Not to kick you while you're down Cy, but I don't see going on a number of dates with someone as an indication of exclusivity. For me, unless it is explicitly discussed I remain realistic about the possibility of another person when I am not currently with someone. If that is a deal breaker for you in regards to dating, that may be something you want to bring up earlier in the future.
Not complete exclusivity, no, but you don't expect her to be fucking someone else while dating you too. Maybe it's just me but I can't have sex with someone while seeing someone else. I know that's a serious case of pot/kettle/black as, I'm sure you'll remember, I was more than happy to sleep with someone who was engaged with kids, but I've grown up since then and my ideas of dating have changed. They've become somewhat old fashioned, even idiotic, I guess.
I think I'm just butthurt by it and I'm looking for a reason as to why shit went down. This has got to me as I thought she was genuinely in to me. Texting back and forth, plenty of dates, tons of mutual interests. Meh, I'm just going to shut up about it. I'm pissing myself off and I daresay certain others will have plenty of laughs and have plenty to say. That said and done, I'm going to Tesco to pick up some Jack and a load of shitty food, then back for a game or film.
There's no such thing as leagues ;
You ain't seen her, mate.