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BritGAF |OT6| Dark Souls? More like Arse Holes

I can't pretend to understand children, but the logic of going out with some spray paint to draw a shitty picture of a slice of pizza is just baffling on every level. Like, what was actual thought process behind this?


I suppose it could be a Banksy.

That is the worst slice of pizza I've ever seen.
So I'm off to the secret RebelX meet up later for Star Wars Day, been told I have to wear a scarf and goggles, shades will have to do. Exciting!


formerly Oynox Slider
Show me your skeleton

Any other Manc folk

I am off work this week so if you fancy meeting up for a little lunch of cup of green tea let me know :)


Show me your skeleton

Any other Manc folk

I am off work this week so if you fancy meeting up for a little lunch of cup of green tea let me know :)
Cool! I'm working with the bro most of the week but fancy a late lunch Friday? I'm working Soul Jam at Mint on Thursday (Soundwave Launch Party, Craig Charles is DJing, wooo!) so I won't be up and about until at least 1pm.

We could meet up at that tea room in the village if you like? I forget the name.


So Spookie's ex's aunty got hooked on smack by Dave Lister off Red Dwarf.

My mate Michelle fucked Björk with a strap-on.

What's your best mates' second cousin twice removed's claim to fame BritGAF?

(Lame/implausible ones will be mocked/rigorously picked apart.)


Neo Member
So Spookie's ex's aunty got hooked on smack by Dave Lister off Red Dwarf.

My mate Michelle fucked Björk with a strap-on.

What's your best mates' second cousin twice removed's claim to fame BritGAF?

(Lame/implausible ones will be mocked/rigorously picked apart.)

A guy called 'beanie' who I used to hang out with after gigs around the Milton Keynes scene ended up being the live drummer for Rudimental.

He's also in the video for Gabriella Cilmi's sweet about me. He's a cool guy and I still see him around MK when I go back to visit.


My mate Michelle fucked Björk with a strap-on.

amazing, well in.


Neo Member
Milton Keynes had a scene


Yeah used to be great, 3 or 4 great local venues, wide variety of music. I'm pretty sure MK was the birthplace (if not really influential) in the start of that whole Djent style of music with bands like Hacktivist and Fell Silent coming from there. I remember being at both of their 1st headline gigs at a local venue called 'The Pitz'.

I knew that Beanie guy as he was in a band called The Modus Vivendi back in the day, they were sick and they were the spearhead of the whole underground alt/noise scene MK had. Their stuff is still great today in case anyone wants to check them out.


formerly Oynox Slider
So Spookie's ex's aunty got hooked on smack by Dave Lister off Red Dwarf.

My mate Michelle fucked Björk with a strap-on.

What's your best mates' second cousin twice removed's claim to fame BritGAF?

(Lame/implausible ones will be mocked/rigorously picked apart.)

I have a friend who smoked crack with Dominic Masters or something with Pete Doherty. I can't remember the details.


Warning! Bloggy post coming in!

First of all some gaming blah:

I've caught up on some non-Souls games - Spec Ops The Line is just at the point where it's getting a bit funky. I don't think it plays particularly well, but the story keeps taking turns where I genuinely feel a bit uncomfortable playing it and about how military warfare FPSs generally handle violence.

Demon's Souls (sorry I lied!) dudes who have played Dark but not Demon's, may I commend this to you. Oh blimey is it hard though. I'm finding it twice as hard as Dark Souls ever was. There are some bits in particular that make me sweat quite a lot. And the fact that (I) every time you die the "world tendency" inches towards making the game harder (ii) if you die against a boss you'll most likely have a bloody tough run to get back to it again and (iii) you only ever have (at best) around about 2/3 of your health unless you use a consumable which is expensive and hard to find...eeesh.

I'm also playing Destiny again. AGAIN. Gah. The grind is so easy to fall back into.

What else? I tried the first 10 mins of Metro 2033 but thought I'd finish the other games I'm playing at the moment.

Non-gaming news:

My arm is healing quite nicely and I am very happy with the 2/3 of my new tattoo (the last 1/3 will be in two weeks). I feel like a sci-fi character / fantasy character / superhero(ine). I will share pics at some point, but probably on the Whatsapp. Of course, Emma's tattoo has pretty much healed.

I'm about 30% away from becoming a full Buddhist so don't be surprised if the next time I request a ban it's because I'm going on a 6 month retreat with a vow of silence.

I voted today by post. I went for Labour. Sigh. I can't ever vote Tory. I'm not really UKIPs target market. I just couldn't in good faith vote for the Greens until they shape up a bit and there's no way ever I'd vote for the Lib Dems. Basically last time I got swept up and thought "yeah! I'm with Nick! Ideals!" and now I just want no more Tories, thanks.

Our guinea pigs have colds and do really cute sneezes.

Revenge of the Sith is actually rather good if you ignore some of the dialogue.



Talk to me britgaf. Regale me of your conquests! How didst thou vote? Favourite Star Wars film? Does incense contain carcinogens? Is soy milk actually nicer than cow milk? Can chamomile tea bags really help fluid build up in cartilage piercings? Is it windy and rainy where you are? Boris Johnson, eh? PM in 2020? The capitalist system, what can we do? Hamster or guinea pig? Dog or cat?


I don't live in middle England so the Tories do nothing for me. Also I'm not a fuck-you-got-mine kinda person so I'm going to vote Labour.

Might vote greens locally since she's actually doing some decent work and our local council are a bunch of lazy shits.


Neo Member
ha, used to chat with john from fell silent on the ol' msn back in the day. good lad. crazy good guitarist.

Ha! Small world eh? I know more of the Hacktivist guys than I do the Fell Silent lot but Max and Neema were sound, never really spoke to John but seemed like a good guy. He's doing well for himself in Monuments now by the looks of things.

And yeah man, crazy good indeed.


I was more of a David Milliband fan but somehow his dorky brother took charge. Plus, the sour after-taste of Blair, Brown and Prescott still lingers so yeah...
Not voted yet. I have the May the 7th off coincidentally.

Still undecided but yeah probably not going to vote for Labour, the Greens, House Stark or the Rebel Alliance.


Maturity, bitches.
There's a pro-marijuana party on my ballot paper. Gotta love the joke options.

CISTA? I have that on mine. Doesn't even provide his real name, but some street name of his. Also why bring alcohol into it? Campaign for weed if you must, but leave our booze out of it!

My big problem with Labour is honestly their mansion tax. It's just so flawed and I've yet to hear any good reason for it. 1. It penalises people for just owning a house and with the way prices are heading it's not going to be a mansion tax but modest home in London tax. 2. their whole budget is based on this and yet they give the option for people to defer payment (when you have a tax that you know people may not be able to afford you know you messed up). So in theory everyone who has to pay it could defer it and thus Labour will have no mansion tax income to balance their budget with. That's just illogical!

And then they made a giant stone slab that they don't even have planning permission for.

Apparently my views are in-line with what Labour should stand for, but honestly, they currently come off as a stupid party. I don't vote stupid.

Not that it matters, I live in a Labour stronghold so they'll win here anyway.

And now that I've got that off my chest, time to go back to not talking politics.


CISTA? I have that on mine. Doesn't even provide his real name, but some street name of his. Also why bring alcohol into it? Campaign for weed if you must, but leave our booze out of it!

Haha yup, that's the one. with the classic - generic- weed leaf logo.


That's so amazing I'm going to request more details.
Apparently she was on holiday in Iceland years ago and met her in a bar. They struck up a friendship, she ended up hanging around with her for a few days, one night things got a bit funky.

That's kind of it as far as I'm aware.

Might be bullshit, who knows.


Maturity, bitches.
BGBW's Numpty of the Day

Russell Brand! Spends years telling people that voting is a waste of time, but now, two weeks after registrations have closed, he tells his followers to go out and vote. What a bell tip.


formerly Oynox Slider
he's a tad daft but anyone that helps the yooth get involved in politics a tiny bit is all good in my eyes.

I'm with you on this. I've been a fan of his since his radio show (right up to the Andrew Sachs thing). It was amazing listening to him with his childhood friend who just kept him in check all the time - really funny and warm hearted. I never actually liked his stand-up or TV stuff that much - his radio show was really the best for me.
he's a tad daft but anyone that helps the yooth get involved in politics a tiny bit is all good in my eyes.

Especially if it's in an anti-Tory capacity.

My local labour candidate is called Sachin Patel. I had a look at his twitter profile earlier and his banner image could definitely have been thought out a little more.


BGBW's Numpty of the Day

Russell Brand! Spends years telling people that voting is a waste of time, but now, two weeks after registrations have closed, he tells his followers to go out and vote. What a bell tip.

And he tells people to vote for Ed "Million in a Mass Grave" Miliband.

Maximum pleb
Because I was helping my mum pick it out? She was looking at ones with cats on, which would've been fine, but then I saw that one and just had to have it.

You're the only person in the world who picks their own birthday card.

This whole concept is really confusing.


Because I was helping my mum pick it out? She was looking at ones with cats on, which would've been fine, but then I saw that one and just had to have it.
You went with your mum to pick out your own birthday card? This seems like the most redundant shopping trip in the world to me.

As a straight male who isn't 12 I couldn't care less if I even get a card let alone what's on it.

There's nowt so queer as folk.
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