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Bus Fight: Old White Guy V.S. Young Black Guy in an Arguement Over Racism

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X26 said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

In hindsight i should'nt have said that. i would probably be jumped upon by all 20 at once. In somalia you wouldn't join in if there was fight going on if two people challeneged each other. so yeah that was my somali background talking there.




Will Eat Your Children
barkers crest said:
"His beard alone has experienced more than a lesser man's entire body"


He is...the most interesting man in the world.


"I've met tough guys like you before and I slapped the shit out of them!"
DAMN that dude looks badass at the end, now I know how to keep my face when I get older. How did he get the fluffy effect in his beard?


Elan tedronai said:

In hindsight i should'nt have said that. i would probably be jumped upon by all 20 at once. In somalia you wouldn't join in if there was fight going on if two people challeneged each other. so yeah that was my somali background talking there.
:lol that doesn't fly in america. People are cowards here and talk tough just because they're with their friends. They'd have no problem jumping you.


Elan tedronai said:
<much much more>

There's no shame in getting beaten in a fight. But humilation caused by not standing up for yourself is much more bad in my opinion.

When you got beated in a foight you have much sham and himilation. It caused by not standing up for yourself and if much more badder than my grammer.

Your posts make my brain cry.


Mudkips said:
When you got beated in a foight you have much sham and himilation. It caused by not standing up for yourself and if much more badder than my grammer.

Your posts make my brain cry.

I gave him a bit of a pass since it appears he is from Somalia....english is probably not his native language.
The thing that caused the fight to escalate to where it did was the attitude that elan is talking about. Each man was clinging onto thier pride and instead of walking away and shutting up after a miscommunication they both tried to save face in front of a bunch of strangers and this was the result. It's just not worth it.


That's bullshit. The old guy tried avoiding the fight. The guy came over and punched him, and the old guy beat his ass in self defence. Sure, he talked a bit of trash too, but as his interviews show, he's a bit unstable to begin with, so he gets a pass on that from me.
agrajag said:
That's bullshit. The old guy tried avoiding the fight. The guy came over and punched him, and the old guy beat his ass in self defence. Sure, he talked a bit of trash too, but as his interviews show, he's a bit unstable to begin with, so he gets a pass on that from me.

He was definitely the least of the two to blame, but he did keep talking trash. Both of them just had to get the last word in. Without that, it could have ended without violence. They were also both pretty dumb not to realise that they were arguing over a miscommunication. What you say about the old man is true though.

Anyway, my comment wasn't just about this incident. Too many fights happen because of some bullshit sense of pride and people not being able to walk away without feeling like a loser. I think it's pretty smart to try and completely avoid a fight if you can personally.
gutter_trash said:
a 65 year who is still built is someone who has been physically active either through manual labour or working out...

these guys you don't mess with period.

yeah he may be rascist but that is not an excuse to fight on a bus.

I understand the black guy's anger... but blind anger usually leads to an avoidable confrontation.

you have an MP3 player on your head... he moves seats... let go and listen to your music

people should learn to LET GO

his anger got the best of him and result in said result

LTTP, but he had no dignity.


I'm amazed at the number of you saying you'd try to fight it out instead of walking away. Even as a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, I would do everything possible to avoid the fight, because while I've been trained to defend myself should the shit start flying, I just...never want it to go that far. Dunno, guess I'm one of those pacifist black belts :D


Elan tedronai said:
There's no shame in getting beaten in a fight. But humilation caused by not standing up for yourself is much more bad in my opinion.

I disagree. I think there is shame in participating in a fight that could be avoided, whether or not you are victorious. It shows that you are extremely juvenile in your train of thought and feel you have something to prove to other people.

You are supposed to outgrow that crap in high school.

Personally, I feel if anyone thinks they can take me on, they are more than welcome to throw a punch. If they can't physically start the fight and instead try to provoke then that's really all that needs to be said.
So there's this guy on Reddit who met Epic Beard Man sans Beard:

And he confirms that Epic Beard Man is a vietnam vet.
Other passengers warned me about him before I saw him. He ended up sitting next to me and telling me how he killed babies and grandmothers in Vietnam and that the Vietnam war isn't over. He shaved his beard because, according to him, anyone wearing a headset is an FBI agent who's after him because he's a special agent who knows too much. He met a native american man on the train and decided that he would be one too. When someone complained to the conductor that he was being loud and offensive, he started yelling about how he knew it was a white woman who complained because they are always against the native americans. He also told me that he knew where to get all the pussy, and that I should talk to him should I need any help in that department. It was the most bizarre train ride of my life. Anyway, I thought I'd share.


X26 said:
look at her hand, she's scared as shit

don't blame her though

and watching one more time..

- white guy asks black guy to shine his shoes, apparently he's going to a funeral
- black guy takes offense
- white guy insists he's not racist, goes to anotehr seat
- black guy still mad, they still exhancge words, black guy throws first punch
- whtie guy beats down black guy

it's a bit different in this case, asking a random black guy to shien your shoes, but still guy talked too much and got his ass kicked so it worked out. Biggest piece of shit is the one filming who swiped the old guys shit at the end
I turned up my volume and can make it out, it went like this:

Black dude:
How much you __________ transit. How much you _________ transit?
Old Dude: Let's get back to __________; how much you charge me for a spit shine?
Black Dude: What?
Old Dude: How much you charge me to do my Staseatos (shoes?)? I'm going to funeral on friday, I got-
Black Dude: What? What? *Takes off shades*
Old Dude: You said-
Black Dude: Did you hear what I said just now?
Old Dude: Yes.
Black Dude: Why a brother got to spit shine your shoes?
Old Dude: You offered!
Black Dude: I didn't offer you shit!
Old Dude: What did you say when you walked by me? (Earlier I guess)
Black Dude: I said why a fucking brother got to spit shine your shoes? Why-
Old Dude: No-no, you don't have to-
Black Dude: Why can't a white man spit shine your shoes?
Old Dude: It can be a Chinaman it don't matter!
Black Dude: Look dude, look-
Old Dude: I ain't prejudice, you think I'm prejudice?
Black Dude: You get the fuck out of my face, I'll kick your ass up this bus right now.

Seems, basically, that they'd been talking prior to getting on the bus, and the White guy thought the black guy had offered to shine his shoes for him for money. After the white guy moved away, though, he said something I couldn't make out that made the old lady go from 'don't fight' to 'kick his Pinky ass', although some other black girl said 'It's not racist" after that at some point.
I bet he had that glimmer of hope that he could win in a fight b/c he was drunk. He seems to at least speak pretty well compared to his "drunk" speak on the bus. Now the only thing left is to get an interview with that girl that everyone loves so much.
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