Just thought I'd throw some other thoughts I had out there.
I never played MW1 multiplayer, and got my first current gen console after it was long since out. So my first true CoD online experience came with WaW, which I really enjoyed. So for me, WW2 CoD's were the standard, and the MW ones are the derivatives. That said, I have a couple gripes about multiplayer design of MW2 (but that isn't to say I don't love it):
1. When playing WaW, you had five distinct gun classes, each with very clear advantages and disadvantages. Single bolt action rifles (sniper rifles, essentially) had an extremely low fire rate, and extremely high power/range. Sub machine guns had ridiculous power, really low range and accuracy, etc. The classes were diverse enough that each had it's place in certain maps, with certain play styles. However, I feel that for MW2, the guns are not nearly different enough in how they play. Some of the assault rifles are fully automatic, and basically handle like extremely accurate sub machine guns. In fact, when I play in multiplayer, I use the SCAR like a sub machine gun, essentially (and do pretty damn well with it like that to boot). All of the classes (save for the sniper rifles) play essentially the same. Yes, the sub machine guns have poor range and accuracy, but I don't know. There is no where near the stark difference between classes in this game as there were in WaW. And I kind of miss it, because it makes everyone a little bit less diverse.
2. Though I haven't unlocked some of these guns yet, I'm looking at the stats of certain later guns, and their stats are completely better in all regards than the earlier guns you get. So (and I'm definitely assuming here), since all the guns in a certain class (and across classes as well) get the same attachments, it would seem that there is no benefit at all to using certain early guns, when they are completely outclassed by later guns. That's horrible balanced. In WaW, every gun had it's own unique handling style, feel, and traits, and that balanced it such that there was always a place for every gun (or at least, most of them). Whether it was differences in fire rate, damage, attachments, range, whatever, every gun was unique, and not completely outclassed by another gun. Again, I'm just assuming here, since I haven't unlocked them yet (though did use them in the museum/single player), but I'm a bit worried that in the end, everyone will be using the same weapon. (I hear this was a problem in MW1 with the AK-47? Not sure). I guess this ties in to my first point above.
Anyway, I'm just afraid in general that everyone will end up looking exactly the same. There's a ton of perks and cool killstreaks to have, but if everyone's toting the same guns, it gets boring.