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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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bitch I'm taking calls.
that CoD Ghosts 720p thread is either a gold mine or a black hole I'm not sure which


Yeah, chat about whatever you want to. However, I disagree with you. I thought the new spiderman film was a lot better than the originals.


That made me laugh more than it should have, Cheez.

So on NPR they were talking about the 1975 and their debut album being at #1 over there. Also they apparently opened for the Rolling Stones earlier this year. Haven't heard a thing about them besides that, anyone know if they're any good?

I'm not a huge fan but they're ok.
Jedeye's band played with them earlier this year, though

Yeah, chat about whatever you want to. However, I disagree with you. I thought the new spiderman film was a lot better than the originals.

Ehh, I hated Garford as Parker which ruined it for me a bit, but other than that it was better than Raimi 1 and 3.
Raimi's films were ruined by Toby Maguire. I liked the new one, thought it was much better.

I actually do want a baby for xmas, but not from any of you guys, so cute baby animals will have to suffice thanks.


Spiderman 2 will always be the best Spidey film, but Garfield's take was pretty good. AS2 looks like it could be a clusterfuck, though...


Happy Birthday Nandy Rewman!

Arctic Monkeys were top banana last night. They played Arabella and Knee Socks, and they closed with R U Mine? I left satisfied.

Raimi's films were ruined by Toby Maguire.
True story, dude's a charisma vacuum. Kirsten Dunst is a wet end too, they were such a dull couple to watch.

Garfield and Stone in ASM have that "smanging IRL" chemistry going on and are just much more watchable and attractive.


Right, BritGAF. I can get an S3 mini as a phone upgrade without paying anything extra. I'm currently on a HTC Wildfire. Is the S3 mini gimped somehow or the same thing but smaller?

Jedeye Sniv

That made me laugh more than it should have, Cheez.

So on NPR they were talking about the 1975 and their debut album being at #1 over there. Also they apparently opened for the Rolling Stones earlier this year. Haven't heard a thing about them besides that, anyone know if they're any good?

I played with them earlier this year, they sound like a band playing at the Bronze in Buffy. Lovely chaps, but the reggae light music ain't really cutting it for me. The lil girls loved it though.


bitch I'm taking calls.
The Raimi trilogy is only good if you go in with a mind for comedy. That elevates 3 to god tier. In seriousness I also thought 2 was the best, but yeah Toby's lines just didn't come off that great as Spiderman but he made a good casting of parker. I've not bothered to watch ASM, since Fox superhero movies have been shit for a while.
I played with them earlier this year, they sound like a band playing at the Bronze in Buffy. Lovely chaps, but the reggae light music ain't really cutting it for me. The lil girls loved it though.
Yeah I listened to a few tracks and don't really "get" it.


ASM was ok in my book (shit villain though) however I seem to find all comic book movies soulless ever since Iron Man 2 for some reason. Couldn't be bothered watching the third one, or Captain America, or Thor or the Incredible Hulk. Did watch The Wolverine. That was dull. Did see Avengers only after it was highly recommended and it delivered. Comic book films seem to be a hit or miss with me.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I already posted the best image earlier. People discussing the rumor Ghost is 1080 on PS4 but only 720 on Xbone. Typical console war bullshit ensues. But then some industry people started hinting that there might be something to it and people freaked the fuck out. Accusations that lots of launch games and hot upcoming titles have performance problems. Shit gets real. In the sequel thread cboat slammed Penello for dancing around questions.

crazy buttocks on a train said:
Albert Penello said:
The resolution will be what it will be. It will be known when Activision wants it to be known.
We arl rdaedy know.
Titfall also.
not cooll2 hodl back on tstuff we acnt interact r tel truaths with, evnev if itns the job to obs>ffducate.

translaperncy is berter when dealing wtih this positition. whataev er tho
The best part of the original thread was Bish asking people to verify their sources/rumours via PM, only to come back a few pages later to say he was bailing out and heading to a fallout shelter. The thread goes into overdrive after that.

The posts hinting at wider problems with the XB1 were really interesting too.


Spiderman 2 will always be the best Spidey film, but Garfield's take was pretty good. AS2 looks like it could be a clusterfuck, though...
Garfield, I felt could have been better if he actually did less of his "standing up to bullies" attitude (right from the beginning of the movie, no less). All that does is bridge the line between Parker and Spiderman much less.

And yeah, regarding ASM2, even my friend (who found ASM to be the best Spidey movie of them all...but then again, he found Spidey 3 better than 1) this that it's going to be the worst one yet. That's the supposed benefit of a more studio controlled blockbuster and "yes man" director.

Swag Parker says no.

But Peter isn't meant to be swag, he's meant to be an outcast nerd
Which is what made cool Peter Parker work. He's meant to be doing a poor attempt at being cool. I mean, watch the scene again, with all women giving awkward looks at him, as if to say "wow, look at that dork."


Which Garfield did a great job of doing. Need I remind you of Tobey's Parker's stupid emo/swag phase?

Also, just because he changes his hairstyle and mopes about accidently hitting MJ afterward does not make him emo. I'm pretty certain people only got that because it was the cool thing to hate at the time before hipsters came along.

True story, dude's a charisma vacuum. Kirsten Dunst is a wet end too, they were such a dull couple to watch.

Garfield and Stone in ASM have that "smanging IRL" chemistry going on and are just much more watchable and attractive.
I'm sorry, but I could not get that "smangin'" chemistry between Stone and Garfield. Sure, she plays a decent enough Gwen, but Garfield as Pete is just...URRRRGH! For all the unnecessary flack that people gave Tobey as Pete, he didn't come off as unlikeable as Garfield did.

I fear for a future where Sony perpetually controls the licence.

ASM was ok in my book (shit villain though) however I seem to find all comic book movies soulless ever since Iron Man 2 for some reason. Couldn't be bothered watching the third one, or Captain America, or Thor or the Incredible Hulk. Did watch The Wolverine. That was dull. Did see Avengers only after it was highly recommended and it delivered. Comic book films seem to be a hit or miss with me.
I honestly didn't really like Avengers that much. It felt too much like "HEY! look at all these superheroes and all the AWESOME THEY DO!" with too little substance in the end. I was honestly bored by it throughout. Not to mention the motivation for them to actually get together was flimsy as hell, with
Coulson, a character most of them barely knew, gets killed off and somehow, that's what gets them all together. Hell, I didn't even know he was supposed to be a thing up until that point. A glorified background character in my eyes (and somehow is brought back to life in Agents of SHIELD, somehow)
. Also, is it me, or does anyone else not get Whedon's humour? None of it came off as funny to me.

As for Captain America...go see it. I had a lot of fun with that one.
OK, that sounds pretty cool. :lol

That Penello post though... talk about buying too hard into your own bullshit. The idea that facts are only ever confirmed through PR is obviously that with which you approach your marketing and customer relations, but actually saying things aren't known until the publisher decides they're known? lol


Inside source within Microsoft.

ooooooooh, now it all makes sense.

Also going through that thread while listening to the Tomb Raider III theme enhanced the experience quite dramatically.

EDIT: and while I applaud GAF for being a great platform where a normal video game player can talk to developers freely and how spec information can be discussed and shared, I really hate this pixel screen resolution bickering BS that's prevalent especially when the game isn't even released.
ooooooooh, now it all makes sense.

Also going through that thread while listening to the Tomb Raider III theme enhanced the experience quite dramatically.

EDIT: and while I applaud GAF for being a great platform where a normal video game player can talk to developers freely and how spec information can be discussed and shared, I really hate this pixel screen resolution bickering BS especially when the game isn't even released.

Top comment on that video:
This music makes me sad, I remember playing this when I was 5 to 9, Just always hearing TR1,2 and 3's menu music makes me shed a tear because how magical games were to me, and I did not understand how a world could be in my TV.

Very emotional.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Never really got into Tomb Raider but the music sounds great.
click on thread

+120 pages


fucking gaming side and their huge ass threads.
I just hop in when things get spicy and then browse posts with popcorn bowl in hand looking for meltdowns and gifs.


Very emotional.

Gaming in the mid/late 90s was certainly a different time compared to now. During the last week of primary school before the xmas holidays we were allowed to bring in PC games to install onto the school's PCs so long as we uninstalled them at the end of the day (Only time it ever happened after the school hired a new IT lady and she banned the installation of any software without her permission). I recall everyone was crowding around this one PC and there was this female figure balancing on a tree trunk and swinging from branches in a jungle. That was Tomb Raider II and everyone wanted a shot of the game. I ended up borrowing it from the person who brought it in that day and just played it throughout the xmas holidays. Everyone remembers the tigers in the cave at the beginning right? ha. Tomb Raider III was the first game I actually saved up my pocket money for back in the day. Week after week I put my money in a jar and after 1 month I took that very same jar to my local PC store (Never got an N64 until the final months of 1999) and bought that sucker. Everyone always talked about what level they were on and how to beat puzzles and stuff. It was huge! However, the Angelina Jolie and Angel of Darkness game were pretty much the nails in the coffin for Lara before the reboot came along. By then GTAIII and Vice City took over anyway. Shame that it's incredibly ugly when played today. Frustrating too but still playable.


ooooooooh, now it all makes sense.

Also going through that thread while listening to the Tomb Raider III theme enhanced the experience quite dramatically.

man tomb raiders music was so good. rip that franchise

edit: in fact rip that entire genre. no one seems to want to think any more, and can't handle a platformer where fucking up means death. just look at the flashback garbage ubisoft vomited out (over the original by fucking up the only reason you'd buy the new flashback)
Gaming in the mid/late 90s was certainly a different time compared to now. During the last week of primary school before the xmas holidays we were allowed to bring in PC games to install onto the school's PCs so long as we uninstalled them at the end of the day (Only time it ever happened after the school hired a new IT lady and she banned the installation of any software without her permission). I recall everyone was crowding around this one PC and there was this female figure balancing on a tree trunk and swinging from branches in a jungle. That was Tomb Raider II and everyone wanted a shot of the game. I ended up borrowing it from the person who brought it in that day and just played it throughout the xmas holidays. Everyone remembers the tigers in the cave at the beginning right? ha. Tomb Raider III was the first game I actually saved up my pocket money for back in the day. Week after week I put my money in a jar and after 1 month I took that very same jar to my local PC store (Never got an N64 until the final months of 1999) and bought that sucker. Everyone always talked about what level they were on and how to beat puzzles and stuff. It was huge! However, the Angelina Jolie and Angel of Darkness game were pretty much the nails in the coffin for Lara before the reboot came along. By then GTAIII and Vice City took over anyway. Shame that it's incredibly ugly when played today. Frustrating too but still playable.

It took me countless attempts to do the first level in TR2. The game was as hard as nails at times.
TR2 and TR3 are seriously some of my favourite games.

And I believe the difficulty of the the platforming and precision and timing needed for certain jumps should be the standard devs aim for. None of this "tap X inside this 4 second window to survive" crap. Although that being said, the Temple of Xian level near the end of Tomb Raider 2 almost broke me. It's just the longest, most unforgiving level with all it's traps.

Also, TR2 blew my mind when I discovered
there's a grenade launcher and two T Rexes hidden in the first level


bitch I'm taking calls.
Crash Bandicoot will always be king to me.
man tomb raiders music was so good. rip that franchise

edit: in fact rip that entire genre. no one seems to want to think any more, and can't handle a platformer where fucking up means death. just look at the flashback garbage ubisoft vomited out (over the original by fucking up the only reason you'd buy the new flashback)
I really liked the Prince of Persia reboot before Warrior Within vomited all over itself. At least the combat was fun. I still want to try the cel-shaded one too.
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