For sale: more pics available on request
Playstation 4 launch console - $500 shipped
decided to buy the metal gear solid V console from europe and am looking to sell my current console
why $500? will that was the cost of the MGSV system and i wanna break even, but
the reason i want $500 is that you are getting P.T. on the system, along with my PSN account and PS+ account , which has a few months left until it has to be renewed.
console has been kept in good condition and includes all cables and etc , no headphones though unless i can find it , system box is in acceptable condition
PS+ expires February 22, 2016
PSN games included on the account are : 31 digital PSN games
rocket league, hotline miami, limbo, lara croft: and the temple of osiris
killzone shadow fall, Olli Olli 2, Valiant hearts , new in tasty oddworld, home, Apotheon, dead nation: apocalypse edition, doki doki universe,
dust: an elysian tail, fez, infamous first light, mercenary kings, outlast, plants vs zombies garden warfare, pix the cat , resogun, spelunky, strider,
steamworld dig, stick it to the man, surgeon simulator , the swapper, the binding of issac rebirth. towerfall ascension, transistor, trine 2 : complete story
moved the console to the floor for better lighting