The area that used to be reserved for the headphone jack is NOT empty now. They have rearranged the circuitry or mechanicals to utilize that area. Perhaps driven by the larger camera size or addition of some other component. The useable space in an iPhone is clearly finite, so every little bit of space is valuable. And relatively speaking, the headphone jack does take up a significant amount, especially when it's function can potentially be addressed through another port. They didn't get rid of it for nothing.
Show me the actual internal shots, having worked on these phones for 4+ years now I can tell you apple does t just shift the whole internal design drastically anymore. For Christ's sake the 5 and se use almost all of the same components, even the same exact displays.
So until I see internal shots of this thing I refuse to believe they somehow made the lightning port more that 50% shallower because the lightning port is literally just as deep internally into the device as the 3.5 was. And again you also had the taptic vibrator which was sandwiched between the 3.5 and battery leaving even less room for "expansion" with the removal of the 3.5