccujshetg (boarding pass says gate 49 at the time im there)

Apparently my flight was delayed 2 hours. Now I'm sitting with a group of people on standby, which feels like being amongst the group of village outcasts. Thinking of starting a new civilization with them in the terminal.


I always drink in the airport because its more boring than police holding cells.


Lovely heathrow allows for 45 minutes of wifi as well. It's like I'm waiting for impending death. How I choose to spend my last moments...posting on GAF.

Bit early for me for drinks. I just talked to someone and they said they don't even know which gate my flight will be at now. I think it's a sign to stay.


Übermatik;73951933 said:
Dude what? Course I am! I thought I told you? Or was it CHEEZMO? Hm.

Either way, it is now cloudy. Thank-you for checking in on Über's weather updates.
Actually yeah, now I remember. I had you down as German because of your handle.

OK, next question, where the fuck have you been at the meets? Get thee to a meet Uber!


Made it to Harris, weather is mostly amazing but schizophrenic, rain just happens, you get no warning. Very sunny, been walking around in shorts. There are beaches with azure blue water that look like the Caribbean except you have dramatic craggy hills and cliffs in the background that could only be Scotland.

Harris is probably the most beautiful place in Scotland. Such a lovely place. If only you were there a fortnight ago during the heatwave.
Lovely heathrow allows for 45 minutes of wifi as well. It's like I'm waiting for impending death. How I choose to spend my last moments...posting on GAF.

Bit early for me for drinks. I just talked to someone and they said they don't even know which gate my flight will be at now. I think it's a sign to stay.

You should stay. At least till a week Friday so you can meet Evi. And you'd get to see Ninja again and continue you bromance. I don't mind sharing :)


Übermatik;73952563 said:
Everyone thinks I'm German :(

And I never knew of any! Perhaps next time... I owe you a beer.
I told you, dicpix are a friend bonus. No payment required.


Friday 9th August - Landan

Saturday 28th September - Landan

Christmas meet TBC - Landan

Musha has locked this year down, but next year, things are gonna change! First Northern meet in March next year, Newcastle/Sunderland.
That Sun thing looks like a map to a really shit theme park. Like American Adventure only with out the US theme.
Yeah man, American Adventure is so fucking lame!
You should stay. At least till a week Friday so you can meet Evi. And you'd get to see Ninja again and continue you bromance. I don't mind sharing :)
Do it Acrid! I long to feel your soft lips once more.

Musha is dead to me now anyway, twice now she has declined to acknowledge my kind offer of accommodation at my humble abode.

Chick is getting ignorant and shit...

I'm not gonna lie though, the thought of the three of us in a passionate sweaty embrace is all kinds of hot.
Do it Acrid! I long to feel your soft lips once more.

Musha is dead to me now anyway, twice now she has declined to acknowledge my kind offer of accommodation at my humble abode.

Chick is getting ignorant and shit...

I'm not gonna lie though, the thought of the three of us in a passionate sweaty embrace is all kinds of hot.

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were so needy for attention and acknowledgement.

Thank you for the very kind offer to stay at yours, I will consider it if I feel the need to get away.
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