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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Horrible brooding "edgy" tone aside, I still maintain that Two Thrones is the best PoP game. For a series with naff combat, stealth kills are a god send.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Horrible brooding "edgy" tone aside, I still maintain that Two Thrones is the best PoP game. For a series with naff combat, stealth kills are a god send.
Really? I never played it after getting turned off so much by Warrior Within. From what I understand at least the puzzle and actual platforming elements were consistent throughout the titles. A platformer has to make you want to explore and that must be the core strength of the gameplay. I feel like PoP just kept getting in its own way in respect to combat even if it was fun to button mash it got boring fast and who wants to be replay lengthy combat over and over when redoing segments (warrior within was HORRIBLE about this).


Crash Bandicoot will always be king to me.I really liked the Prince of Persia reboot before Warrior Within vomited all over itself. At least the combat was fun. I still want to try the cel-shaded one too.

I liked the PoP reboots since they were pretty interesting as more acrobatic platformers same for Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider trilogy.

Horrible brooding "edgy" tone aside, I still maintain that Two Thrones is the best PoP game. For a series with naff combat, stealth kills are a god send.

Two Thrones wasn't the one people hated thought. In fact the general consensus seemed to be that it was a solid game with the improvements from warrior within but with a tone closer to sands of time.

Edit: croft manor wasn't a hub it was a tutorial
Really? I never played it after getting turned off so much by Warrior Within. From what I understand at least the puzzle and actual platforming elements were consistent throughout the titles. A platformer has to make you want to explore and that must be the core strength of the gameplay. I feel like PoP just kept getting in its own way in respect to combat even if it was fun to button mash it got boring fast and who wants to be replay lengthy combat over and over when redoing segments (warrior within was HORRIBLE about this).

Yeah, I think because of the stealth kill stuff Two Thrones managed to avoid some of that combat tedium, and integrated those two parts of the game (the platforming and the combat) better. It wasn't perfect, but it did let the game be more of the platformer I think the devs wanted it to be (to Ubisoft's chagrin, perhaps). It just has some real fucking good level design. So does Sands of Time, of course, but I find the combat so loathe.

The only major flaw was the chariot race segments. Ugh. Oh and the story was gash but w/e.

Two Thrones wasn't the one people hated thought. In fact the general consensus seemed to be that it was a solid game with the improvements from warrior within but with a tone closer to sands of time.

Ya, I know people were into it, just see a lot more love for Sands of Time.


bitch I'm taking calls.
It enrages me that when I just tried to google some good Prince of Persia gifs the only results I got was shit from the movie with Jake Gyllenhaal's mug on every single one.


Is it bad if I don't tip the guy who brings me room service? I don't have any krona but I feel bad for him. I completely forgot to tip the taxi driver on Tuesday morning as well :<

Stockholm is very pretty but I'm not really doing anything. I have to work till at least 5:30 and the guy I'm out here with has food poisoning so he's not eating. I'm a bit lonely without someone else on my level here, I don't think anyone I've seen at the client where we are working under 30. Made a promise to myself to at least try and do something tomorrow night even if it's going to a restaurant alone, which I've never done before. Might have to work late though :/ Next time will have to add a weekend on the end.
From a work perspective I think I'm doing well though so not all bad.

Also £10 a day for wired internet lol


Neo Member
As good a place as any for a first post.

When's you Birthday: 8th December
Where do you live: Peterborough
Where are you from: Peterborough
Occupation/University: Graphic Designer
Favourite Actor/Actress: Tony Leung
Favourite Band/Artist: David Bowie
Favourite TV Show: Psych
Favourite Crisps: Walkers Worcester Sauce (Space Invaders a close second)
Favourite Biscuit: Gingernut
Favourite Pokémon: Gengar
Ant or Dec: Dec
Stalactites or Stalagmites: Stalactites
Can we poor Irish people be involved?

Welcome fellow countryman!

Our first irish!

All the other Irishmen and women left us. :(


Crash Bandicoot will always be king to me.I really liked the Prince of Persia reboot before Warrior Within vomited all over itself. At least the combat was fun. I still want to try the cel-shaded one too.

Cel-shaded one was good, but way too easy. Worth playing for the art style, and I liked the relationship between the Prince and Elika. Not as good as Forgotten Sands or Sands of Time, but still good.


bitch I'm taking calls.
As good a place as any for a first post.

When's you Birthday: 8th December
Where do you live: Peterborough
Where are you from: Peterborough
Occupation/University: Graphic Designer
Favourite Actor/Actress: Tony Leung
Favourite Band/Artist: David Bowie
Favourite TV Show: Psych
Favourite Crisps: Walkers Worcester Sauce (Space Invaders a close second)
Favourite Biscuit: Gingernut
Favourite Pokémon: Gengar
Ant or Dec: Dec
Stalactites or Stalagmites: Stalactites
Welcome. We need more Bowie fans in here. I'm curious though, what makes a clown posh? Only uses fair trade cream pies?


bitch I'm taking calls.
my sympathies
Isn't Big Pete from Peterborough?



Neo Member
Welcome. We need more Bowie fans in here. I'm curious though, what makes a clown posh? Only uses fair trade cream pies?

Thanks for the welcome. It's like being a normal clown, except I only perform for white middle class families...and those who read The Economist.

my sympathies

I lived in London for 5 years during my early twenties, then moved back...now that was painful.
TR2 and TR3 are seriously some of my favourite games.

And I believe the difficulty of the the platforming and precision and timing needed for certain jumps should be the standard devs aim for. None of this "tap X inside this 4 second window to survive" crap. Although that being said, the Temple of Xian level near the end of Tomb Raider 2 almost broke me. It's just the longest, most unforgiving level with all it's traps.

Also, TR2 blew my mind when I discovered
there's a grenade launcher and two T Rexes hidden in the first level

Is that the floating islands level? I remember reaching that level (playing with my dad), and not having a clue what was going on anymore.

The only thing that pissed me off at the time was the digital nature of the controls. I.e. if you moved Lara forward, she always moved at the same pace, which led to a lot of unneeded deaths when lining up jumps etc. Whereas with Drake you can edge him forward ever so slightly, doesn't throw himself off edges, etc. Though thats down to better animation, controls, and more forgiving games today.

Was the platforming in TR 2013 any good?

Crash Bandicoot will always be king to me.I really liked the Prince of Persia reboot before Warrior Within vomited all over itself. At least the combat was fun. I still want to try the cel-shaded one too.

I'm playing that for the first time recently. Maybe it's because I the controls on my PSP a little...gimped, but it took me about 15 attempts to do rolling stones. Every time I reach a save point in that game I cry with joy.


bitch I'm taking calls.

Cel-shaded one was good, but way too easy. Worth playing for the art style, and I liked the relationship between the Prince and Elika. Not as good as Forgotten Sands or Sands of Time, but still good.
I knew I should have jumped on that Steam sale last year. Maybe there will be another, winter is just around the corner.
I'm playing that for the first time recently. Maybe it's because I the controls on my PSP a little...gimped, but it took me about 15 attempts to do rolling stones. Every time I reach a save point in that game I cry with joy.
That about sums it up. Prepare for more frustration when the game throws a lengthy fight sequence right before weird puzzle, making you re-do the entire fight just to get back to the puzzle if you happen to not get it in the first couple of tries.


OK, so my 'friends' think I'm going through a midlife crisis all because I'm stressed at the moment and have got a tattoo, a drastic haircut, and started a liquid diet.


bitch I'm taking calls.
So far, Hotline Miami will be my GOTY.

Only "frustrating" game I have pushed on with (SMB never grabbed me) and I love the atmosphere, oh and dat soundtrack....

Sublime, especially Miami at 32:12
Isn't Hotline Miami 2012? But I just played it myself for the first time this year, so I know what you mean. Shit was like crack cocaine, once I got started playing in July I didn't put it down for a week. The soundtrack is superb, definitely in my top ten. Really looking forward to the sequel.

Hotline Miami is up there with Super Meat Boy, Binding of Isaac, Lone Survivor, and Superbros: Swords and Sworcery with my favorite games this gen and they are all indies. Only exception off the top of my head would be Dark Souls. Also threw Gearbox off my top ten since I slowly grew to hate Borderlands 2.

I haven't played TLOU, Bioshock, GTAV though.


Knows the Score
Wasn't Hotline Miami out last year? The soundtrack is really something else though.

Was the platforming in TR 2013 any good?

Not really, the main game bits are few and far between and the special platforming tomb areas aren't exactly difficult. A bit of a letdown in that respect.

Cel-shaded one was good, but way too easy. Worth playing for the art style, and I liked the relationship between the Prince and Elika. Not as good as Forgotten Sands or Sands of Time, but still good.

Another vote for good from here, it's not hard in the slightest but the cel-shaded one is fun and nice to look at. The Wii version of the game of the film of the game (or whatever the forgotten sands is) is pretty good too.
Welcome poshclown.

So my Daenerys outfit is coming along nicely. It's been time consuming and hard work but given that I'm not very good at craft type things normally, I'm really proud of it. Just a few last minute touches and it'll be done. Really looking forward to Saturday now.

Anyone else going to the MCM Comic Con at Excel?


Neo Member

It makes the best workout music. I thought the game was fantastic however didn't find it very replayable.

Welcome poshclown.

Anyone else going to the MCM Comic Con at Excel?

Thank you very much.
I haven't been MCM since some random person decided it was great fun to jump on my back by surprise. It's a shame though, I've always had fun there apart from a selection of people. 'Free Hugs'....urgh.
It makes the best workout music. I thought the game was fantastic however didn't find it very replayable.

Thank you very much.
I haven't been MCM since some random person decided it was great fun to jump on my back by surprise. It's a shame though, I've always had fun there apart from a selection of people. 'Free Hugs'....urgh.

To be fair I find most of the people there annoying. Far too focused on anime and manga, I don't know who half the cosplayers are supposed to be. I go mainly to support the indie comic guys, plus this weekend my friend is there promoting his horror film. I do enjoy dressing up though, I think this will be my best outfit so far


As good a place as any for a first post.

When's you Birthday: 8th December
Where do you live: Peterborough
Where are you from: Peterborough
Occupation/University: Graphic Designer
Favourite Actor/Actress: Tony Leung
Favourite Band/Artist: David Bowie
Favourite TV Show: Psych
Favourite Crisps: Walkers Worcester Sauce (Space Invaders a close second)
Favourite Biscuit: Gingernut
Favourite Pokémon: Gengar
Ant or Dec: Dec
Stalactites or Stalagmites: Stalactites

Have you just been approved? Glad you dived right into the best thread on gaf!

Welcome fellow countryman!


Cel-shaded one was good, but way too easy. Worth playing for the art style, and I liked the relationship between the Prince and Elika. Not as good as Forgotten Sands or Sands of Time, but still good.

Sorry, I had no idea you were also an irishgaffer.
How can I make this up?


Neo Member
To be fair I find most of the people there annoying. Far too focused on anime and manga, I don't know who half the cosplayers are supposed to be. I go mainly to support the indie comic guys, plus this weekend my friend is there promoting his horror film. I do enjoy dressing up though, I think this will be my best outfit so far

I agree on the focus issue, Sci-Fi and Gaming were very much on the back bench, It did seem like the Comic area was getting bigger though which was good. No matter what, it was always worth going as one year I got Craig Charles to apologise for Red Dwarf: Back to Earth.
Hope you have fun!

Have you just been approved? Glad you dived right into the best thread on gaf!

Thank you.
Been approved for a few months, however been trying for membership since...2009/2010 I think. My luck with that was the same as my attempts for a Hearthstone beta key.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Hope the rest of y'all are keeping groovy. Honeymoon is fucking awesome.

Shit, I missed your wedding Dave. Since the honeymoon is awesome I assume it all went down well? I trust so.

Sorry, should have been paying more attention - a bit hung up on our own problems here, not having found anywhere to live yet. Dammit, that came out wrong - not that I mean your wedding was a problem or anything ...

Too late, time for bed.

Congrats and good luck anyway mate. And I suppose also mate-ess whoever she is. Or he. Fuckit, definitely too late. Night night.


Thanks for the welcome. It's like being a normal clown, except I only perform for white middle class families...and those who read The Economist.

I lived in London for 5 years during my early twenties, then moved back...now that was painful.

London's gain is Peterborough's loss?


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
As a POSH supporter, I often seen the term loss near the name Peterborough.

To be fair, it does have a very nice Cathedral and the riverside bit seems pleasant enough. But on my one visit that's about as far as I got after visiting three shopping malls all the same.


Thank you.
Been approved for a few months, however been trying for membership since...2009/2010 I think. My luck with that was the same as my attempts for a Hearthstone beta key.

I know that feel - it took me ages to get approved too. Worth it just for these lovely people.


Does anyone ever actually talk in the BritGAF IRC? All I see are the same 2 guys idling by. And I'd really like a face to face chat.

Thank you.
Been approved for a few months, however been trying for membership since...2009/2010 I think. My luck with that was the same as my attempts for a Hearthstone beta key.
Heh. Lucky for me, I was approved within a month.


Neo Member
To be fair, it does have a very nice Cathedral and the riverside bit seems pleasant enough. But on my one visit that's about as far as I got after visiting three shopping malls all the same.

The Cathedral is nice, but it bugs me that it isn't symmetrical. I don't know why.

I'm awfully familiar with the train station. My expertise on Peterborough ends there.

You must love the delightful view of the abandoned hospital, and the glorious building site dumping ground.

I know that feel - it took me ages to get approved too. Worth it just for these lovely people.

I imagine this thread alone might do the bulk of removing the Junior status.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
The Cathedral is nice, but it bugs me that it isn't symmetrical. I don't know why.

You don't know why it is not symmetrical, or you don't know why it bugs you that it isn't?

This is important.

One is historical accident (and is common to a lot of cathedrals), the other is some deep psychological thing with you.

We need to know.

Otherwise we will not know how to respond appropriately.


Does anyone ever actually talk in the BritGAF IRC? All I see are the same 2 guys idling by. And I'd really like a face to face chat.

Heh. Lucky for me, I was approved within a month.

Usually just for stuff like e3 and the like
There's a fairly active whatsapp group though, Jordan is the man who can add people to it


Shit, I missed your wedding Dave. Since the honeymoon is awesome I assume it all went down well? I trust so.

Sorry, should have been paying more attention - a bit hung up on our own problems here, not having found anywhere to live yet. Dammit, that came out wrong - not that I mean your wedding was a problem or anything ...

Too late, time for bed.

Congrats and good luck anyway mate. And I suppose also mate-ess whoever she is. Or he. Fuckit, definitely too late. Night night.
No worries chap, you've got plenty on! I didn't really post anything about the wedding yet because I'm still in the middle of it all, although I probably will share my thoughts when I get home next week. Can't imagine too many people give much of a shit but I'll natter away anyway. As for the lady part of the wedding, she's my poor long-suffering missus of nearly 9 years. Currently 20 weeks pregnant and fast asleep, hence me grabbing a quick look at GAF. I think she's on cloud nine since the wedding, it really has been an incredible time.

Hope you get your situation sorted soon. If all else fails you can always come and live with me & Mrs Smoky, though the commute might be a little impractical.


Had a pretty bad day at work, a virus somehow got on the network and I had to do work in safe mode, which wouldn't be too bad if my PC wasn't ancient. Really frustrating, hopefully it'll be all sorted in the morning.

No matter what, it was always worth going as one year I got Craig Charles to apologise for Red Dwarf: Back to Earth.

Haha, rightfully so! I see you're a Bowie fan, awesome.


CHEEZMO™;87218059 said:
Anyone from MancGAF know owt about Entourage in the printworks?

No, but the general rule of thumb is that the Printworks is one big Chav Trap, keeping all the scum away from the decent bars. I avoid it.


Just spotted this thread, thought I would join in. :)

When's you Birthday: 8th June
Where do you live: SE London
Where are you from: SE London
Occupation/University: Trade Support
Favourite Actor/Actress: Edward Norton, Gary Oldman and Eva Green
Favourite Band/Artist: Tough, probably a three-way tie between the Rolling Stones, VAST and NIN.
Favourite TV Show: The Wire, possibly Breaking Bad but too soon.
Favourite Crisps: Rarely ever eat them now, but Roast Beef Monster Munch rock my world.
Favourite Biscuit: Digestives
Favourite Pokémon: After my time, so I will answer with Galvatron.
Ant or Dec: Both.... in a blender.
Stalactites or Stalagmites: Stalactites, the ones that drop acid sound cool.
Beano or Dandy: Beano
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