Not sure if it's been answered, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. What happens when you prestige this time around? Had heard you'd be 'rewarded' with another empty class for Create a Class. This true?
corkscrewblow said:Use the iron sight.
Billy Mitchell said:Does anybody know if the patch removed the "last kill shot" thing at the end of each match? Ever since the patch I am not seeing it happen.
ThirstyFly said:Sure you're not just in matches that have been ending by the time running out? Pretty sure the game winning kill only comes up if that kill ends the game, not just the last kill of the match.
Blindfutur3 said:Not sure if it's been answered, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. What happens when you prestige this time around? Had heard you'd be 'rewarded' with another empty class for Create a Class. This true?
VisionaryQuest0 said:Forget MW2 I'm waiting for MW3:
SolidSquirrel said:I really miss the ability to reload after the screen has gone grey and the match has ended. Bring it back, damnit!
Neverender said:I wish there was like a 10 second timer or something on care packages so that only the person who called them could grab them in that time, unless they died or something. Having stupid team mates grab care packages when you're clearly waiting for it to drop is the most annoying thing ever.
kevm3 said:You don't know how agitated I was that a retarded teammate grabbed my care package when I was RIGHT THERE in front of it and it was a predator missle strike.
UltimaPooh said:Your Teammates open the care package slower than you do.
I just patched it, and see it for my friends in pre-game lobbies so nah.devilchicken said:So the newest patch removed the 'join game' option from your friends list on the ps3??
Wtf, this better be a stopgap measure until friday for the party patch of whatever. Kinda worrisome that they would remove that.
I think so. Some arsehole was trying to grab the AC 130 that came in my care package. He got there slightly before me, but I still got it.Neverender said:Can you grab them once a team mate is in the process of obtaining it, though?
Neverender said:Can you grab them once a team mate is in the process of obtaining it, though?
UltimaPooh said:Yes. As a Teammate I have gone in and tried to get one, the guy who dropped it, or at the very least another teammate got it open first. I had the opening meter and everything.
Neverender said:Ah ok, I must have been too slow the couple times it's had happened to me.
Kaltagesta said:I agree with the general sentiments here regarding the single player. I found the Rio mission so frustrating. You CAN'T be careful, because people pop up from everywhere, all directions, all heights. This meant that, for me, the only real solution was spam flashbangs and run with the shotty. It was like I was playing American Football - just had to get those ten yards to the checkpoint! 'Youre injured. Get to cover.' WHAT COVER?! Its a shame, because the snow mission was great and so was multiplayer, but if the rest of the single player is like Rio, then fuck that. It just wasn't fun.
DrBo42 said:Just finished the campaign. Enjoyed it quite a bit, it's a fun ride. Not sure what people are complaining about, it's Call of Duty.
Thats weird, maybe the ppl that i was trying to join havent patched and thats why it wasnt showin for me, only thing i saw was 'invite'.. hm.dallow_bg said:I just patched it, and see it for my friends in pre-game lobbies so nah.
NameGenerated said:Do the later rocket launchers have immunity to flares? The AC130 and Pavelow are so fucking hard to kill because of it.
Also, why does no one else use rocket launchers?![]()
mr_nothin said:Aim (down iron sights) at said aircraft and listen for a "beep, beep..beeeeeeeep" sound. Literally takes 1.5 seconds. Not that hard.
Net_Wrecker said:This is insanely annoying. It seems like NO ONE except the people in my party like to take out the other team's air support. Early in matches I always take out the UAV's, and anytime there is air support, and I'm outside, I'm looking up to take it out. If it's not me or 2 of my friends, it seems like nobody cares and just keeps getting slaughtered by them. I've also seen players on the other team not even attempt to take out my Pavelows, it's amazing.
I don't know. I'm not a game designer, or even a wannabe game designers. But I know when I'm not having fun playing something. I don't find when you poke your head out of a door and you get a face full of jam. You subsequently 'take cover' back in the building only for a guy standing on a platform you had way of knowing was there blow the rest of your brains out with a shotgun. Of course, I couldn't see this person, thanks to my jam face. I don't know how I'd design the level differently, but for me that one really wasn't fun.UltimaPooh said:How would you make the level differently?
UltimaPooh said:How would you take it out if your class doesn't have a stinger or rocket launcher?
I'm usually ace at taking out vehicles in other games like Halo 3 but you have specified weapons for your character in COD.
UltimaPooh said:Yeah it's a good thing to keep an eye on it and go for it right when it drops, as long as you are not in the middle of a firefight.
I dunno if this has happened to anyone else but a few times I have called for a care package and as it lands it bounces towards me. The only times I see it bounce it bounces towards me... I wonder if the game does that on purpose.
Kaltagesta said:I don't know. I'm not a game designer, or even a wannabe game designers. But I know when I'm not having fun playing something. I don't find when you poke your head out of a door and you get a face full of jam. You subsequently 'take cover' back in the building only for a guy standing on a platform you had way of knowing was there blow the rest of your brains out with a shotgun. Of course, I couldn't see this person, thanks to my jam face. I don't know how I'd design the level differently, but for me that one really wasn't fun.
Net_Wrecker said:Um, I dunno?...MAKE ONE WITH A LAUNCHER maybe? It's really not that hard to have ONE class with a launcher on it so that when you die, you just switch classes one time, and take a shot at the thing. Or even better, THERE'S A DEFAULT CLASS with a Rocket on it. How hard is it to try and soak up 300 points, all while helping the whole team?
UltimaPooh said:Jesus, calm down. I was just asking.
I mostly run for cover in the first place and wait it out... I don't usually run out into the open just to get wasted.
Yeah that part kind of reminded me of that one scene in MGS4MarkMclovin said:Did anyone get slightly emotional in the *Warning Ending Spoiler*scene? I don't mean crying emotional, but more likepulling the knife out of your chest to throw it at Shepherdand then shout a big 'fuck you' when you did?OMG FUCKING PULL IT OUT!! GOTA SAVE PRICE UUNNNRRGGGGHHH
MarkMclovin said:Did anyone get slightly emotional in the *Warning Ending Spoiler*scene? I don't mean crying emotional, but more likepulling the knife out of your chest to throw it at Shepherdand then shout a big 'fuck you' when you did?OMG FUCKING PULL IT OUT!! GOTA SAVE PRICE UUNNNRRGGGGHHH
Slightly embarrassed to admit, but I also gave a WOOOOHOO!! in thescene.snow mobile
Jesus, this shit never happens to me normally. Must be getting old or something.:lol
Yeah I haven't picked this up yet but the single player looks far more 'exciting' to me than COD4 (which was a little bland IMO).voltron said:So I'm still waiting for my copy. What I'm getting from this thread is that people aren't happy with the single player. Really surprising (and disappointing) if true.
SP is the main reason I'm playing the fame too![]()