woahhhhh, alright duck. if you love him so much why don't you marry him?
oh you can't
because you're a duck.
I'm not actually a duck, a duck is just my spirit animal okay, GOD.
woahhhhh, alright duck. if you love him so much why don't you marry him?
oh you can't
because you're a duck.
Your lack of historical knowledge is abhorrent. The Finnish-Russian War AKA the Winter War is interesting for a number of reasons.
First, it gave rise to this fucking guy. Nuff said.
Yes! Going on 1st August.
Have to been to the secret Cantina nightclub yet? Or the hidden store? They're pretty cool.
Yes. I will plan something for July.
What's the star wars secret cinema? Sounds intriguing!
Yeh I'm going July 31st, don't spoil it!
Its an event where they do themed screenings of (generally older) films at a 'secret' location. I think the tickets for this on eare probably sold out by now but worth a google.
Well it's a lot more than that though. They recreate the world of the film and get everyone to get in to character. Check out the BttF one they did last year.
I think there are weekday tickets still available
woahhhhh, alright duck. if you love him so much why don't you marry him?
oh you can't
because you're a duck.
My complaint about Britgaf whilst Britgaf needs no introduction, I dae want to state that Britgaf is battening on us. What follows is a set of observations I hae made about snooty busybodies. Britgaf's I'm right and thou 're pete tong attitude is uneducated because it leaves no room 4 compromise.
It is my personal opinion, based on years of observation, that I frequently talk about how Britgaf's companions will carry the product of its graft into the future, even after Britgaf itself is gone. I would drop the subject except that certain facts r clear. For instance, it has been growing more adept at enabling wily, blasphemous noddies to punch above their weight. This is not a wee, narrow, superficial matter of concern only to the self-absorbed few. Rather, just about everyone should pay attention to how Britgaf is extremely unrealistic. In fact, my handy-dandy Unrealistic-O- metre confirms that Britgaf often misuses the dickey bird formaldehydesulphoxylic to mean sumfink vaguely related to Mohockism or irreligionism or somesuch. Britgaf's accomplices, realizing that an exact definition is anathema to what they know in their hearts, are usually content to assume that Britgaf is merely trying to say that Titoism is a be-all, end-all system that should be forcefully imposed upon us. To quote the prophet Isaiah, Woe to ye who wipe out delicate ecosystems.
I would fancy to digress here. Britgaf has 4 yonks been arguing that it holds a universal license that allows it to lob away our freedom, our honour, and our future. Had it instead been arguing that it ducks the issue of clericalism by using words and phrases so vague and subject to interpretation that they hae no true meaning at all, I might cede it its point. As it stands, the leap of faith required to bridge the logical gap in Britgaf's arguements is simply 2 terrifying 4 me to contemplate. What I dae often contemplate, however, is how it once tried convincing me that the peak of fashion is to swindle us into believing that the more strepitant the communication, the more perspicuous the message. Does it think I was born yesterday? I mean, it seems pretty obvious that Britgaf should not teach our lads a version of history that is not only skewed, distorted, and pete tong but dangerously so. Not now, not ever.
Although there's no denying that there r none so blind as those who will not see, it may be somewhat more controversial to allege that it may hae access to weapons of mass destruction. Then again, I consider Britgaf to be a weapon of mass destruction itself. Since Britgaf claims to know more than the rest of us, I'm sure it's aware that it thinks I'm trying to say that Britgaf's conclusions r mint 4 the environment, human rights, and bubtion seals. Wait! I just heard sumfink. Oh, never mind; it's just the sound of the point zooming way over Britgaf's head.
It has been brought to my attention that I treasure discourse and debate. whilst this is true, Britgaf has been peddling all sorts of half-baked and discredited theories. For example, it insists that all any poppet needs is a big dose of tele every day. As if that weren't bad dooze, I don't know what makes Britgaf think that the media should create tidings rather than report it. Maybe it's been sipping cuckoo juice. The fact of the matter is that Britgaf fancies thinking thoughts that aren't burdensome and that feel mint. That's y its mind is so twisted, it's doubtful whether anyone can straighten it out. If thou find that fact distressing then thou should help me unmask its true chevy chase and intentions in regard to corporatism. Either that, or thou can shoney into a corner and lament that thou got yourself born in the pete tong universe. Don't expect yer sobbing to dae much mint, however, because there's one addlepated nonentity I know (more on him later) who thinks that Britgaf can achieve its goals by friendly and moral conduct. Of course, that's not as bad as the scummy troll I ran into yesterday (more on him later as well) who was totally unable to comprehend that the vast majority of Britgaf's operatives hae no interest in weakening the critical links in Britgaf's nexus of presumptuous Marxism. They would rather stroke their fragile egos, regurgitate meaningless tripe, and sycophantically prostrate themselves before the barmy dribble that underlies Britgaf's empty-headed, subhuman hate sheets. Let me end by stating simply that selfish, shortsighted greed is the only explanation 4 y Britgaf has been lobotomizing everyone caught thinking an independent thought. I'll leave it at that.
Morning everyone
Please can we not forget the Jesus Lizard?
I forgot about the Jesus Lizard :-(
Apparently, that's about the drummer from Slint, Britt Walford, fucking up David Yow's house. The incestuousness of 90s/2000s US Indie Rock is staggering. I blame Albini.
If you like Jesus Lizard, I'm thinking you might get on with Rodan. The songs 'Gauge' and 'Everyday World of Bodies' are particularly good.
If you think Jesus Lizard could be a bit jazzier in places and are lacking extended jams, I also highly recommend June of '44. Maybe 'Sharks and Sailors', 'Of Information & Belief', 'Anisette' or 'Cut Your Face' will float your boat. EDIT: I forgot to add 'Dexterity of Luck' to that list. I'd link ya, but I'm at work.
If you want something a little lighter but no less enthralling, Rachel's and The Shipping News are also pretty good bands, although they never really hit the highs the other two bands do.
That incestuousness at play again: they all have band members in common.
Eat Snacky Smores.
You, sir, are a connoisseur. A god damn connoisseur.
The fuck did you just call me?
Connor Seur! That's your name ain't it?
Well... uh... carry on.
Work is so quiet today. Nobody is talking. I can't cope.
I don't come in here often, but this is the shittest post I've ever readMy complaint about Britgaf whilst Britgaf needs no introduction, I dae want to state that Britgaf is battening on us. What follows is a set of observations I hae made about snooty busybodies. Britgaf's I'm right and thou 're pete tong attitude is uneducated because it leaves no room 4 compromise.
It is my personal opinion, based on years of observation, that I frequently talk about how Britgaf's companions will carry the product of its graft into the future, even after Britgaf itself is gone. I would drop the subject except that certain facts r clear. For instance, it has been growing more adept at enabling wily, blasphemous noddies to punch above their weight. This is not a wee, narrow, superficial matter of concern only to the self-absorbed few. Rather, just about everyone should pay attention to how Britgaf is extremely unrealistic. In fact, my handy-dandy Unrealistic-O- metre confirms that Britgaf often misuses the dickey bird formaldehydesulphoxylic to mean sumfink vaguely related to Mohockism or irreligionism or somesuch. Britgaf's accomplices, realizing that an exact definition is anathema to what they know in their hearts, are usually content to assume that Britgaf is merely trying to say that Titoism is a be-all, end-all system that should be forcefully imposed upon us. To quote the prophet Isaiah, Woe to ye who wipe out delicate ecosystems.
I would fancy to digress here. Britgaf has 4 yonks been arguing that it holds a universal license that allows it to lob away our freedom, our honour, and our future. Had it instead been arguing that it ducks the issue of clericalism by using words and phrases so vague and subject to interpretation that they hae no true meaning at all, I might cede it its point. As it stands, the leap of faith required to bridge the logical gap in Britgaf's arguements is simply 2 terrifying 4 me to contemplate. What I dae often contemplate, however, is how it once tried convincing me that the peak of fashion is to swindle us into believing that the more strepitant the communication, the more perspicuous the message. Does it think I was born yesterday? I mean, it seems pretty obvious that Britgaf should not teach our lads a version of history that is not only skewed, distorted, and pete tong but dangerously so. Not now, not ever.
Although there's no denying that there r none so blind as those who will not see, it may be somewhat more controversial to allege that it may hae access to weapons of mass destruction. Then again, I consider Britgaf to be a weapon of mass destruction itself. Since Britgaf claims to know more than the rest of us, I'm sure it's aware that it thinks I'm trying to say that Britgaf's conclusions r mint 4 the environment, human rights, and bubtion seals. Wait! I just heard sumfink. Oh, never mind; it's just the sound of the point zooming way over Britgaf's head.
It has been brought to my attention that I treasure discourse and debate. whilst this is true, Britgaf has been peddling all sorts of half-baked and discredited theories. For example, it insists that all any poppet needs is a big dose of tele every day. As if that weren't bad dooze, I don't know what makes Britgaf think that the media should create tidings rather than report it. Maybe it's been sipping cuckoo juice. The fact of the matter is that Britgaf fancies thinking thoughts that aren't burdensome and that feel mint. That's y its mind is so twisted, it's doubtful whether anyone can straighten it out. If thou find that fact distressing then thou should help me unmask its true chevy chase and intentions in regard to corporatism. Either that, or thou can shoney into a corner and lament that thou got yourself born in the pete tong universe. Don't expect yer sobbing to dae much mint, however, because there's one addlepated nonentity I know (more on him later) who thinks that Britgaf can achieve its goals by friendly and moral conduct. Of course, that's not as bad as the scummy troll I ran into yesterday (more on him later as well) who was totally unable to comprehend that the vast majority of Britgaf's operatives hae no interest in weakening the critical links in Britgaf's nexus of presumptuous Marxism. They would rather stroke their fragile egos, regurgitate meaningless tripe, and sycophantically prostrate themselves before the barmy dribble that underlies Britgaf's empty-headed, subhuman hate sheets. Let me end by stating simply that selfish, shortsighted greed is the only explanation 4 y Britgaf has been lobotomizing everyone caught thinking an independent thought. I'll leave it at that.
I don't come in here often, but this is the shittest post I've ever read
Stand up, flip over and desk and scream.
That'll get 'em talking.
I did! I am now unemployed. Cheers Connor you wanker!
Sue them for unfair dismissal.
I did it. I got a payout of 5 quadrillion Zimbabwe dollars. Thanks for the tip!
Where's Connor's cut?
The cheque's in the mail.
Connor MacLeod of the clan MacLeod
Just woke up music.
Today is gonna rule.
I thought I'd love Zardoz based on everything about it. I love insane stupid things, but for some reason after the opening with the vomiting guns it started to go downhill for me. :/ One of the most hilarious openings though.
I only just learnt today that this was an Irish production. Imagine that.
It is, but it's worth every penny. Best fast food burger on the market.Five Guys is bloody expensive, isn't it?
Five Guys is bloody expensive, isn't it?
It is, but it's worth every penny. Best fast food burger on the market.
I think Five Guys is better than GBK, and definitely a damn sight better than any fast food or cheap burger place. Yeah it's pricey but you get what you pay for. The one at the O2 is constantly queuing out the door, there's good reason for that.
I think Five Guys is better than GBK, and definitely a damn sight better than any fast food or cheap burger place. Yeah it's pricey but you get what you pay for.
Not enough seats.
I dunno, it's about on par with other more upmarket burger places, like GBK for example, and the burgers are damn good.
I should go to Five Guys today as the microwave is broken here and I seriously doubt the landlord will replace it over the weekend.
Not enough seats.
What, a microwave is your primary source of cooking at home?I should go to Five Guys today as the microwave is broken here and I seriously doubt the landlord will replace it over the weekend.
hoorah for the free market!What, a microwave is your primary source of cooking at home?
Wow, that's grim.