:lol :lol :loljergrah said:The part where he talked about him being knocked out for 22.5 minutes had me cracking up at my desk
Same here.
Who knows? Maybe he'll end up in the upcoming Medal of Honor game.
:lol :lol :loljergrah said:The part where he talked about him being knocked out for 22.5 minutes had me cracking up at my desk
Lonestar said:I can tell he's crazy by the varying changes to the story. Plus, apparently, he's still shooting guns at people, and had been in prison for 14 years for drug dealing and pimping
harSon said:He's sort of a hypocrite, he says they should remove thugs off the street but admits to being a former drug dealer and a pimp? :lol
Coolio McAwesome said:
Coolio McAwesome said:
Coolio McAwesome said:
omg :lolCoolio McAwesome said:
harSon said:He's sort of a hypocrite, he says they should remove thugs off the street but admits to being a former drug dealer and a pimp? :lol
I <3 Memes said:Man that dude is crazy. Maybe 10% of the story he just told is actually true. Come on. Dude showed him a knife? He stomped on the guy? Guy was knocked out for 22 1/2 minutes? You could already tell that this guy is the kind of guy that is always telling these loud boisterous tales annoying everyone within earshot. But man did he DudeBro the shit out of that story. I expected him to eventually claim that he came back in a fighter plane to finish the guy off.
I <3 Memes said:Man that dude is crazy. Maybe 10% of the story he just told is actually true. Come on. Dude showed him a knife? He stomped on the guy? Guy was knocked out for 22 1/2 minutes? You could already tell that this guy is the kind of guy that is always telling these loud boisterous tales annoying everyone within earshot. But man did he DudeBro the shit out of that story. I expected him to eventually claim that he came back in a fighter plane to finish the guy off.
Coolio McAwesome said:
Coolio McAwesome said:
Damn, when he starts crying... poor dude.Coolio McAwesome said:
Well it was pretty evident even with just the initial video that the black people on the bus were racists.The-Warning said:Ah, so now we know how it started in regards to the shoe-shining thing. He wasn't even talking to the black guy. Yes the old man is mentally ill, but I believe him. Sounds to me like this guy isn't "racist" like all the Word Police and Thought Police here were trying to brand him as.
Coolio McAwesome said:
I'm only getting the right channel.Kard8p3 said:Am I the only one getting no sound from this video?
I only got audio from my right speaker.Kard8p3 said:Am I the only one getting no sound from this video?
-x.Red.x- said:Too much... that interview made him more legendary then he was...
100 autographs? dammm
remind me to not become a internet meme.
perfectchaos007 said:I wonder how many autographs amber lamps has gotten
The way he was describing the fight is pure distilled win... but when he started crying about his mom :'(Coolio McAwesome said:
he says something like "stop the war and im glad bush is out of office"Coolio McAwesome said:
nyong said:I feel bad for the guy. Especially when he started talking about how happy he was that the cops bought him coffee and let him ride (up front) in the squad car. If what he says is true about what led up to the "Ali Shuffle" - the stuff said off camera
He arguably baited a black person about shining shoes and used the terms "chinaman", "Boy", and "cotton picking motherfucker" (vid 2). On top of that someone who knows him IRL confirmed in this thread that he's a crazy racist homophobe. But you choose to ignore all that and believe him because that one sentence, amongst hyperbole and blabber, confirmed your preconceived biases.The-Warning said:Ah, so now we know how it started in regards to the shoe-shining thing. He wasn't even talking to the black guy. Yes the old man is mentally ill, but I believe him. Sounds to me like this guy isn't "racist" like all the Word Police and Thought Police here were trying to brand him as.
:lol or the ONE girl shouting racial shit. Way to cast generalizations on all the blacks in the vid. Good job.Sanjuro Tsubaki said:Well it was pretty evident even with just the initial video that the black people on the bus were racists.
He's the fucking boss. Was that guy really a murderer?Coolio McAwesome said:
YoungHav said::lol or the ONE girl shouting racial shit. Way to cast generalizations on all the blacks in the vid. Good job.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:Well it was pretty evident even with just the initial video that the black people on the bus were racists.
Count Dookkake said:Generally, when I am in a crowd of white people and I see someone of another race being picked on for no other reason than that of their race, I do my best to make it clear that I do not approve. If you happen to have the misfortune to be surrounded by racists who share your skin color, don't be surprised if people assume you are a racist.
onemic said:But it was only one black person out of all the other black people on the bus. Are you really trying to say that its fair to generalize a bus load full of people based on what just one dumbass said?
how does this even make sense? The only black people in the back who knew eachother was camera woman and her friend (who made the pinky and white ass comments). Camerawoman is filming a heated argument which lead to a fight, is she supposed to pause it and lecture her friend? or was everyone on the bus (except for Amber) too preoccupied with watching the confrontation? Some of you guys are trying a bit too hard.Count Dookkake said:Generally, when I am in a crowd of white people and I see someone of another race being picked on for no other reason than that of their race, I do my best to make it clear that I do not approve. If you happen to have the misfortune to be surrounded by racists who share your skin color, don't be surprised if people assume you are a racist.
YoungHav said:how does this even make sense? The only black people in the back who knew eachother was camera woman and her friend (who made the pinky and white ass comments). Camerawoman is filming a heated argument which lead to a fight, is she supposed to pause it and lecture her friend? or was everyone on the bus (except for Amber) too preoccupied with watching the confrontation? Some of you guys are trying a bit too hard.
Count Dookkake said:Yes. They are either cowards, racists or morons.
Doesn't matter if it is one person or 20. If you look like the racist, try to give the victim and other witnesses a clue that you are not one of the racists. Besides making sure that no one gets the wrong idea about you, it is a good way to shift the direction of the encounter. The racist becomes less bold when he realizes the crowd that looks like him does not think like him.
onemic said:I met a white racist in Atlanta last time I visited. He said some mean things to me on the street, while a few other white people tried to calm own the situation. I guess every white person that lives in Atlanta must be racist.
You have the girl and the guy. I didn't say everyone on the bus was racist. The sentiment after the incident was pretty apparent as well.YoungHav said::lol or the ONE girl shouting racial shit. Way to cast generalizations on all the blacks in the vid. Good job.
Count Dookkake said::lol
Try reading.
onemic said::lol
I did and that's exactly what you said. Why don't you read your post again.