slunk2zero said:Its rather appalling the PS3 version has so many online issues, I remember this being the case during the COD4 launch. Surely they would of anticipated that at least a couple of people were going to want to play the MP section of the game. The number of pre-orders should of served as a subtle hint.
Any problems with the 360 version?
Not to mention there is just much more cover than the previous game. There is almost always a door nearby or a car for you to hide behind.Irish said:I prefer the maps in this one to the ones in the original. It seems like it's a lot easier to sneak up on people. To add to that, there is usually two or three people camping in the same spot, leading to instant killstreaks.
THE TRUTH.R2D4 said:Oh and if Killzone 2 had MW1&2 controls it would have been so awesome that my copy wouldn't have been on Gamestops used shelf after 2 weeks of playing it.
How is this possible?Carlisle said:Awesome. MW2 arrived on release day from Amazon with super-saver shipping. In yo' face Primers. But alas, I'm still trying to finish up CoD4 before I open up this one. Maybe after this weekend....
blindrocket said:THE TRUTH.
Grecco said:Horribly late to the party. But im in the Airpoart thing and semi disapointed that you fail the mission when you shoot the terrorists.
CartridgeBlower said:So far I've been playing on Hardened and it seems a SHIT TON harder than CoD4. I'm dying all the time from stray bullets. Thinking about bumping it down a level, but I'm worried it'll be too easy. Anyone got any thoughts on what the most enjoyable difficulty is? I've heard from people the later levels get easier and it's not as bad as the beginning.
I used the Desert Eagle and the SCAR. Make liberal use of the jump-to-target feature. Two rounds should take down every target, but don't worry about it as long as you don't completely miss. If you run out of SCAR ammo before you go up the stairs then restart, because you don't have enough ammo in a single clip of the pistol to take out every target after that.KittyKittyBangBang said:AAAHHHHHHHH! Im gonna have to wait on the Pit Boss achievement, I got to 33 seconds once, but usually get 37-40 seconds. ARGH!
Any tips?
MirageDwarf said:Played first two acts. Many times I don't know who the fuck I am shooting at. As long as target is red, I shoot hoping it's an enemy not some dead object. There is constant push to move ahead. It's like playing it in fast forward. Hope it gets better from third act as people are saying.
I was never a fan of Martyrdom, but last night when I was playing I got "Martyrdoh!" which you get for cooking a grenade, getting killed and then having that grenade kill someone. That made me laugh.DeuceMojo said:I miss Martyrdom. Read into that what you will.
brain_stew said:Telling myself what, the undisputed truth? Its the version with the best graphics, best performance, best controls (no shitty auto aim for a start) and its multiplayer is no better or worse than the console version. Yes it is the best version, its just not upto par, with other PC shooters is all. Check out these comparison pictures, there's quite a leap in graphics:,699195/Mo...owser&image_id=1220187&browsersize=fullscreen
Why not just use the M9? It holds 15 rounds.Willeth said:I used the Desert Eagle and the SCAR. Make liberal use of the jump-to-target feature. Two rounds should take down every target, but don't worry about it as long as you don't completely miss. If you run out of SCAR ammo before you go up the stairs then restart, because you don't have enough ammo in a single clip of the pistol to take out every target after that.
Shoot the three targets at the top of the stairs, and reload your pistol as you jump down. Then just pistol everything you can. The Desert Eagle can punch through two targets, so mind that there aren't any civilians behind the enemy target. Half-way down they're sometimes set up so that you can take two out with one shot.
If you run out of ammo before the last two, knife them both and sprint - it's quicker than reloading the pistol. Don't forget you get time bonuses for accuracy, so even if you did it in 32 secs if you were efficient enough you'll still come in under thirty in the end.
TheLegendary said:Maybe it's just me, but the PC version doesn't look THAT much better. Not that it's not improved, but I certainly expected more of a difference from the way you were talking about it and considering the 360 is 5 year old hardware.
Grecco said:Oh and the Plot is totally ripping off GI joe. Kinda.
Roxas said:Patch 1.02 has completely broken PSN. Good job IW/MS. Stealth mission completed.
Roxas said:Patch 1.02 has completely broken PSN. Good job IW/MS. Stealth mission completed.
you call yourself an fps fanatic but you bought this game for PS3 and not the definitive fps platform: PC ?fps fanatic said:The one thing I was hoping would be solid this time around. I still remember staring at a "downloading game settings" screen on PS3 and it taking a while to jump into matches. Maybe it's a blessing I won't have the game for another week or two.
Hopefully the problems should be ironed out by then. Are any 360 players experiencing the same thing?
Pretty much.Roxas said:Patch 1.02 has completely broken PSN. Good job IW/MS. Stealth mission completed.
Violater said:360 timed online exclusivity deal. :lol
BioNut said:Is it just me or are there fewer guns to pick from in multiplayer.
I was really disappointed that there were only 4 sniper rifles and where is my drogonof?
lawblob said:Yep. They could have done a lot more interesting stuff with that level. Instead is comes-across as very "videogamey" in its limitations, in a way that basically negates the emotional impact I think they wanted to convey with the scene.
Roxas said:Patch 1.02 has completely broken PSN. Good job IW/MS. Stealth mission completed.
bomb_jack said:Just got home from work and installed the WONDERFUL patch that breaks online completely.
Square Triangle said:So the PS3 version is a waste of time to play right now? Between not getting trophies and not being able to play online? Sheesh.
someone in your party didnt open the port for his xbox or someone has a bad NAT settingInsaniac said:anyone been having trouble with large parties trying to join ground war games?? I had a party of 9 last night and we could NOT get into one game, either it could not find a single game, or 2 or 3 people would get separated from our party and we'd all have to leave and regroup, wtf.
Gary Whitta said::lol
You have to have the latest Patch to play online.JasonMCG said:To all those having 1.02 problems.
Go into your game data and delete the 1.02 patch. Try again to play online. Problem solved?
I don't think it was the patch that did it. I was playing fine last night after installing 1.02. I think the servers are probably overloaded or something.Roxas said:Patch 1.02 has completely broken PSN. Good job IW/MS. Stealth mission completed.
what?fizzelopeguss said:Currently at oil rigs, game is as ugly as sin.