That's what I did, just walked through that part. I didn't want to do it, but wanted to see what the fuss was about.panda21 said:you realise you don't actually have to right? just do nothing. although i still don't understand what exactly you were trying to achieve but then that pretty much sums up the entire story...
Grecco said:favelas on veteran is the biggets crock of bullshit ever.
If only there were some co-op mode or single player campaign of some sort.bomb_jack said:The PS3 servers are still fucking broken. Don't think I'm going to get a game tonight.
OldJadedGamer said:Fixed.
JRW said:Check out the user rating for PC version on metacritic
Currently at a 1.4 rating out of 1,400 reviews.
Raxus said:If only there were some co-op mode or single player campaign of some sort.
Maybe on LIVE, but they clearly made a mistake by underestimating the amount of players who want to play this game online.Jonsoncao said:Possibility #1: IW hasnt done enough stress testings to guarantee ppl got decent MP experience, or bad netcode makes PSN servers overload
Conclusion: IW's fault
(xbox MP is fine and there was over 500k ppl online at the same time, 2.5m ppl on leaderboard yesterday so I guess IW has done enough stress testing)
Not Sony's servers = not Sony's fault.Jonsoncao said:Possibility #2: IW has done enough stress testings, but the massive population playing this game on PSN blows the PSN server
Conclusion: SCE's fault for not foreseeing this game is so huge on PS3
Yeah, totally my fault. :lolJonsoncao said:Possibility #3: there was clue that PS3 MP would be borked for the first several days(MW1 reference maybe?), and you still pay $60 to get it day one instead of waiting for all pbs solved
Conclusion: your fault
VaLiancY said:I thought I was the only who got a majorvibe from this game.Metal Gear Solid
Brian Fellows said:Slaughter a whole bunch of civilians and leave a dead CIA agent there to take the fall in order to start a war.
Revolutionary said:Any strategies for the Suspension map in Spec Ops? I have no idea how to handle the helicopter once you get the middle portion of the bridge. It tears me up if I'm revealed for just 2 seconds, and then there's a squadron of enemies coming up on me on foot as well. Grr.
Colocho said:So what's everyone's time on the pit at the beginning?
I just did 23.85 with a USP. 45 and an M9
Wow, I so didn't see the RPG's on the floor to my right. :lol I feel like a dumbass. Thanks, though.yes we can said:Pick up the rocket launcher. 1hit kill after lock on
panda21 said:and the CIA agent was trying to do what? cos if he was trying to stop them he didnt do it very well :lol
chubigans said:By the way, all last night playing the PS3 multiplayer I was constantly taking out UAVs. I might be a bad killer, but I control the skies damnit. Blam!
Last time I had that problem I had to delete all my saves. Mostly because some games require a sync to play them(burnout paradise and dead space to name a few) Sony never fixed the problem and that was the only way to get around it. I swear if I have to do that shit again I'm renewing my xbox live when its up and I'm switching.slunk2zero said:Even more PS3 woes! Now trophies aren't syncing!
chubigans said:By the way, all last night playing the PS3 multiplayer I was constantly taking out UAVs. I might be a bad killer, but I control the skies damnit. Blam!
Dax01 said:Who here actually likes the blood jam? I'm still kind of indifferent to it.
Yup!The Chef said:Using an RPG?
Nope. But you can do local Spec Ops, and multiplayer now functions like online with profiles and unlocks so you can rank up in split screen multi just like online. It's really neat.DanielPlainview said:QUESTION: Can one do 2 player local splitscreen multiplayer over LIVE with a guest? (like Halo?)
Thanks in advance!
DanielPlainview said:QUESTION: Can one do 2 player local splitscreen multiplayer over LIVE with a guest? (like Halo?)
Thanks in advance!
Foliorum Viridum said:
It took me 5 hours on Regular, and I just spent the last 2 hours doing the first act again on Veteran.
JRW said:Check out the user rating for PC version on metacritic
Currently at a 1.4 rating out of 1,400 reviews.
chubigans said:Yup!![]()
Fifty big points too.
Scooter said:IW is a joke. They ruined the PC version, they released the PS3 version with bugs and they didn't prepare the servers.
The Chef said:Thats awesome. I wish more people were like you on the games I've been playing on. Everyone on my team just cowers in fear under a bridge with their eyes closed hoping the UAV doesn't see them. :lol
The Chef said:Thats awesome. I wish more people were like you on the games I've been playing on. Everyone on my team just cowers in fear under a bridge with their eyes closed hoping the UAV doesn't see them. :lol
thats only when you get a payback kill.. cuz its a cool effect i guessTkawsome said:Why does money randomly fly out of killed enemies in multiplayer?
Irish said:28 seconds with the AK-47 and USP .45
I just got 100% accuracy (shaves off 5 secs) on my first run with the USP .45 and the M9.- 29.5 seconds. I need to start shooting and moving faster.
Payback. :lolTkawsome said:Why does money randomly fly out of killed enemies in multiplayer?
Yup. "Enemy UAV Sighted!" Just scan the skies and take out the tiny plane!Violater said:Does a warning still go out that the enemies UAV has been deployed?
Tkawsome said:Why does money randomly fly out of killed enemies in multiplayer?
The S-Word said:thats only when you get a payback kill.. cuz its a cool effect i guess
shit took me forever, but i got 28-29 seconds. i really wanted that achievement.KittyKittyBangBang said:BAH! best I have got is 35 sec (33 after bonus)
the reloading kills me, but I was using DE and SCAR. Maybe I should try AK and the .45