I like that within 5-6 games on PC I'm being called a cheater. The connection quality on PC is far, far superior than the Console equivalent, holy shit.
I'd say that Mw2 was better than this, but this is currently the best option.
I would figure that much, PC has dedicated servers right? and do you actually get the option of seeing a numerical value for your ping instead of bars?
tastes differ! it's the only game I threw in the garbage bin.
I would figure that much, PC has dedicated servers right? and do you actually get the option of seeing a numerical value for your ping instead of bars?
It does, but it doesn't feel like it for me since the matchmaking got patched, I end up in games worse than peer 2 peer :/
Im not the only one that constantly gets called a cheater on PC! Huzzah!I like that within 5-6 games on PC I'm being called a cheater. The connection quality on PC is far, far superior than the Console equivalent, holy shit.
The M8A1 is the new m16. No joke.
Aww man...makes me sad to hear you're gonna stop trying for the diamond launchers. One day you'll get that urge back though
I'm still going at it. Need 3 more aircrafts for the Ronin camo then that fucking AGR. Will be the greatest day of my life when I get them, lol.
The M8A1 is the new m16. No joke.
Oh yes, yes it
Is it much better than the SWAT? I've been using that as my burst fire gun. I like burst fire to test my aim, but I'm not loving the SWAT.
I like that within 5-6 games on PC I'm being called a cheater. The connection quality on PC is far, far superior than the Console equivalent, holy shit.
Wow kinda surprised, the campaign is actually very good!! Like it a lot more than multiplayer... wish there was multiplayer based on that open map with the horses! Hellah fun time!!
Getting tired of the corridor gallery...
I thought it was fine. Everything was pretty well-explained and had fair justification. Maybe you weren't paying attention?The game sucks at explaining things. I was doing things in the SP and had no idea why or how they even came about. The story telling is piss poor, it's all over the place. I didn't give a shit about anybody in the story. Pretty short too. And it had cinematic's that you couldn't skip after checkpoints which I fucking hate. I watch this thing, I die, I watch it again. Shitty design that too many games do.
Is there no GAF gamertag to help meet up for games on this release?
There's a GAF Elite group still going on 360.
Type 25 is my first max prestige weapon.
I'm also the closest to getting the 870 to gold. How about you guys?
our clan leader sucks dick im still waiting for our message to change
I thought it was fine. Everything was pretty well-explained and had fair justification. Maybe you weren't paying attention?
what's the clan name? just GAF? think I was in it previously but seems my elite registration was deleted/I can't remember which e-mail I used.
I was wondering if anyone has come across a bug where they lost a whole days worth of progress in terms of xp on their multiplayer account and if so did the problem ever resolve itself or did you have to just redo it.
It finally happened! I went Super Saiyan!![]()
The AGR dropped and I couldn't find it for a minute or two. And then I found it twice and it killed me twice. Less than 60 seconds left on the clock. But the planets aligned and I shot a Stinger missile at that fucker. That Metal Gear Solid VR training finally paid off.
As for the SMAW, well...I hate the SMAW. I fucking hate it. I am never going to touch that weapon again ever. In fact I refuse to play Gun Game because the SMAW is one of the weapon cycles. Fuck that POS.
Really having a 'where have you been all my life' feeling with the Mtar, I don't know why I ever avoided it.
Nice man! You still have the RPG left, right?
Last night, I got extremely lucky with the AGR kill. Not only did I kill one but TWO in the same match. I had the biggest smile aftewards, lol. Now I just need 2 more player control aircraft kills and diamond will be mine.
May move onto the pistols next.
Man, switching back and forth between the campaign in this and the campaign in Spec Ops The Line is fucking weird.
Someone said it best on the Player One podcast that the campaign in Black Ops II almost feels like a parody of CoD games. Sure it's got great production values and it's fun, but I can't tell which game is more disturbing. Spec Ops is the first game in a long time that has actually made me cringe in near disgust over just how fucked up the story is and the war is hell kind of theme.
Blops is disturbing because it's like Michael Bay times 10. It's almost like it's military porn. I can't shake this feeling that I'm playing a military-themed Natural Born Killers at times it's so absurd sometimes. I half imagine Oliver North getting an erection while playing it, especially during the look out it's terrorists line in the club level. It's just so ridiculous at times. The word fuck even seems like it's thrown into every other sentence even if it doesn't make sense.
Rage quitting is too strong in this game. Can't win? Just make the whole game error out.
Rage quitting is too strong in this game. Can't win? Just make the whole game error out.
This has been going on for a while in COD though, I believe most people just ragequit because they are getting destroyed.Doesn't this only happen when the host migrates? If so, I feel the rage quitting is absolutely justified. Games are meant to be fun. When you're the host in this game, many times it simply isn't fun. Why would a person want to keep playing when an on target, point blank shotgun blast is totally ineffectual, and gives the other player time to turn around and shoot you. The problem is with the game, not the people. I've said it before, fuck everybody else's experience until treyarch fix the problem.
This has been going on for a while in COD though, I believe most people just ragequit because they are getting destroyed.
This has been going on for a while in COD though, I believe most people just ragequit because they are getting destroyed.
1) Get destroyed
2) ragequit
3) find out you were host
4) justly blame treyarch
5) play a better game