Net_Wrecker said:
Stick with it. Although I stand by my thoughts that the maps are pretty meh, the game is great. It does feel kinda different compared to CoD4 due to the maps, and people camp like crazy because of it, but use a stealthy class, and you can absolutely destroy in this game, even more so than CoD4.
I dunno, the maps are seriously hampering my enjoyment with this so far. I like highrise and underpass, skidrow is okay, terminal seems good but I pretty much never play it. There's also a map similar to skidrow I like but I can't remember the name. The rest to me are either meh or outright bad...I've only played this for 3-4 days now and already quit if I get a match in wasteland, derail, or estate--which is a lot, way more than I get put into the maps I want to actually be in.
I also still feel like starting players are at a HUGE disadvantage now, since others will already have stuff like heartbeat monitors, UAV can't track people with coldblooded, you get fucked for free by all the killstreaks because the starting AA is trash, etc. I got the heartbeat monitor for the SCAR and have been doing a lot better already, I can tell if I keep pushing on to get cold blooded I'll start doing even better on top of that, since I always play more of a lone wolf that just roams around tracking enemies to kill. But I find it hard to get motivated when I am rarely getting into maps I actually like.
Tkawsome said:
That could have been me if you were playing on PS3 tonight. A couple of my friends and I all used shields and had a blast. One of the high points was when two enemies on a nearby roof just stopped and starred at me since shooting wasn't doing anything. They just kept looking at me as one of my teammates slowly snuck up the building and killed them both. It was great.
Haha, nah, I'm on 360. A lot of people don't seem to know what to actually do, and I'm not too good at it either. Most just run in fear for some reason, I'll atleast toss a grenade or aim near the feet/side if they turn a little bit. I also see people just concentrate all of their gunfire on people with the shields hoping it'll work.
Graf Nudu said:
How does it make sense to get a Stealth Bomber just for a few kills?
Yeah, I got smacked by an EMP earlier today and no one on the other team had over 10 kills, and none of them were even at 0 deaths. I never knew you could get that from the carepack before that.
I'd atleast say the nuke wouldn't happen since it ends the game, but the EMP seems a lot rarer to get from it so maybe it might happen with an incredibly slim chance.