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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


Boards of Canada said:
Anyone here play the game on a laptop? I have a MacBook Pro (latest version) 3.06Ghz and I'm wondering if it'll run nicely...
Yeah, it'll do great. Mine is two years old. I was getting 60+fps as long as I left specular turned off (I think I also turned off 2xAA?). Was playing at 1024x or so, but I probably could have bumped it even higher.


erotic butter maelstrom
Just got this today.

This game is great. I'm not even a fan of the Call of Duty series, but I loved the first Modern Warfare and this one definitely tops the first. And now I'm already hooked on the multi, somehow I've been kicking a decent amount of ass so far.

If anyone wants to do several Spec Op missions tonight I will be on prob past 1130 for majority of the night. No plans but CODMW2

I'll add you when I get on, it might be a little later than then but I'll be on late as well.


If anyone wants to do several Spec Op missions tonight I will be on prob past 1130 for majority of the night. No plans but CODMW2:lol


Switched from the SCAR to the TAR and I'm never looking back, k/d's gone up by .2 and i'm unleashing a ton of predator-harrier-c.gunner maelstroms of doom


CheapChampagne said:
I don't see how people cry so much about campers in this game. Imho they've done a fantastic job with the maps making every position have a multitude of routes to get there. If you run across a guy sitting in a corner... use the other door, flash/stun him and shoot him in the face. Not that difficult.

I've actually had trouble with people that do the exact opposite. People that use Marathon/Lightweight or Cold Blooded/Scrambler or Ninja and Dash around the map into every back alley and either knife you or smg you down as they bolt by. It's ridiculous. :lol
Exactly. In CoD4 it seemed like I was the only on running around like a maniac. Now it seems like everyone is. Maybe it's because I'm playing domination buy it's so much fun.

Also don't think we need maps. Like CS. This game is has it's own unique gameplay. Everything caters to that. Someone camping in a window? Smoke, Sneak up aroun him or send a thumper round into his face. Calling in helis? Stingers.
What's going on with team balancing on the PS3? I've been in plenty of games where people drop and it ends up being 5-2, 4-1, etc. I've been dropped into current games before, so I'm not sure if it's just a bug.

I just came from a game where it was 5 of us against one level 3 guy on the rooftops. I gotta give it to him, he didn't quit even after I kept calling UAV and choppers on him :lol


Has anyone run into the Riot Shield/ Stun Grenade/ Throwing Knife combo craze yet? I hardly ever saw anyone use the shield as their primary form of killing and two days ago my brother was like "Well what the hell, im going to try it" We played for like 6 hours perfecting and tweaking the load-out and tho we didnt always top the matched we found the combo to be incredibly annoying to the enemy so much that we would be routinely called out and swore out by frustated people and our "Cheap shit tactics". It made the game 100 times more fun for some reason:lol Some people would even turn and run when they saw us coming at them with the shield. Hilarious. In a game that is primarily about people running into the fray and shooting shit up not really caring if they die, seeing them run in fear from the bitch behind the shield and then getting a throwing knife in the back was HUGELY ENTERTAINING

Now, 2 days later every game i play seems to have atleast 1 or 2 people doing it. Getting killed by the riot shield is like the ultimate humiliation
AeroGod said:
Has anyone run into the Riot Shield/ Stun Grenade/ Throwing Knife combo craze yet? I hardly ever saw anyone use the shield as their primary form of killing and two days ago my brother was like "Well what the hell, im going to try it" We played for like 6 hours perfecting and tweaking the load-out and tho we didnt always top the matched we found the combo to be incredibly annoying to the enemy so much that we would be routinely called out and swore out by frustated people and our "Cheap shit tactics". It made the game 100 times more fun for some reason:lol Some people would even turn and run when they saw us coming at them with the shield. Hilarious. In a game that is primarily about people running into the fray and shooting shit up not really caring if they die, seeing them run in fear from the bitch behind the shield and then getting a throwing knife in the back was HUGELY ENTERTAINING

Now, 2 days later every game i play seems to have atleast 1 or 2 people doing it. Getting killed by the riot shield is like the ultimate humiliation

Trying this RIGHT now.


AeroGod said:
Has anyone run into the Riot Shield/ Stun Grenade/ Throwing Knife combo craze yet? I hardly ever saw anyone use the shield as their primary form of killing and two days ago my brother was like "Well what the hell, im going to try it" We played for like 6 hours perfecting and tweaking the load-out and tho we didnt always top the matched we found the combo to be incredibly annoying to the enemy so much that we would be routinely called out and swore out by frustated people and our "Cheap shit tactics". It made the game 100 times more fun for some reason:lol Some people would even turn and run when they saw us coming at them with the shield. Hilarious. In a game that is primarily about people running into the fray and shooting shit up not really caring if they die, seeing them run in fear from the bitch behind the shield and then getting a throwing knife in the back was HUGELY ENTERTAINING

Now, 2 days later every game i play seems to have atleast 1 or 2 people doing it. Getting killed by the riot shield is like the ultimate humiliation
Running away? :lol

The main reason I choose a semtex over other equipment is because I can stick it to the riot shield. but running away? :lol I have to try this


erotic butter maelstrom
Valkyr Junkie said:
What's going on with team balancing on the PS3?

Yeah, I've only played 7 or 8 matches so far but in most of them the teams were uneven. It starts the match when the teams aren't even, but the main problem is quitters. I've been playing against teams with 2 or 3 people because bitches don't stick with it until the end, hopefully this isn't a long term problem.

By the way, in regards to the single player, I must have killed at least 50 civilians in the Airport level, the 'nade launcher attachment really thins out the crowds. :D
AeroGod said:
Now, 2 days later every game i play seems to have atleast 1 or 2 people doing it. Getting killed by the riot shield is like the ultimate humiliation

Riot Shield: The 2009 version of the Noob Tube.


aka II VerTigo II
AeroGod said:
Has anyone run into the Riot Shield/ Stun Grenade/ Throwing Knife combo craze yet? I hardly ever saw anyone use the shield as their primary form of killing and two days ago my brother was like "Well what the hell, im going to try it" We played for like 6 hours perfecting and tweaking the load-out and tho we didnt always top the matched we found the combo to be incredibly annoying to the enemy so much that we would be routinely called out and swore out by frustated people and our "Cheap shit tactics". It made the game 100 times more fun for some reason:lol Some people would even turn and run when they saw us coming at them with the shield. Hilarious. In a game that is primarily about people running into the fray and shooting shit up not really caring if they die, seeing them run in fear from the bitch behind the shield and then getting a throwing knife in the back was HUGELY ENTERTAINING

Now, 2 days later every game i play seems to have atleast 1 or 2 people doing it. Getting killed by the riot shield is like the ultimate humiliation

I must try this. thanks


gnarkill bill said:
So does anybody know if there is any real purpose to the
level? Or is it just...there?
I think it's just there but I had fun pressing the red button. I remembered the first time I pressed it and I was like "holy shit".:lol
Full Recovery said:
Running away? :lol

The main reason I choose a semtex over other equipment is because I can stick it to the riot shield. but running away? :lol I have to try this

I main a shield and it's fucking hilarious to run down people with it. Having them run off just to give you enough to time switch to a pistol and clock them when they turn at you is the best.
So i just went into matchmaking for team deathmatch. Me and my friend were thrown into a private match with people we had never met before :lol .

these guys couldnt believe it and after the first batch of strangers left, another 15 people joined from matchmaking. :lol
Snuggler said:
Yeah, I've only played 7 or 8 matches so far but in most of them the teams were uneven.

Seems like there isn't any skill-based matchmaking going-on at all on the PS3. It feels like they're just filling spots w/out any regard to level -- it's all over the place in the games I've played.


Yeah its awesome just gotta watch out for Semtex, although you can take the blast shield instead of the knife if it becomes a problem youll just lose some of your easier killing power.

Be warned it takes a good amount of time to become a beast with the throwing knife and the combo in general but its great seeing that ohh shit moment when they empty a clip into you and before they can reload a knife is in their head. Our loadout goes like this...

Primary Weapon: Riot Shield
Secondary: It really doesn't matter, some like the Thumper or the Glock, you could take a shotgun too. You wont be using it hardly ever.

Equipment 1: Throwing Knife, or if people are getting Semtex happy take the Blast Shield
Equip 2: Stun Nades help you with runners when you used your knife. Smoke nades are good too so you can move through fire in a wide open area. Just make sure you arnt throwing them when you are being fired on or you will die.

Perks: THe shield makes you move slower, Marathon and Lightweight are a much, also take commando is a must especially the upgraded version no falling damage is aces when you are chasing down kills since you arnt a ranged fighter.

Death Perk: Martyrdom or Final Stand, Final Stand is actually hilarious with the shield because it lets you go prone with it covering up 90% of your body the only way they can kill you is if they can manuever behind you.

I should also mention, its a great way to rack up points for doming NOTHING. You get Crowd Control points worth 50 everytime your shield absorbs a certain amount of bullets. Its not uncommon to rack up between 150-200 points just by moving around and getting fired upon.


erotic butter maelstrom
Micromegas said:
Seems like there isn't any skill-based matchmaking going-on at all on the PS3. It feels like they're just filling spots w/out any regard to level -- it's all over the place in the games I've played.

Yeah, I see what you mean, at level 2, 3 and 4 I was matched up against people at level 20-30 or so. It was fine with me, because I'm skilled enough at FPS games that I can handle that kind of thing, but it must suck for new people. But I guess it might be like Uncharted, where your actual skill rank is hidden and your "level" is just a number to show how much you've played. Hopefully things are OK for long term players because I'm planning on sticking with the multi for a long time.

Oh yeah, one more comment on the campaign,
OMG Cpt. Price is alive. YAY, love that guy.


My ultimate dream is to get a team together that becomes skilled with the shield/knife combo and crawl through the level like a spartan phalanx and just fuck with people.


AeroGod said:
Has anyone run into the Riot Shield/ Stun Grenade/ Throwing Knife combo craze yet? I hardly ever saw anyone use the shield as their primary form of killing and two days ago my brother was like "Well what the hell, im going to try it" We played for like 6 hours perfecting and tweaking the load-out and tho we didnt always top the matched we found the combo to be incredibly annoying to the enemy so much that we would be routinely called out and swore out by frustated people and our "Cheap shit tactics". It made the game 100 times more fun for some reason:lol Some people would even turn and run when they saw us coming at them with the shield. Hilarious. In a game that is primarily about people running into the fray and shooting shit up not really caring if they die, seeing them run in fear from the bitch behind the shield and then getting a throwing knife in the back was HUGELY ENTERTAINING

Now, 2 days later every game i play seems to have atleast 1 or 2 people doing it. Getting killed by the riot shield is like the ultimate humiliation
Try equipping a semi-auto pistol as your secondary, too. You can swap from shield->pistol MUCH faster than with any other secondary (like Dunn points out in the SP tutorial). So you'll have great little moments where, like, some guy empties his clip into your shield, you see him start to reload, and you just quickswap-blam-blam-DEATHALLOVERYOURFACE.

They do not expect you to suddenly become a threat so quickly. =)

Snuggler said:
But I guess it might be like Uncharted, where your actual skill rank is hidden and your "level" is just a number to show how much you've played.
Exactly. =)

Edit: Didn't see robut's comment!


Holy shit FAMAS + red dot = serious business. This thing is basically like the new M16 to me. Can't wait until I unlock bling + cold blooded + ninja.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
So am a level 42 and using the M16 now and I don't know if it's just me but it seems like it is really inaccurate when not firing down the sights, more so than other weapons (comparing to the scar). Anyone else think so?


You like me, you really really like me!
Not a Jellyfish said:
So am a level 42 and using the M16 now and I don't know if it's just me but it seems like it is really inaccurate when not firing down the sights, more so than other weapons (comparing to the scar). Anyone else think so?

Nope, I can hipfire with the M16 fairly easily. Same as CoD4.
Holy fuck, this game is awesome. A few weeks ago, I was a bit worried about the overabundance of killstreaks, but it doesn't seem too bad...yet. I'm so content with my current killstreak loadout that I doubt I'll ever choose to unlock any more.

Scavenger is probably my favorite tier-1 perk, and I'm surprised to see that not many people use it. Constant ammo refills are a godsend. Cold-Blooded is great, too. Hearing "Enemy UAV sighted" and not giving a fuck is such a great feeling.

Finally, playing as the SEALS in multiplayer is really fun. Their callouts are so calm and professional.


Valkyr Junkie said:
What's going on with team balancing on the PS3? I've been in plenty of games where people drop and it ends up being 5-2, 4-1, etc. I've been dropped into current games before, so I'm not sure if it's just a bug.

I just came from a game where it was 5 of us against one level 3 guy on the rooftops. I gotta give it to him, he didn't quit even after I kept calling UAV and choppers on him :lol
He should have equipped cold blooded:lol
RubxQub said:

I was using the M4A1 exclusively and finally got the Mastery Challenge completed and decided I'd try out the FAL. Amazing stats, but it's semi-auto? Sure!
Yes, HOLY SHIT THE FAL. It's so much easier to conserve ammo with this, much better SCAR if you don't use Scavanger.


fistfulofmetal said:
i played the game on PC obviously. then i booted up the ps3 version to play with a friend of mine. i nearly ripped my eyes out. holy fuck.

posts like these always confuse me. Oh I played this new game on my beefed up gaming PC then I played the console version. Oh man it was like not as good looking! can you believe it?

nobody needs to be reminded the the PC version can look better... nobody.


Son of Godzilla said:
Yes, HOLY SHIT THE FAL. It's so much easier to conserve ammo with this, much better SCAR if you don't use Scavanger.


FAL for life.

I love it with the heartbeat and Red dot sensor.
AeroGod said:
My ultimate dream is to get a team together that becomes skilled with the shield/knife combo and crawl through the level like a spartan phalanx and just fuck with people.

That sounds great. I've been obsessed with throwing knives and have gotten pretty good with them, I don't know much about shields though. I'll join if you're on PSN.

AeroGod said:
Perks: THe shield makes you move slower, Marathon and Lightweight are a much, also take commando is a must especially the upgraded version no falling damage is aces when you are chasing down kills since you arnt a ranged fighter.

Marathon is good, but if you're playing with knives you need scavenger.


AeroGod said:
Has anyone run into the Riot Shield/ Stun Grenade/ Throwing Knife combo craze yet? I hardly ever saw anyone use the shield as their primary form of killing and two days ago my brother was like "Well what the hell, im going to try it" We played for like 6 hours perfecting and tweaking the load-out and tho we didnt always top the matched we found the combo to be incredibly annoying to the enemy so much that we would be routinely called out and swore out by frustated people and our "Cheap shit tactics". It made the game 100 times more fun for some reason:lol Some people would even turn and run when they saw us coming at them with the shield. Hilarious. In a game that is primarily about people running into the fray and shooting shit up not really caring if they die, seeing them run in fear from the bitch behind the shield and then getting a throwing knife in the back was HUGELY ENTERTAINING

Now, 2 days later every game i play seems to have atleast 1 or 2 people doing it. Getting killed by the riot shield is like the ultimate humiliation

The first time I saw a person with a riot shield, I got smashed.

The second time I turned and ran like hell. I can't believe he didn't just shoot me in the back as I ran.


ugh the fact your teamates can steal your crates makes me so mad

i purposely go somewhere safe and throw my supply drop, i was waiting for it and this teamate comes and sprints over to steal it


ugh the fact your teamates can steal your crates makes me so mad

i purposely go somewhere safe and throw my supply drop, i was waiting for it and this teamate comes and sprints over to steal it

The same thing almost happened to me. I set the smoke down and two people come and try to jack it from me. The bad part about it for them is that it bounced when it landed and killed them. :lol :lol


Daheza said:
The same thing almost happened to me. I set the smoke down and two people come and try to jack it from me. The bad part about it for them is that it bounced when it landed and killed them. :lol :lol

haha . what was even worse is that he had just picked up his own supply which was an airstrike..mine was a counter uav...


dorkimoe said:
ugh the fact your teamates can steal your crates makes me so mad

i purposely go somewhere safe and throw my supply drop, i was waiting for it and this teamate comes and sprints over to steal it

I'm pretty sure there is a 2-3 second "grace" period where nobody but the person that dropped the smoke can is able to access the crate.
dorkimoe said:
ugh the fact your teamates can steal your crates makes me so mad

i purposely go somewhere safe and throw my supply drop, i was waiting for it and this teamate comes and sprints over to steal it

It's your fault if you can't get to it in time, especially since it takes a lot longer for them to take the crate then the person who called it. Plus, it's better for an ally to steal it then an enemy.


Picked up the X41 wireless headset after work and then proceeded to play through the entire campaign for the first time on Veteran. Took me approximately 7 hours. Yikes.

The plot was a little wonky. Some parts were frustrating, because I'd respawn and die almost immediately. But there were some amazing set pieces.
And the stuff that happens in the US really hit close to home, since I live in that area.

I might revisit single player to get the last few random achvs + intel items, but that won't be for a while. I've got some multiplayer to get to.


After reading so much crap about the campaign, and not having any interest in the MP, I decided to wait until a friend was done playing it, and then borrowed it, so I didn't have to pay for it myself, and low and behold: you guy were wrong. This was so much better than COD4 IMO.

Played on Hardened, and I found the campaign entertaining all the way, just the right challenge without being too frustrating, lots of really memorable parts, with some making me say flat out WOW, even though I still have no idea of what was going on with the plot, but I don't care, I loved the fast pacing, with it changing at a regularly manner to a diferent styled scene in the other side of the globe just before some sequence starts dragging for too long.

No infinite respawning enemies either (wtf were you guys talking about?).

I really found the campaign in COD4 to be pretty forgettable except for the glorious Ghillie in the Mist mission (with its style being mimicked in several of the mw2's missions <3 <3), but really loved this one and will probably get myself a copy, since I want to replay some of these missions eventually. Good job infinity ward.

edit: this was probably a hard to read post, I was typing things as they came to my mind, but it's late over here and I don't feel like structuring it better right now.


y'all should be ashamed
Spec Ops Split Screen is FREAKING AMAZING. Me and a chum of mine had a blast.

Doesn't excuse the lack of split screen online, but still, holy crap.
Was playing before and waiting for my care package. Two of my teammates crouched down near me as the crate drops. It clips the top of a roof above and proceeds to fall on top of all three of us. :lol


Just traded my copy in at eb.
Until there is a local search option (Australia) IW can blow me. 90% of games are red / yellow bars with horrid lag which is unplayable. Not to mention the joy of 1 American joining a room full of Aussies and pulling host time and time again.

I'm getting to old for this shit


dorkimoe said:
ugh the fact your teamates can steal your crates makes me so mad

i purposely go somewhere safe and throw my supply drop, i was waiting for it and this teamate comes and sprints over to steal it
I think the problem is that they think they're stealing an enemy crate. I nearly did to a teammate, and then I realized he was running over to take it, so I stopped.
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