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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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What is "greenscar"?
Coldman's estranged lovechild. He doesn't like to talk about it.

Or pay his child support.

Hot Coldman used to be called Greenscar.

Weekend time!

Actually, I have Phonogram Mixtapes (one for each volume). I should find a way to upload them for you, I think you might dig.

This intrigues me greatly.

First day of NaNo down mofuckas! 2,339 words. I piss on your minimum word counts!

Well done sir. I'll be lucky to make half that today because I have a report to finish. I would leave it, but it's for two modules so it's kind of the priority.


Well, that was the proverbial icing on the rather disgusting cake known as this week. I feel like absolute fucking shite and it’s not set to get better. I just want to curl up right now with some good food and someone to cuddle up with but, no, I have neither. So everyone else on my team is off out getting pissed (which means more work for me tomorrow) and I’m sat here like a fucking loser. Sigh.

On the [slight] flipside, I have Supernatural and a bottle of vodka to keep me company. I know, I know, such an amazing life I lead, right? I know you're all jelly.


bitch I'm taking calls.
My cat just knocked the last cupcake we had from the Halloween party onto the floor and it landed icing side down.

Now I know how afoni felt earlier.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I am deeply stressed from all this house moving stuff. Once is bad enough, but doing it twice in two months is a nightmare - physically, financially (got deposits stacked up all over the place) and in terms of how much stuff we have got. Probably have to cull it yet again by 27th November.

I shall be glad when this year is over. It has been a bad time all round, death in the family, complicated trusts to sort out, banned (temporarily) from neoGAF at precisely the time I needed an outlet, plus all the farting around with kids leaving home at last (which ain't necessarily a bad thing, they are doing really well and I'm proud of them but I miss them like crazy) and having to find a new home twice since September.

Roll on next year. It can't possibly be worse than this one.

Need some love here folks. Be nice to me until 27th November, which is the next house move assuming all the references work out OK which they will. Do feel free to unleash you inner thoughts thereafter!

The one big big plus about the new place is that it is only 100 yards from the telephone exchange so even the cheapo internet will be fast as hell.


I am deeply stressed from all this house moving stuff. Once is bad enough, but doing it twice in two months is a nightmare - physically, financially (got deposits stacked up all over the place) and in terms of how much stuff we have got. Probably have to cull it yet again by 27th November.

I shall be glad when this year is over. It has been a bad time all round, death in the family, complicated trusts to sort out, banned (temporarily) from neoGAF at precisely the time I needed an outlet, plus all the farting around with kids leaving home at last (which ain't necessarily a bad thing, they are doing really well and I'm proud of them but I miss them like crazy) and having to find a new home twice since September.

Roll on next year. It can't possibly be worse than this one.

Need some love here folks. Be nice to me until 27th November, which is the next house move assuming all the references work out OK which they will. Do feel free to unleash you inner thoughts thereafter!

The one big big plus about the new place is that it is only 100 yards from the telephone exchange so even the cheapo internet will be fast as hell.

I know it seems like nothing but when I've gone through periods of rapid moves, the culling has been extremely liberating. Now, I only unpack what I need and anything not unpacked after say six months, I usually get rid of. I used to be such a hoarder too.
I am deeply stressed from all this house moving stuff. Once is bad enough, but doing it twice in two months is a nightmare - physically, financially (got deposits stacked up all over the place) and in terms of how much stuff we have got. Probably have to cull it yet again by 27th November.

I shall be glad when this year is over. It has been a bad time all round, death in the family, complicated trusts to sort out, banned (temporarily) from neoGAF at precisely the time I needed an outlet, plus all the farting around with kids leaving home at last (which ain't necessarily a bad thing, they are doing really well and I'm proud of them but I miss them like crazy) and having to find a new home twice since September.

Roll on next year. It can't possibly be worse than this one.

Need some love here folks. Be nice to me until 27th November, which is the next house move assuming all the references work out OK which they will. Do feel free to unleash you inner thoughts thereafter!

The one big big plus about the new place is that it is only 100 yards from the telephone exchange so even the cheapo internet will be fast as hell.

That's my birthday!
And Jimi Hendrix and Bruce Lee's

/irrelevant factz


It's rhetorical question time.

Through means I won't go in to, you meet this girl. You start messaging back and forth, talking every day. Things soon turn sexual. You do the nasty and then go back to being friends only with a slight flirty side there. Two years later, you're still talking, with that flirty edge having died down a little. She has a boyfriend, you don't. You still kinda like her so make little sexual remakes. She throws the 'I HAVE A BOYFRIEND' card in your face and that's the end of the conversation. Two days later, you read she's heartbroken. You ask whats wrong. She says some guy she likes has been lying to her and doesn't like her in the way she likes him. Except this guy ISN'T her boyfriend.

I mean, that's just double standards, right? She can't throw the boyfriend card in my face when she's practically admitting to the other guy that she wants to wet his dick for him, surely?


It's rhetorical question time.

Through means I won't go in to, you meet this girl. You start messaging back and forth, talking every day. Things soon turn sexual. You do the nasty and then go back to being friends only with a slight flirty side there. Two years later, you're still talking, with that flirty edge having died down a little. She has a boyfriend, you don't. You still kinda like her so make little sexual remakes. She throws the 'I HAVE A BOYFRIEND' card in your face and that's the end of the conversation. Two days later, you read she's heartbroken. You ask whats wrong. She says some guy she likes has been lying to her and doesn't like her in the way she likes him. Except this guy ISN'T her boyfriend.

I mean, that's just double standards, right? She can't throw the boyfriend card in my face when she's practically admitting to the other guy that she wants to wet his dick for him, surely?

She's been yanking your chain, mane. The solution isn't to go off at her but instead to cut communication. It could be interpreted as double standards but then again you seem to have turned into a friend rather than a shag so who knows? Life's a bitch.
phisheep you'll always find nothing but love for you in here buddy, I'm sorry you've had a shit year but as the great and wise D:ream once said, things can only get better. Hope the moving goes ok and if you ever need an outlet we're always here.

I just spent 1 1/2 hours on starting my Nanowrimo, managed 1946 words so I'm pretty happy with that. I just hope I can keep it going.


Literally, all I do is try my best to be nice to people - and even nicer to those who truly deserve it - and all I get is…well, nothing. I get pushed aside like I mean nothing at all to them. Sure, they start off all sweet and innocent, claiming they’re ‘happy’ with me, then it’s like they’re disappointed once they’ve got to know me.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I just spent 1 1/2 hours on starting my Nanowrimo, managed 1946 words so I'm pretty happy with that. I just hope I can keep it going.

Aww fuckit. I forgot all abut Nanowrimo in the midst of the chaos! Now a day behind, but thanks ever so much for reminding me, Musha. Might keep me sane (before the huge issue of moving into a flat that Mrs phisheep hasn't even seen yet - that will be fun, or possibly not).


NaNo update: 900 words in. I was falling asleep & ready to call it quits for tonight until a friend woke me up for a chat. Now I'm determined to meet my daily count. Huzzah!

phisheep you'll always find nothing but love for you in here buddy, I'm sorry you've had a shit year but as the great and wise D:ream once said, things can only get better. Hope the moving goes ok and if you ever need an outlet we're always here.

I just spent 1 1/2 hours on starting my Nanowrimo, managed 1946 words so I'm pretty happy with that. I just hope I can keep it going.

You're an absolutely stellar bloke, Phi and I hope you feel that you can rant and rave in here to your heart's content - If you ever feel the need to drop a PM my way, you're more than welcome buddy.

Hate that you've gone through shitty ordeals left, right and centre this year - you're clearly a man who deserves none of it.

I also get the impression that you're a pragmatic fighter, so I've no doubt you'll come out on top with this whole housing situation. What's the next goal you're focusing on to move forward with it?


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
You're an absolutely stellar bloke, Phi and I hope you feel that you can rant and rave in here to your heart's content - If you ever feel the need to drop a PM my way, you're more than welcome buddy.

Hate that you've gone through shitty ordeals left, right and centre this year - you're clearly a man who deserves none of it.

I also get the impression that you're a pragmatic fighter, so I've no doubt you'll come out on top with this whole housing situation. What's the next goal you're focusing on to move forward with it?

Thanks Mike.And Musha, and everyone else. It has been a pig of a year.

We've found a place to live from end November, it's a bit (well - a lot) crappier and a quite a bit smaller than what we have, but it is in the right location. Also cheaper which helps with the cashflow. I'm not altogether happy with it, but basically had no choice in order to secure it before the next viewer came in 10 minutes later. Mrs phisheep hasn't even seen the place yet, which scares me all the more! (though she says it doesn't matter, it is "just a place" - she is way more pragmatic than I am).

That's all about now. Moving forward is different. I'm expecting to double or quadruple our turnover in the next two years, given we have a growing national and international reputation (yeah, GAF, you - except maybe Musha and Mike - may not have heard of Scrumpybeads Ltd yet, but we got customers already in Louisiana, South Africa, Barbados, Lisbon, Paris, Australia and pretty well everywhere in the UK - well, strictly speaking, in England and Wales - we don't get all that many Scots).

You're right about the pragmatic fighter bit, Mike.

I'm targetting either taking over half the UK wholesale market in about three years. Or maybe three quarters the European wholesale market in about four years. (Europe is easier).

Might need a decent warehouse manager - would you have relevant experience?

Gotta find a warehouse first though. Well, plus, Mrs phisheep rather likes just having a cosy little bead shop. Needs some persuasion.

In terms of housing, I expect to be renting for the next five years and then buy a nice place for up-front cash, no mortgage.



Literally, all I do is try my best to be nice to people - and even nicer to those who truly deserve it - and all I get is…well, nothing. I get pushed aside like I mean nothing at all to them. Sure, they start off all sweet and innocent, claiming they’re ‘happy’ with me, then it’s like they’re disappointed once they’ve got to know me.
Maybe your constant "woe is me" attitude is off-putting. You gotta cheer up and make the most of things dude! Regularly complaining about how unfair your life is and having a generally morose, downbeat demeanour will do little to endear you to people. And your relentless self-flagellation is doing you no favours either.

Tough love or not, I'm just trying to help. You attract more bees with honey than vinegar mane.


You attract more bees with honey than vinegar mane.

Tell me you ripped that off from some Buddhist wise man quote. That's clever!

Never knew Vernon Kay was an american football fan. Makes me wonder what other celebrities have hobbies/interests that nobody can see coming. David attenborough into screamo? Peter Capaldi into Tai Chi? Rolf Harris into art?

EDIT: That ninja turtles voice over video cracks me up so matter how many times I watch it.



Dialogue is one of the hardest things to make work. You need to really invest into the characters to the point that you know exactly how they act, talk and interact with people.

Unless you're writing something cool, in which case it's just one liners and explosions.
I was browsing the closed waifu thread because of curiosity and came across a familiar fellow's adulation. Made me snicker.

afoni said:

my waifu is rin from katawa shoujo

now a lot of you might think its weird to waifu a girl with no arms, but i think your just being ableist fucks and should mind your own damn business. rins story is a personal one that touched my heart and lead me to deciding she was my waifu. like rin, i also didnt know my purpose in life until a special someone came into my life and flipped it all upside down. being able to identify with rin is something that makes her really special to me. a waifu shouldnt be about looks or how attractive they are, it should be able unconditionally loving them because of who they are.

and i turned off all of the lewd scenes so she's still pure maiden you bakas!

afoni, the waifu expert.

EDIT: Ok this just got weird.
^ tumblr.txt

In other news, my laptop seems to be overheating more regularly. Might be worthwhile bringing it down to a computer shop for a professional to have a look at (and at least blow the dust out).


FYI, everything I put in that thread was totally an act. The amount of people screaming "NO, DON'T DO THAT" was like crack to me.
FYI, everything I put in that thread was totally an act. The amount of people screaming "NO, DON'T DO THAT" was like crack to me.

Well, good because your pregnant furry was the beginning of the end, and once someone posted pedo stuff then it opened the gates for everyone else. "Oh hey, we can do pedos? I've got so many pedo waifus!!!"


Thanks Mike.And Musha, and everyone else. It has been a pig of a year.

We've found a place to live from end November, it's a bit (well - a lot) crappier and a quite a bit smaller than what we have, but it is in the right location. Also cheaper which helps with the cashflow. I'm not altogether happy with it, but basically had no choice in order to secure it before the next viewer came in 10 minutes later. Mrs phisheep hasn't even seen the place yet, which scares me all the more! (though she says it doesn't matter, it is "just a place" - she is way more pragmatic than I am).

That's all about now. Moving forward is different. I'm expecting to double or quadruple our turnover in the next two years, given we have a growing national and international reputation (yeah, GAF, you - except maybe Musha and Mike - may not have heard of Scrumpybeads Ltd yet, but we got customers already in Louisiana, South Africa, Barbados, Lisbon, Paris, Australia and pretty well everywhere in the UK - well, strictly speaking, in England and Wales - we don't get all that many Scots).

You're right about the pragmatic fighter bit, Mike.

I'm targetting either taking over half the UK wholesale market in about three years. Or maybe three quarters the European wholesale market in about four years. (Europe is easier).

Might need a decent warehouse manager - would you have relevant experience?

Gotta find a warehouse first though. Well, plus, Mrs phisheep rather likes just having a cosy little bead shop. Needs some persuasion.

In terms of housing, I expect to be renting for the next five years and then buy a nice place for up-front cash, no mortgage.


Warehouse management is like half of my job - I wouldn't say I'm amazing at it (we have a small warehouse) but yeah, if you actually do want help setting it up feel free to give me a shout bud!

I'm glad to hear you've got a temporary place lined up - that's the immediate problem off your mind, right?

Onwards and upwards!
Also, if you want any help with online marketing through Facebook and shit like that... BritGAF is probably the place to go about asking, just sayin'.

(I reckon you could get some impressive marketing from lovely people like Musha if you make her something pretty, and I'm always willing to help a stand up chap like yourself if I'm able)

OK, back to writing.
Young Knives 'Sick Octave' in the mail, woohoo! Oh Happiness EP was darn good. Now let's see if this bad boy measures up to the rest of my faves this year.


In case you haven't heard of them, they are an indie rock outfit that went from "She's Attracted To" (one of the best music videos ever) to now sounding more electronic/post-punk like this:




have fun rewriting those thousands of words bro

(I will take part in nanowrimo one month when I'm not in full time education)


Maybe your constant "woe is me" attitude is off-putting. You gotta cheer up and make the most of things dude! Regularly complaining about how unfair your life is and having a generally morose, downbeat demeanour will do little to endear you to people. And your relentless self-flagellation is doing you no favours either.

Tough love or not, I'm just trying to help. You attract more bees with honey than vinegar mane.
I appreciate what you're saying, man, and I'm sorry for being a dick to you before. The same goes to Musha, too, I've been a complete fucking dick to you guys when all you've been trying to do is help me.
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