I'm using the SCAR-H now, but the FAMAS did me pretty well. Do you have stopping power?PatzCU said:The FAMAS just does not seem to be cutting it in multiplayer. Finally got the red dot for it, but I'm still getting owned by people running around with full-auto rifles. I'm guessing I would need to be headshotting with the FAMAS.
Tom Penny said:So what is the consensus on multiplayer. Is it better and more balanced than the original or is worse?
They do seem overly unbreakable, that's for sure :lolCcrooK said:Riot Shields. They need to break or something if I'm going to launch a fucking RPG at it. Seriously.
Dax01 said:There are some adjustments that need to be made. Right now, my main problem is the time period for any air support that hovers over the map (attack chopper, AC130 gunship, etc). It needs to be shortened.
-viper- said:5 hours long campaign? Wow that is just awful.
So much for the 10 hours IW promised.
Most people don't have Stinger rockets unlocked just yet, or don't seem to equip them in their load-outs.lemon__fresh said:I think a lot of people just don't realize that they can be easily shot down.
AC130 is fine as is. It is an 11 kill streak for a reason. Most of this shit can be taken down right quick if more people would use stinger missiles. Gunner chopper should be nerfed a bit. The airdrops should take longer to drop the supply crate so I have a chance to shoot it down.Dax01 said:There are some adjustments that need to be made. Right now, my main problem is the time period for any air support that hovers over the map (attack chopper, AC130 gunship, etc). It needs to be shortened.
hyduK said:I'm using the SCAR-H now, but the FAMAS did me pretty well. Do you have stopping power?
-viper- said:5 hours long campaign? Wow that is just awful.
So much for the 10 hours IW promised.
MrPliskin said:So can anyone confirm if parties are working now for PS3?
PatzCU said:The FAMAS just does not seem to be cutting it in multiplayer. Finally got the red dot for it, but I'm still getting owned by people running around with full-auto rifles. I'm guessing I would need to be headshotting with the FAMAS.
FAMAS + Stopping Power= OwnagePatzCU said:The FAMAS just does not seem to be cutting it in multiplayer. Finally got the red dot for it, but I'm still getting owned by people running around with full-auto rifles. I'm guessing I would need to be headshotting with the FAMAS.
RubxQub said:Most people don't have Stinger rockets unlocked just yet, or don't seem to equip them in their load-outs.
Raxus said:The airdrops should take longer to drop the supply crate so I have a chance to shoot it down.
op_ivy said:airdrops are a double edged sword. a good team can pick off a poor team easily as they blindly run at the drop box for goodies only to get a bullet in the head.
IMO the M16 is more or less a FAMAS clone IMO. I haven't worked with the gun in depth though.lemon__fresh said:Any1 try the M16 yet? Does it still have it's COD4 ownageness?
Kydd BlaZe said:FAMAS + Stopping Power= Ownage
It can be distracting for sure, especially when you end up looking at it more than what's in front of you. You're right about the silencer being a valuable attachment (anything to keep you off the grid is almost essential). I'd love to use the bling perk and have both attachments equipped, but I simply can't part with the quick aiming gained from slight of hand.RavenFox said:It's great your right but I find it distracting at times. Went back to my silencer.
steadfast said:I tossed the airdrop smoke beneath a part on Underpass where there is a broken piece of freeway above you that is inaccessible.
Dropping it there caused the crate to land on the broken freeway bit and I used that as bait for opposing team circling below looking for it but never finding it. The little HUD indicator even shows that it's above you but it was ignored. Much fun to be had![]()
Yup.PatzCU said:Alright, I think I just need to get to know the maps better. I agree the long distance ability of the FAMAS is amazing. I think I'll switch to a full-auto setup on the more close-quarters maps.
Still in the right hands there is absolutely zero reason for a winning team to get a chopper gunner early game. I can understand if a team is losing and gets one of the higher end killstreaks but come on.op_ivy said:airdrops are a double edged sword. a good team can pick off a poor team easily as they blindly run at the drop box for goodies only to get a bullet in the head.
Raxus said:IMO the M16 is more or less a FAMAS clone IMO. I haven't worked with the gun in depth though.
M14 is still a very good gun. It may not drop enemies AS quick but it is better at close range.PatzCU said:Alright, I think I just need to get to know the maps better. I agree the long distance ability of the FAMAS is amazing. I think I'll switch to a full-auto setup on the more close-quarters maps.
Damn thing was never accurate in the first place. I remember last game shooting enemies in the chest and registering it as a headshot due to the burst shot.lemon__fresh said:Damn, I was hoping it was going to be at least more accurate.
Raxus said:Still in the right hands there is absolutely zero reason for a winning team to get a chopper gunner early game. I can understand if a team is losing and gets one of the higher end killstreaks but come on.
shagg_187 said:Modern Warfare 2's take of "US Invasion" reminded me alot of Resistance 2 (minus chimeras)... or atleast the good side of Resistance 2 with the atmosphere of Resistance: Fall of Man.
Rayme said:It didn't ship with the bug. Update 1.01, which went live before launch day, introduced the bug (which unfortunately didn't show up in testing). It was caught and fixed right afterwards, but it took a few days longer for 1.02 (which included a fix) to punch through cert.
Raxus said:Damn thing was never accurate in the first place. I remember last game shooting enemies in the chest and registering it as a headshot due to the burst shot.
RubxQub said:Why anyone would call an crate-drop in a heavily contested area is beyond me.
Go somewhere where you can sit safely for a 10 seconds and let 'er drop. It's not like you have to use it right away or lose it if you don't use it immediately or get another killstreak on top of it.
Ha!TheyCallMeMoney said:You do that so the other team will try and go after it and then you pick them off one by one.![]()
It's for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.nimrod said:just noticed there's patch 1.03 available on ps3, what's it for?
RubxQub said:Ha!
I have killed fools trying to get into my box in the past, guess it makes sense to deliberately bait people with it if you're pretty confident in your ability to defend it :lol
wmat said:It's for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
1.03 has the fix that makes our PSN presence updates (used for friend invites and status) less frequent so that we aren't clobbering all of PSN with them. Invites should work much better now..nimrod said:just noticed there's patch 1.03 available on ps3, what's it for?
The FAMAS is amazing, although I prefer the SCAR. Unfortunately, the clip is too small on the SCAR and I constantly run out of ammo.lemon__fresh said:Fair enough. I remember pulling the trigger (once) and having my enemy fall down 99% of the time. Maybe ill give the FAMAS another try.
Or maybe there are just more experienced players out there than last time. I can't rely only on my CS (1.5) skills anymore.![]()
Inferno313 said:Dang.. I'm worse than I thought at MP.. I have about a .6 K/D ratio.
I swear it's bad luck, I wasn't this bad on COD4 and I think I keep getting on games with horribly balanced teams. I've won about 9 matches out of 40. Usually my entire team has bad K/Ds.![]()
Almost positive they attribute to your killstreak.vehn said:How come when I call in an attack heli or a pave low for support, those kills don't add to my killstreak? Is it only things I can control like the Ac-130 that adds to it?