Arjen said:I've been called a fat American because i spoke Dutch (???)
and that i'm a stupid foreigner (????)
and the usual other bullshit.
All in high pithed voices offcourse.
Ogs said:Thats what that ACS module at the beginning of the game was about, they used it to disable/bypass all the detection stuff America has. Yeah its stretching it completely but thats there reason :lol Just how the Russians got that thing, i have no idea, nor do i think its explained.
ghibli99 said:Thanks for the impressions. I was really excited about playing through this one, but after cancelling my PC preorder based on the unbelievable crap I read in the 'hubris and BS' thread, I'm not even motivated to pick up a console version. And from what I've been hearing around the office, folks are sharing your meh impressions... I do think a lot of it comes from the high bar that was set with recent games like UC2 that MW2 just feels a bit unpolished, behind the curve, and a retread in some respects.
I know that I will play it someday. Just not right now.
Shnookums said:Is spec-ops mode for 2 players or does it go up to 4?
Klyka said:I just mute everyone except my mates. It's like party chat. Sure the others can hear you,but that just makes it more fun to talk trash about them.
Wizman23 said:For all you bitching about no Party Chat its not the end of the world. Go into your profile and turn voice so you can only communicate with friends. This is not brain surgery.
Klyka said:I just mute everyone except my mates. It's like party chat. Sure the others can hear you,but that just makes it more fun to talk trash about them.
-PXG- said:Because Party Chat has been disabled, I've already been called a nigger twice :/
This is why we SHOULD have nice things.
Solomon said:Wow, now that I've played through the campaign, "No Russian" makes so much more sense and I've totally changed my mind about IW's intentions. They really are amazing artists and entertainers.
Playing the level in context only makes it even more obvious that this was a cheap and sensational way of generating more pre-sales and attention for the game. I hope the boys at IW can sleep with themselves when this is inevitably mirrored by a real life event inspired by their game. Actually, I hope that they can't.
VaLiancY said:I thought I was the only who got a majorvibe from this game.Metal Gear Solid
Wizman23 said:For all you bitching about no Party Chat its not the end of the world. Go into your profile and turn voice so you can only communicate with friends. This is not brain surgery.
VaLiancY said:That's what I didn't get. What about the basic radar systems on warships or America's allies giving a heads up. My head hurts
big_z said:just finished the single player tonight.... no idea what the hell happened.
DreamMachine said:I have a ps3 is anyone having trouble connecting to multiplayer it's stuck on online status
fetching playlists and updating rank and unlocks.. it's been like this for like 30 minutes....
The patch did this shit? IW can you get your shit together please.Game Analyst said:The new patch breaks matchmaking. So no multiplayer until another patch is issued. lol
Klyka said:I just mute everyone except my mates. It's like party chat. Sure the others can hear you,but that just makes it more fun to talk trash about them.
Ogs said:After i finished the level i felt like i fully understood exactly why that was put in there.
Its shocking and horrific, its meant to be, not so Fox news can have a bash on it, its so the player thinks "holy shit", and its meant to make the player really fucking hate this Makarov guy. Watching the team slowly walk through the place with absolutely no remorse for what there doing, just shows how nasty these guys are, you the player, really want to take him down, but then right at the end, with the big twist, it sets up the rest of the game. Russia thinks America did the massacre, hence why the war starts. Its grim, its meant to be, and it only gets grimmer.
Although there is 1 thing that got me, 1 of the guys got killed through the mission, why wasnt he identified as a Russian ? Blah
lawblob said:Im' on the last mission right now, playing on Hardened.
IW are just incredible at creating a guided FPS experience. When you consider how many shitty FPS games are made each year, the number of 'holy shit' moments packed into MW & MW2 is just awesome.
I feel bad, I have been ignoring party requests since I got this, but damn this single player is keeping my attention.
Wizman23 said:For all you bitching about no Party Chat its not the end of the world. Go into your profile and turn voice so you can only communicate with friends. This is not brain surgery.
CitizenCope said:Holy shit at almost 2.5 million on the leaderboards on 360 already.
kaizoku said:I don't see how this is a good thing.
I don't speak much online, but when I do, it might be to give some kind of advice like "behind you!" or "you take the right"
I obviously think they can hear me if I can hear them, but hey guess what they've muted me.
Don't see why certain people are SOOOOO intent on sticking to their little cliques. sorry but if you fuckers are on my team, I want to be able to hear you and be heard. Otherwise YOU'RE THE PROBLEM in your own little private chats talking about what you're gonna have for dinner or some shit.
Sure you get annoying idiots, I don't know how many as I haven't ventured online yet, but when it gets bad I mute one person or I turn my volume down. I don't need to have a chit chat while I play. If I'm talking during the game then I'm talking about the game and there's no need for privacy there.
There should be an option where party chat is public or private. Its best for creating a party and playing together, but why does a stranger have to be on the outside unless invited? sucks.
ghibli99 said:Thanks for the impressions. I was really excited about playing through this one, but after cancelling my PC preorder based on the unbelievable crap I read in the 'hubris and BS' thread, I'm not even motivated to pick up a console version. And from what I've been hearing around the office, folks are sharing your meh impressions... I do think a lot of it comes from the high bar that was set with recent games like UC2 that MW2 just feels a bit unpolished, behind the curve, and a retread in some respects.
I know that I will play it someday. Just not right now.
Concept17 said:impressions...
Solomon said:Come on. THAT'S the biggest problem that you had with the internal story logic for that level?
How about the fact thatThe WHOLE THING makes no sense, it's sloppy storytelling and it exists for only one reason: IW said, "you know what would be AWESOME and help sell like millions of extra copies of our fucking game? if you couldyou're a fucking CIA agent walking through an airport of civilians, mowing them all down??? There's no way to deviate from this and progress. You can't shoot down Makarov and his men (like any agent would when placed in this situation - no, scratch that - a real agent would have informed his handlers and the agency would have intervened), and you can't play a passive role in the assault without taking part. I also LOVE (sarcasm) the start of the level where you walk out of an elevator with an exposed arsenal of weapons pointed at the civilians and guards and they stand there silently watching you as though you are a pack of harmless janitors.that's what! Now come up with a story excuse for it."gun down civvies in a fucking airport,
Kotick is laughing to the bank and IW are a bunch of reprehensible jackasses for doing it.
Would look it up for you, but IW just released a patch for the game that destroyed online MP.cameltoe said:any PS3 leaderboard numbers?
DreamMachine said:I have a ps3 is anyone having trouble connecting to multiplayer it's stuck on online status
fetching playlists and updating rank and unlocks.. it's been like this for like 30 minutes....
Shadow780 is the PC version any good?
I'm mostly just gonna play campaign and co-op with friend(s)