_Alkaline_ said:Spec Ops with a friend is really, really good. So satisfying to beat those missions on Vet.
But my GOD some of them are frustrating. The last one in Charlie on Veteran specifically is piledriving my mind.
_Alkaline_ said:Spec Ops with a friend is really, really good. So satisfying to beat those missions on Vet.
THIScalder said:Fully agree. Very disjointed story due to some poor story telling techniques, way too much reliance on vague snippets of dialogue during the loading screens and guys yelling on the radio when shit's blowing up all around you. Now I was a massive military techno-thriller nerd growing up but I was totally baffled by a few plot elements, did they explain the ACS module at all? I heard some mention of it needing to be retrieved and next thing I know a wholly implausible airborne invasion results.
I tried to ignore the fact that any big cross-oceanic invasion (many thousands of troops, air support, armor for god's sake) would be completely impossible and just go along with it for the relaxed realism of the MW world, but damn it was tough.I don't care what kind of slightly fantastic setting they were shooting for, MiGs over the US? A giant airborne invasion?? Where the fuck did they come from, unless the Russians had some huge bases in Nova Scotia no one's aware of. :lol
And you had to wonder what the end-game the Russians had in mind for their invasion - "ok, so we're mad and we want to lash out. I propose we somehow get like 10 thousand elite troops and their equipment into the US, via magic I guess, and they fuck shit up for a few days and then are all inevitably killed with no hope of victory and the Motherland gets pasted shortly after. Sound good to everyone else? Ok, let's go!" No wonder the end of the game showed nothing after Price's (admittedly badass) final revenge, showing any further events happening in the world would have made it all seem more absurd I guess.
micromagic said:He reminds me of Sev from KZ2 every time I see him.
How on earth did the Russian forces get to the east coast like that? Also even without satellite coverage or whatever bs excuse IW was using there is no way the navy wouldn't have detected that large of an attack.
xxjuicesxx said:How the fuck don't these random kids realize when you get killed by any airplane just respawn as a custom class that has a rocket launcher stinger or javelin! WTF goddamnit I seem to be the only person do that and without me they would just continually get shot down over and over.
Rez said:what level unlocks the stinger?
Lonewolf_92 said:So, what's everyone's favorite builds so far? Mine's:
Primary: Riot Shield
Secondary: AT4-HS
Equipment: Throwing Knife, Stun 'nades X2
Perk 1: Scavenger
Perk 2: Hardline
Perk 3: Scrambler
Deathstreak: Painkiller
No range at all (except the rocket, which I reserve for annoying UMVs, chopters, campers, harriers, etc.), but since I'm playing a lot of Domination it's a good build for taking objectives and holding them, and nothing beats a good point-blank face-stabbing! Scavenger will auto-pickup your knife, allowing you to stay hidden behind your shield, Hardline is useful because you'll not get very many kills with a thrown knife being pretty much your primary way of killing on the front line, and Scrambler is for when you're pushing forward with a group of guys behind you. Such a fun build!
Rez said:yeah, taking out helis with the standard rocket launcher (who's name escapes me) is all well and good, but I want something that can take care of those UAV with ease.![]()
I tried this repeatedly and it never worked with UAV. I assumed it was because it was too small or something. I probably effed it somehow, I'll give it another try tomorrow.panda21 said:i thought the standard one was really easy to take out uavs. you just have to point at for like a second it till it starts beeping and thats it.
Rez said:But something unexplainably snapped in my brain and suddenly I'm really good at COD. I think I died more during my Regular playthrough than I did during my Vet playthrough. It was like playing UC2 on Crushing. It was challenging, but if you play smartly, slowly and methodically, it is very manageable -- unlike MW1's cheap grenade-spam and time limit bullshit.
I can't believe what a 180 I've had with this game. I was 'meh' toward it while working through Act II, then really got into during the Gulag level through to the end, before ending the game thinking that it was a frustrating game because of how many boring sections there were, and now, after playing it again, I fucking love it. Weird.
Rez said:yeah, taking out helis with the standard rocket launcher (who's name escapes me) is all well and good, but I want something that can take care of those UAV with ease.![]()
I knew it would be something a fanboy could take offense to, but I didnt care.dallow_bg said:Did you intentionally post a baiting comment and were just waiting for someone to disagree?
The stinger unlocks before 32.DMeisterJ said:32
I'm about to unlock it and fuck up some UAVs, Heli's and a whole bunch of annoying shit.
panda21 said:i'm surprised more people dont shoot down the UAVs, seems like a complete dick move and it must really piss off the other team.
every time i hear 'enemy UAV spotted' i go outide and shoot it down :lol
chubigans said:"Hooray, my first carepackage killstreak! Send one over there!"
-waits for a bit-
-wonders where it is-
-looks up to find it on top of a five story building-
panda21 said:i'm surprised more people dont shoot down the UAVs, seems like a complete dick move and it must really piss off the other team.
every time i hear 'enemy UAV spotted' i go outide and shoot it down :lol
chubigans said:"Hooray, my first carepackage killstreak! Send one over there!"
-waits for a bit-
-wonders where it is-
-looks up to find it on top of a five story building-
Rez said:I tried this repeatedly and it never worked with UAV. I assumed it was because it was too small or something. I probably effed it somehow, I'll give it another try tomorrow.
bud said:i haven't played an fps for, like, years, but i immediately jumped into the mp anyway. christ, i'm fucking terrible. i played for about five minutes and only had one assist. smh. i guess i'll finish the sp first before going online again...
btw, i've played about 10 minutes of the sp and it's like kojima wrote it. the monologues sound pretty much the same as snake's at the beginning of mgs4. :lol
bud said:i haven't played an fps for, like, years, but i immediately jumped into the mp anyway. christ, i'm fucking terrible. i played for about five minutes and only had one assist. smh.
Lonewolf_92 said:So, what's everyone's favorite builds so far? Mine's:
Primary: Riot Shield
Secondary: AT4-HS
Equipment: Throwing Knife, Stun 'nades X2
Perk 1: Scavenger
Perk 2: Hardline
Perk 3: Scrambler
Deathstreak: Painkiller
No range at all (except the rocket, which I reserve for annoying UMVs, chopters, campers, harriers, etc.), but since I'm playing a lot of Domination it's a good build for taking objectives and holding them, and nothing beats a good point-blank face-stabbing! Scavenger will auto-pickup your knife, allowing you to stay hidden behind your shield, Hardline is useful because you'll not get very many kills with a thrown knife being pretty much your primary way of killing on the front line, and Scrambler is for when you're pushing forward with a group of guys behind you. Such a fun build!
I have killed myself with my own airdrop beforeOsaka said:People are terrible with those :lol
I once saw 3 care packages right outside the barbed fence on the border of Scrapyard, then a fourth one dropped into the same pile with this guy trying to get to them.
I usually don't waste my rockets on UAV's, because they're SO easy to get. Takes like 5-30 seconds until the new one is online.
Don't feel so bad. The thing can't shoot down shit anyway.RubxQub said:Feeling kinda stupid, but the default rocket launcher can lock onto targets?
Christ I had no idea...
Raxus said:I have killed myself with my own airdrop before. But I have also killed a man with an airdrop and seen a good many people get crushed as well.
If I can spot the UAV I usually shoot it down if I am in the clear. It is an easy 50 points, counts toward cold blooded pro, and it helps the team out as a whole.
Now up to 6 nukes. 4 more and I have a new nuke emblem!
Raxus said:Now up to 6 nukes. 4 more and I have a new nuke emblem!
RubxQub said:Feeling kinda stupid, but the default rocket launcher can lock onto targets?
Christ I had no idea...
I consider myself "good" at the game. And even I have to say the nuke is incredibly hard to detonate. While it is much easier to get on Groundwar I have gotten it a couple times on Team Deathmatch. Honestly, it's more of a novelty thing than anything else. Use it, get the achievements for it and drop it. The EMP is much easier of course and helps your team much more in the long run IMO.divisionbyzorro said:How many games have you played with the nuke enabled? I've played quite a few games and haven't seen it show up...about how often are you actually able to detonate one?
Raxus said:If I can spot the UAV I usually shoot it down if I am in the clear. It is an easy 50 points, counts toward cold blooded pro, and it helps the team out as a whole.
You can't but some are pretty self explanitory. The in game challenges are what give you a majority of your titles and emblems. For example, Endgame I (Use 2 nukes to end the game) gives you the Global Thermonuclear War title. End Game II gives you the end of the line title. And EVERY FINAL killstreak specific challenge (i.e End Game III) gives you the emblem of that particular killstreak. So far I have UAV, Airdrop, Predator Missile, Harrier, and the Gunner Chopper. I hope to earn Nuke, AC130, and EMP nextvehn said:How can you tell when the progress you have for a new emblem?
I have scavenger. So I usually never worry since ammo is usually one gun drop away.Osaka said:I'm using Stingers, so it only has one rocket. 200-400 points > 50 points. Those Pave Low's and Harriers and Choppers are way more annoying than the UAV that's usually permanently on anyway.
Raxus said:I have scavenger. So I usually never worry since ammo is usually one gun drop away.
Same for me. I suppose all those years of never playing military shooters (no Counter Strike, no CoD, no Battlefield, etc) makes it impossible to get into at this point.mrwilt said:Wow, I suck at this game. Played a few matches online and got my ass handed to me. Last game I went 1 kill to 12 deaths. :lol Having a hard time seeing the enemy and when I do they already have a bead on me. Frustrating.
The Stinger has 2 rockets, doesn't it?Osaka said:I'm using Stingers, so it only has one rocket. 200-400 points > 50 points. Those Pave Low's and Harriers and Choppers are way more annoying than the UAV that's usually permanently on anyway.