OK so I tried gimping my connection by tethering it to my phone and throttling down the phone to "Edge" (hahahaha!)
It took me about 45 seconds to login to PSN, about a minute to access the online network after BO2 launched, about 2 minutes to find a game. I get in it aaaaand...
I get 4 bars. Didn't even play. I just left. 4 bars means I'm on the bad end of the lag comp. How on earth does an "Edge" network get 4 bars? How the shit does their netcode see motherfucking EDGE, on TMO, in my basement... 4 bars? My phone had 1 fucking bar (my basement sucks).
I reconnected via Ethernet, like usual, got back online and decided to play a game even though I wanted to stay away from it. I had 3 bars wired. I must have connected to a server on the other side of the country. My ping here in Chicago is 12ms avg. To the west coast it's 75ms.
Needless to say even with 3 bars I managed to wreck people. I actually got hit markers and when I ducked to cover, stayed alive. 31-6 in Domination with 9 caps on Raid. I didn't feel like I was overpowering anyone - BUT - when I took aim and fired downrange I only made most breaks by a fraction of a second. Usually by my second bullet my opponent was firing on me and I was taking huge damage. I just got the bust faster. The majority of my firefights were quick - both of us fired on each other stupidly fast. I didn't notice anyone taking a long time to fire on me in a face to face like I often see in killcams when I just stand around like a dumbass or aim in a completely different direction. I had a few guys get the draw on me first - and I went down as I should - but the bust was only a few bullets which is enough of a spread for him to take a few hits and live while downing me quick.
This was my first time actually living through a hit marker and first time when getting the break that I win a firefight. I usually just die without any indication that I was getting hit. But just seeing how much of a difference ME being on the good end of the Lag Comp was astronomical and that was just with 3 bars. I downed people in what would seem to be a normal amount of bullets instead of almost a full clip like it takes me with 4 bar connection.
Also I feel it should be noted I don't stand still. I don't use Ghost, Silencer, Laser - but I don't stand still in corners. I post an area for defense - but I never corner, head, window, etc. I keep mobile even when UAV shows incoming - I keep moving when defending so it's not like I get my kills from hiding. I generally don't do defense - I like capping/planting/defusing so my KDR will suffer due to being an easy target - but even when being the guinea pig in other games I still don't go under 1:1. I'm quick to take people out here and there but like to be the guy that pulls shooters from the woodwork so my team can set. I create diversions to keep the enemy occupied so the real heavy-hitters on my team can go to work and I feel I am an asset to the team, despite not having a huge KD in other games - but still floating positive. In this game - support is just not working with lag comp. I can't take out my share and keep them busy enough.
I can only imagine how 2 and 1 bar players feel.
After that - stayed in the lobby - host migrated - back to 4 bars - 12-26 FML
Anyhow long story short I felt 3 bars was more fair - despite me wrecking - when I got the bust by just a few bullets - i won - when the enemy got the bust by just a few bullets - he won. it felt like an even trade-off since I connected to a server not close to home.