Uncharted delayed until 2016. Come on Naughty DogIf No Man's Sky gets delayed too then I'll just use my PS4 as a foot rest.
The delay stings a lot but at least Bloodborne is out soon so I'll own at least 1 game on PS4 that isn't a PS3 game!
Uncharted delayed until 2016. Come on Naughty DogIf No Man's Sky gets delayed too then I'll just use my PS4 as a foot rest.
Couldn't disagree more, I hate Sen's Fortress! Bland and annoyingly fiddly to navigate. Creative and independent design?
Still not sold on Bloodborne yetThank fuck for MGS5. Still need to play the Last of Us DLC too.
Fuck this report, fuck this report and FUCK THIS REPORT
i can't wait to play bloodborne on my ps3.
that'll teach me to be poor!zing
sounds like the perfect peado trap. i am on to you, bbc.
kids, don't sniff the keyboards!
BBC, I know some 11 year olds play GTA, but at least base it on a game that is meant to be for their age group likeOne million Micro Bits - a stripped-down computer similar to a Raspberry Pi - will be given to all pupils starting secondary school in the autumn term.
The BBC is also launching a season of coding-based programmes and activities.
It will include a new drama based on Grand Theft Auto and a documentary on Bletchley Park.
BBC, I know some 11 year olds play GTA, but at least base it on a game that is meant to be for their age group likeSenran KaguraPokémon. I know my mum would be upset if educational programmes were based off of an out of bounds game.
Still not sold on Bloodborne yetThank fuck for MGS5. Still need to play the Last of Us DLC too.
my fave is when he's on the treadmill and louis is asking him about how he keeps fit and jimmy says he exercises everyday and then it pans out to him holding a fucking cigar the whole time, haha.When Louis Meets Jimmy is mental, watching now I know what I know, makes it so much more interesting and utterly mind blowing.
When Louis Meets Jimmy is mental, watching now I know what I know, makes it so much more interesting and utterly mind blowing.
It's over before it even gets started.
Bowen was right about the DLC. It's amazing. Really short too, you only need a few hours.
"I'm feared in every girl's school in Britain."
Haha, what the fuck.
See, which makes me wonder if it justifies paying £12 on the PS Store for it. When they gonna drop the price of that DLC goddammit! I gotta better chance of finding a cheap copy of the Last of Us on PS4.
I'm pretty sure The Last of Us PS4 is only £17 or so on the PS store right now. It certainly was a few days ago.
See, which makes me wonder if it justifies paying £12 on the PS Store for it. When they gonna drop the price of that DLC goddammit! I gotta better chance of finding a cheap copy of the Last of Us on PS4.
Definitely worth it.See, which makes me wonder if it justifies paying £12 on the PS Store for it. When they gonna drop the price of that DLC goddammit! I gotta better chance of finding a cheap copy of the Last of Us on PS4.
whilst it is super easy to say in hindsight, he was a monster that hid in plain sight and i am sure he revelled in it."I'm feared in every girl's school in Britain."
Haha, what the fuck.
I did, there is loads to admire about it, I just don't get the buzz about the level design. It feels kind of lazy to me, like they built a level but couldn't be arsed to actually apply much logic to how to traverse it. They just kind of went "meh, they'll work it out."Sen's Fortress is one of the best sections of the game. It encapsulates the entire design philosophy into one little area. It's a pretty intricate section with a surprising amount you can miss on a first playthrough. It's a great test of everything you've learned, with a few extra cheeky surprises chucked in.
Frustrations aside, I remember you loving most of DS.
Sploatee, I dunno man, I just found it annoying and really dull looking. I can appreciate what you're saying about how it gradually escalates the difficulty but that's like game design 101, hardly remarkable.
Undead Burg was cool and intricate, I loved how it looped back on itself and stuff. But I found most of the other areas pretty awful and their awkward navigation created an artificial difficulty. Lost Izalith, Blighttown, Sen's Fortress, I just found them irritating and difficult due to frustrating design more than anything else, particularly the first two.
I can understand why folks see Dark Souls as a refreshing change of pace from being funnelled through a tightly scripted corridor, but it seemed like they wen too far the other way and often felt like aimless meandering to me, like they skipped the last step of level design or something.
Each to their own innit.
I did, there is loads to admire about it, I just don't get the buzz about the level design. It feels kind of lazy to me, like they built a level but couldn't be arsed to actually apply much logic to how to traverse it. They just kind of went "meh, they'll work it out."
Some people love that, I really don't.
Fair enough. You were right about the Last of Us DLC, so call it square![]()
Booked E's next tattoo (birthday present). I want a Darksign tattoo. I'd regret it wouldn't i?
"O hey cool tattoo what is it"
"It's er from a video game"
"K bye"
Fair enough. You were right about the Last of Us DLC, so call it square![]()
Booked E's next tattoo (birthday present). I want a Darksign tattoo. I'd regret it wouldn't i?
"O hey cool tattoo what is it"
"It's er from a video game"
"K bye"
Go into the tattoo thread, many have done it, some good, others are like WTF.
"O hey cool tattoo what is it"
"Those branded with it are reborn after death, but will one day lose their mind and go Hollow."
"K bye"
Fair enough. You were right about the Last of Us DLC, so call it square![]()
Booked E's next tattoo (birthday present). I want a Darksign tattoo. I'd regret it wouldn't i?
"O hey cool tattoo what is it"
"It's er from a video game"
"K bye"
Just say its from some obscure metal band.
But Justin Bieber isn't RnB. Are you saying metal is worse than JB?It is such a strange world where metal is somehow cooler than video games (not that they are cool either).
Metal is awful. Only RnB is worse.
I forgot about that thread! Your tattoo looks amazing btw.
ah for fuck sake pratchett.![]()
ah for fuck sake pratchett.![]()
It's a good thread, I enjoy looking at. Some of them though look like someone actually went at em with a biro, but as long as they're happy with it who am I to judge.
Musha I just saw yours though, insane, that artist is sooo good!
Yup sad day.