$29.99 On Play Asia.H: Puyo Puyo Tetris (XBO)
- It's region free and will play just fine on your US Xbox.
W: $42 shipped in the US or (longshot) trade for IA/VT Colorful (Vita) or Twilight Princess HD.
To be fair, you should at least factor in shipping from Japan if you're going to just throw that out there. It's probably around $10 or more unless you want to wait weeks for it to arrive.
Far Cry Primal $7
Bought an extra from Lunaniem and ended up not needing it.
Want To Sell:
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Juggernog Edition (NO GAME OR SEASON PASS) $250
WTS some Steam/Uplay keys
ARK: Survival Evolved $10
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger $1
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon $2
Front Mission Evolved $1
Just Cause Collection $2
Life Is Strange: Episode 1 $1
Murdered: Soul Suspect $2
Sentinels of the Multiverse $1
ShadowGate $1
ShadowGate: MacVenture Series $1
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse $2
Switchcars $1
Tomb Raider: Anniversary $1
Tomb Raider 1 $1
Tomb Raider 2 $1
Tomb Raider 3 $1
Tomb Raider Legend $1
Tomb Raider Underworld $1
Yosumin $1
Xbox One Digital:
Gears of War Ultimate Edition $12
XBOX One Physical Copies
Rainbow Six Siege
Or maybe other Xbox One games, let me know what you got
I have done a bunch of transactions on here, but I don't think my feedback has been updated yet.
Thanks everyone!
Code:[IMG]http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/wcAAAOSwuAVWt8y3/s-l1600.jpg[/IMG] WTS. $330 shipped new and sealed from amazon. edition number is 1000 and [IMG]http://pisces.bbystatic.com/image2/BestBuy_US/images/products/8945/8945779_sa.jpg;canvasHeight=500;canvasWidth=500[/IMG] WTS $50 credit for $45
pm me pls
Positive feedback for BombChicken, he sold me a neato Steam game.