20/20 vision represents clarity of vision.
2020 as a year has been the opposite of that, many are confused how quickly things change.
Buckle up, it will get wilder before it gets better.
There are rules to this life.
Things are happening as they should.
You have been trapped in an over complication of knowledge.
Information is ever present. But TRUE KNOWLEDGE has been kept from you.
True knowledge will set you free, and it is an understanding of the law of the universe that will give you the toolset to become free and a non-controlled and manipulated being.
Trust and process this, you are NOT free. It is entirely evident to anyone “in the know” every time you speak.
You’ve seen my posts, you’ve gotten an idea of me.
All I offer you is access to the TRUTH.
Make no mistake, right now, all around you and on this board. There are many who want to prevent your awakening.
A true spiritual awakening.
World leaders, ALL RELIGIONS, influencers in science, entertainers, people with power, and people around you in your daily life... they know this. They know THE TRUTH.
They want to keep you in slavery, they want you weak so they can feed from you.
Do not become a victim, do not be weak.
The events happening on the global stage only make sense to those ‘in the know’
Once you process the TRUTH confusion and chaos will be a thing of the past.
But we must all realise it.
You may think I am cryptic, but if people want you to stay ignorant, they do not want you to learn.
You must learn, use your brain and think.
ALL my posts are a tapestry. They all connect.
In this thread, I will guide.
Because once learned, the confusion ends. Even on the global stage.
2020 as a year has been the opposite of that, many are confused how quickly things change.
Buckle up, it will get wilder before it gets better.
There are rules to this life.
Things are happening as they should.
You have been trapped in an over complication of knowledge.
Information is ever present. But TRUE KNOWLEDGE has been kept from you.
True knowledge will set you free, and it is an understanding of the law of the universe that will give you the toolset to become free and a non-controlled and manipulated being.
Trust and process this, you are NOT free. It is entirely evident to anyone “in the know” every time you speak.
You’ve seen my posts, you’ve gotten an idea of me.
All I offer you is access to the TRUTH.
Make no mistake, right now, all around you and on this board. There are many who want to prevent your awakening.
A true spiritual awakening.
World leaders, ALL RELIGIONS, influencers in science, entertainers, people with power, and people around you in your daily life... they know this. They know THE TRUTH.
They want to keep you in slavery, they want you weak so they can feed from you.
Do not become a victim, do not be weak.
The events happening on the global stage only make sense to those ‘in the know’
Once you process the TRUTH confusion and chaos will be a thing of the past.
But we must all realise it.
You may think I am cryptic, but if people want you to stay ignorant, they do not want you to learn.
You must learn, use your brain and think.
ALL my posts are a tapestry. They all connect.
In this thread, I will guide.
Because once learned, the confusion ends. Even on the global stage.