The same old problems rear their head again. Broken spawns, getting killed a milisecond after spawning, getting shot round corners yadda yadda.
The maps are hardly memorable, the guns are very bleh...its just the same game plus some additional freedom in movement courtesy of the Exo suit.
I feel like a mug for getting excited for this and expecting a genuinely fresh take on the gameplay. It looks like I'll be waiting for a long time to get another COD game that is a worthy successor to COD: MW2.
Guys where are those pre order stuff? I can't find them in the menu's like the golden exo skeleton for example playing on PS4.
Not really.
IW innnovates, someone else refines.
Controversy levelsWhat did IW innovated after CoD4?
For you guys looking for a good all around weapon, look forward to hit level 20. The HBRA3 is godly with Red Dot and Foregrip. Not only is it a great long range weapon but once I started using it I've finally been able to win short range battles, something I rarely did with the AK12.
Ok, after playing for 3 hours of MP I can say that this game won't be played by me very long. The spawns are atrocious. I've had people kill me within 3 seconds of spawning too many times and vice versa. If you stay in one spot for more than 5 seconds in this game someone will already be behind you. Time to kill is too damn fast but I bet they did this so people wouldn't abuse the exo-movement abilities. Net code is garbage tier as always. Lag has only gotten worse on the 3rd hour and I'm done now. I'll give it another go tomorrow.
One complaint.
I have ONE complaint.
Gold looks like ass.
Other than that, i've been going strong for five hours and am still having a blast.
Ok, after playing for 3 hours of MP I can say that this game won't be played by me very long. The spawns are atrocious. I've had people kill me within 3 seconds of spawning too many times and vice versa. If you stay in one spot for more than 5 seconds in this game someone will already be behind you. Time to kill is too damn fast but I bet they did this so people wouldn't abuse the exo-movement abilities. Net code is garbage tier as always. Lag has only gotten worse on the 3rd hour and I'm done now. I'll give it another go tomorrow.
The cutscene graphics are amazing. Very next gen
The spawns are atrocious.
How's the SP in Veteran difficulty? Is it insanely difficult like WaW's?
Like Ghosts, AW makes you really appreciate fine-tuned (IE per map custom weighting that is a tremendous amount of work) spawning systems like [...] Destiny.
What's the deal with loot expiring?
Nope, extremely easy like Ghosts.
Is there any way for me to purchase the game today on X1? I didn't preorder the Day One edition.
Yeah scratching my head to this one. Makes absolutely 0 sense.What's the deal with loot expiring?
What's the deal with loot expiring?
It's pretty fair for the most part, although there was one part that absolutely didn't seem tuned for the difficulty and seemed entirely luck based as sometimes I'd die instantly and others I'd manage to scrape through CH3/4 spoilerHow's the SP in Veteran difficulty? Is it insanely difficult like WaW's?
What's the deal with loot expiring?
Seems like p2p to me, see lots of games where the person with the worst ping flourished on top.Do we know if the multiplayer runs on dedicater servers or is just p2p shit?
wait, serious?
even after equipping them?
What did IW innovated after CoD4?