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BritGAF |OT6| Dark Souls? More like Arse Holes

The Cranberries were the first band I ever saw live. The 90's were a simpler time...

You know I can't remember the first band I saw. The first act I saw was Michael Jackson.

Fake edit: it just came back to me. It was PJ & Duncan.

Fake edit 2: they don't really count as a band do they. If we're talking with instruments n stuff then I still can't remember.

Fake edit 3: no wait I think it was Bon Jovi.


You know I can't remember the first band I saw. The first act I saw was Michael Jackson.

Fake edit: it just came back to me. It was PJ & Duncan.

Fake edit 2: they don't really count as a band do they. If we're talking with instruments n stuff then I still can't remember.

Fake edit 3: no wait I think it was Bon Jovi.

Well, The Cranberries were a support act for Mike Oldifeld (the guy who did Tubular Bells) which my dad took me to see. The first band I chose to see were Green Day back in '03.
Stereophonics, '99.

I thought Kelly Jones was a complete ledge.

Bartender and the Thief was among the first singles I remember buying. Picked it up in Our Price. Yeah. I'm listening to it right now and it's still really fucking good.

The first gig I went to was Muse in Leicester in... God knows when. 2000? I wasn't that impressed really, but Hundred Reasons were the support and they were excellent. Bought their first album off the back of that show.


formerly Oynox Slider
The Cranberries were the first band I ever saw live. The 90's were a simpler time...

Mine was the Fun Lovin Criminals.

It could've been the Prodigy supported by the Chemical Brothers at the Empress Ballroom in 1996. But the local gang said they'd batter me if they saw me there so I sold my ticket to a tout :-( I should've gone - a beating would've been worth it to see the Prodigy before they went Fat of the Land and the Chems when they were still quite close to just being noise and drums.


You know I can't remember the first band I saw. The first act I saw was Michael Jackson.

Fake edit: it just came back to me. It was PJ & Duncan.

Fake edit 2: they don't really count as a band do they. If we're talking with instruments n stuff then I still can't remember.

Fake edit 3: no wait I think it was Bon Jovi.
I went to a bunch of blues and jazz shows with my dad as a kid, but my first concert I went with a friend in high school was Turbonegro. That was absolutely rad.

Euroboy (lead guitar) is still one of my favorite guitarists.


My dad was friends with a guy in 'Whole Lotta Led' a Led Zeppelin cover band. I used to go see them all the time with him.

Seeing hot rocker girls mosh out was a great time <3
Season 3 of Hannibal just started and the first episode is fantastic.

There's always been a kind of decadent, lustrous approach to the detail and the decorum of the show, notably with food. No matter what (or who) is being served, it's presented so beautifully but in a very deliberate way made to look disgusting as well. Even when its fruit on the table it's either too pale or a dark crimson. The opulence extends to the locations and costume as well, with this series taking part in France and Italy, there's a lots of smartly dressed sophisticates in extravagant rooms.

The way it's shot goes hand in hand with the sound design. A lot of ambient, discordant noise is used to create unease and tension, and together with the themes and imagery the final result is just hypnotic.

My Review Score is M for: Made Me Feel More Intelligent
Season 3 of Hannibal just started and the first episode is fantastic.

There's always been a kind of decadent, lustrous approach to the detail and the decorum of the show, notably with food. No matter what (or who) is being served, it's presented so beautifully but in a very deliberate way made to look disgusting as well. Even when its fruit on the table it's either too pale or a dark crimson. The opulence extends to the locations and costume as well, with this series taking part in France and Italy, there's a lots of smartly dressed sophisticates in extravagant rooms.

The way it's shot goes hand in hand with the sound design. A lot of ambient, discordant noise is used to create unease and tension, and together with the themes and imagery the final result is just hypnotic.

My Review Score is M for: Made Me Feel More Intelligent

hmmm, yes, quite. mhm yes. oh absolutely, definitely. mhm very true, yes, oh my yes. goodness! what a cromulent observation, why yes. mhm. i would also compare it to hollyoaks in both its aesthetic and the socio-political themes that are tackled.


I'm still working my way through Better Call Saul at the minute, loving it.

Allow me to big up Five-O (episode 6), a truly fantastic 40 minutes of television. It basically fills in an incredibly touching and revealing part of Mike Ehrmantraut's back story. It simultaneously acts as an essential aspect of the Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul canon and it's own wonderful, clever and utterly riveting short story.

The last line is The Sopranos level of perfectly satisfying and succinct denouement to an episode; a proverbial bow on an exquisitely wrapped present.

Get it on your life.

(I had the recent Big Water Cooler Episode™ of GoT spoiled for me in the pub last night. It's my own fault, I'm like five episodes behind.)



Weird night at Mint tonight. It was pretty quiet but there was a few really generous customers hanging at the bar buying drinks for all the staff. It was a pretty decent night all told, got a nice buzz on and good tips but it all went a bit wrong.

This new girl SJ went her ends and got way too pissed (she's only 19 and tiny) she was drinking any and everything this couple of seedy old men at the end of the bar would throw at her. She started getting a bit lairy making a show of herself.

Me: "I think you've had enough mate. It's all good having a few drinks with the punters but you don't want to get sacked on your first night. Just take it easy yeah?"

SJ: "I'm fine, honestly. I'm just lactose intolerant."

Me: "What? You've been drinking vodka cokes and shots of tequila all night."

SJ: "Yeah, but I had a bag of cheese and onion crisps before I came to work."


She then threw up all over the floor, got put in a taxi and sent home.

I don't think she'll be back.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Anyone having issues with Virgin today? My download has gone to 0.4mb/s from the usual 20, can barely load web pages, never had this issue before and it appears from their self checker there is no problem with the service.


Anyone having issues with Virgin today? My download has gone to 0.4mb/s from the usual 20, can barely load web pages, never had this issue before and it appears from their self checker there is no problem with the service.

Your connection might be throttled if you've passed a data cap in an hour within the peak times.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Your connection might be throttled if you've passed a data cap in an hour within the peak times.

I cant see that, I am the only one here who uses the internet, downloaded nothing and in theory shouldnt have a data cap. Our house used to have 3 people using the internet non stop downloading stuff till about a month ago and since then theres been barely any use (comparative to before). We have never been capped before even with heavy heavy usage and have had the service for years now.

I watch alot of video game streams but thats about it


I cant see that, I am the only one here who uses the internet, downloaded nothing and in theory shouldnt have a data cap. Our house used to have 3 people using the internet non stop downloading stuff till about a month ago and since then theres been barely any use (comparative to before). We have never been capped before even with heavy heavy usage and have had the service for years now.

I watch alot of video game streams but thats about it

Downloading isn't just downloading data but also visiting webpages, steaming videos and streaming music too. You've just identified one possible reason for it. Here's a link to the throttling speeds for your connection speed.


Weakdays: 16:00 to 00:00

Weekends: 11:00 to 00:00

We manage downstream traffic each day between the hours of 5pm to 10pm. We manage upstream traffic between the hours of 3pm to 8pm. This typically impacts less then 3% of users per day, and ensures the vast majority of customers have a great online experience when they want to the internet the most.

Level of speed reduction? 75%
Duration of speed reduction? 5 hours

On 20mb, they seem much harsher than consumers on the ordinary packages (50, 100, 150MB). This could be key given the duration and speed reduction.

On the normal packages, they usually engage in speed reduction for 1- 2 hours depending on how much you persist with exceeding the threshold, and the threshold is higher in regards to throttling.

Throttling is the key hidden cost in choosing fibre optic broadband packages.
So I have a new housemate, a middle aged plumber with not very many teeth named Mick. He is replacing Paul, who was a middle aged truck driver with not very many teeth. So far I am very disappointed with the new tenant. He is older and more doddery than Paul was, I think Mick has had a stroke at some point in his life as he has a consistent slur in his voice. Paul had less teeth but he had more edge to him, lots of weird tattoos and a sense of humour. Despite Paul being older, we had been able to establish some camaraderie. Paul's departure closes the book on some truly epic bants. In comparison, Mick is like the spectre of old age and mortality, enthusiasm for life evaporates when he walks into a room, we try our best to be welcoming and take an interest but we can only do so much.

He's already had an awkward showdown with our resident Fallout cosplayer, Atilla. My Hungarian housemate had cooked some chicken the night before Mick descended on the place. Mick arrived and apparently thought this was some kind of welcome treat and ate all of Atilla's chicken, which he had been saving for lunch. Atilla, not the kind of man who takes such a matter lightly, decided to question Mick before any introductions were made. I have never seen someone make such a poor first impression.

So its only been a few days but Mick is going to have to do much better than this. He's a 4/10 Housemate and that's only that high because he says he might have a Sky box we can use.

But when you have a lingering dislike for a person, suddenly everything they do is annoying. Last night I had partaken of ye olde wacky tobaccy and was watching 1864 a gritty period drama series on BBC 4 following soldiers in the Danish army during their war with a newly-unified Germany. The series is all in Danish and is at times pretty fucking dark. In comes Mick with his wife or girlfriend, a sour faced woman at any rate, and they start cooking noisily. I'm subtly increasing the volume as this goes on and Mick makes some small talk with me about the house, interrupting me as I'm answering his own questions. As he's talking, a particularly grim bit of the show is unfolding, and whether it was because everything was in Danish or because there was a lot of blood and screaming, Mick became curious and asked "What side is this on then?"

For some reason his use of the word "side" (coupled with my assumption that he was judging me for my viewing tastes) irritated me immensely. I'm still angry today in fact. Not that I let it slip, I patiently informed him that it was on BBC 4 and that I was watching it on iPlayer. But the use of the word "side" as a sort of blue collar colloquialism for "television channel" still irks me for reasons I cannot fully explain. Regardless, after two days in the house I'm keen for him to exit.

Had I less tact I would ask him how long he intends to stay. In a vaguely sociopathic way I've been examining ways I could potentially persuade him to look elsewhere. Him actually dying would probably be a great hassle for everyone but perhaps I could stage an elaborate ruse and convince him the house is haunted or cursed, built on the remains of an ancient Indian burial ground perhaps.

Something has to be done, we had a good system going for six months but in a house share, inevitably you roll the dice with a new tenant and lose. If this post has made me sound like an ageist or some other kind of embittered anus so be it, he's been in the house two days and across three encounters with the man I've accumulated nothing but negative emotions for him.
Keep fucking up the pipes somehow. The last thing a plumber will want to do when he gets home from work is plumbing, soon it will take its toll and he will go and live somewhere without running water so he can relax.

Or like constantly flirt with his mrs until he feels you're a threat. Either he'll leave or he'll kill you and wear your skin, either way you're free.


Conversely, I just watched Avengers.
I felt the human side of the stories, dream sequences and Hawkeye's family scenes to be weak, and felt the film's plot was disjointed.
It was good, but a stepdown from recent Marvel films. Although, it has some humorous moments.
Conversely, I just watched Avengers.
I felt the human side of the stories, dream sequences and Hawkeye's family scenes to be weak, and felt the film's plot was disjointed.
It was good, but a stepdown from recent Marvel films. Although, it has some humorous moments.

To me it's very obvious that a lot of the film was cut, I imagine an extended edition/directors cut would help with the slightly disjointed plot.
As for the human side of the Avengers, I think they do need to touch on that with these films to establish their flaws/weaknesses and present them as challenges they need to overcome as a team. There's a right way to do it and they maybe spent too long with it on this film.

But yeah Captain America is the best


So after the new girl's antics at Mint Lounge on Friday apparently they aren't allowed to drink on the bar anymore. Lame.

And it's well strict now in terms of tips, disco shifts and all that jazz, new management and shit.

And most of the cool people have left apart from Elliot and Chrissy.

Plus it's been well quiet this last few weeks.

Seems like I abandoned a sinking ship.

I get my weekends back, yay!
Guys I just watched Chappie

Film of the year
I heard it was clichéd and uninspired and the trailers made it looks pretty corny.

But I dunno, I like District 9. I'd probably check it out on Netflix.
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