Calen said:
Just a bit of mild sarcasm to deflect some of the wildly wrong assumptions about something I and the rest of the team have worked incredibly hard on. If this offends you, I apologize. I'll not post again.
It doesn't offend me, aint shit that could do that, just comes off awfuly tacky is all, and I'm sure it offends others that aren't in a particularly ahppy place right now. Its twisting the knife and kicking someone when they're down, there's no need for it.
You ought to be expecting people to make assumptions and fill in the blanks when there's been so little done to allay people's fears though. Many PC gamers are smart guys, you go into the technical whys and wherefors as to how your system works and a lot of them
will understand what you're saying.
Making claims that this will not in anyway affect the way the game plays is outright false and you and I both know that, its inevitable that it'll never be the same but ofcourse there's stuff that can be done to minimise the difference. There's been claims that there's no host advantage, fine, great, if that's the case then go ahead and explain how you've got around that, don't just expect people to take your word for it. Console gamers may slurp up the PR kool aid but PC gamers don't work like that, we've reworked your network code, hosted servers for your games and created free content for your playerbase, we understand how this stuff works, so don't approach us on a simplistic level.
Why's this whole thing got to be treat like a tranny surprise anyway? If you are so proud of IWNET then go ahead and show us what's so great about it. If it really is as watertight as claimed then letting the community tear it apart is a
good thing because if they don't find holes in the system then you can guarantee that you've done a good job with it. Don't come onto forums with a siege mentality like you just did, come on and be respectful towards your community, after all these were the people that made you the successful studio you are today, shitting on them and giving them the cold shoulder probably isn't the smartest thing to do. *Correcting* people's assumptions on your product and working a 1:1 dialect with your consumers is a great thing to do, but there's a right way to approach it, that's basically my point.