I forgot why i stopped playing this series... Time to kill is too low to make any kill satisfying
TTK in this is pretty high, on par with BOII (I'd say slighter higher).
I checked out some COD4 gameplay, and TTK seemed pretty low, despite me remembering the opposite.
I then figured that TTK is fine, so long as map flow and respawn design makes sense. I mean, in COD4, I always had an idea as to where enemies would come from, making deaths/kills fair.
But in newer COD games, it seems like it's a mess, so getting killed instantly is not fun when you cant figure out where you died from.
While I dislike low TTK, I am hoping that the flow in AW makes sense. I am also hoping that there are good ways to escape players with the new mechanics.
I do wish they'd bump the TTK up to what it felt like in COD4.
I dont know where you'd rank TTK, but I disliked MW2, BOII, and MW3.
COD4, WaW, and Blops all felt right.
Anyone else want to weigh in?