After a few hours, I'm really liking the game. A lot. Being able to upgrade Scorestreaks, the 13 point class system, the mobility, and last but not least BEING ABLE TO ENTER A GUN RANGE TO TEST YOUR GUN DURING INTERMISSION. Holy shit, it's so awesome.
Hopefully Hardcore modes pick up soon after a few days since I'm not a fan of non-hardcore and hopefully Sledgehammer adds HC CTF since that was all I played in Black Ops II (and still do). It's such a great way to memorize maps and train my ears on the game's sounds. It sucks from being able to pick up the slightest noise in Black Ops II to have people sneak up on you and knock you out.
The scorestreaks themselves are okay. Not a fan of the Vulcan at all, the chopper is neat and being able to upgrade it so you can get a wingman is awesome, missile strike is whatever, turret is only really useful if you upgrade it to a sentry, and the UAV upgrades are a nice touch.
Have only used the assault rifles so far and I've mainly been sticking to the first one. The variable scope is nice, the auto-zoom scope is pretty useless, and I haven't bothered with the rest. I hope the third pistol is better than the first. I was always a fan of the B2R3(?) in Black Ops 2, being able to run around, double tap to kill, reload, and move around to the next one. Oh, and that laser is fucking stupid in this game. What the fuck.
So far: level 28ish with a KDA of about 1.7. Not too bad.