Dax01 said:Estate would be a pretty good map if it weren't for the house.
The good part about the house is that, if you can sneak in, there are ALWAYS at least 3 or 4 enemies in there, sniping out the window.
Dax01 said:Estate would be a pretty good map if it weren't for the house.
I saw UAV flying around, bug didn't know I can shoot that down as well. I gotta try it!Relix said::lol :lol
My main class has a Stinger to take down UAV and Choppers... and airplanes. It's quite fun honestly. I spent my games today destroying UAVs and choppers frustrating the other team.
TacticalFox88 said:It's offficial, Rust is my favorite map. Soooo fucking awesome.
ultron87 said:Them fighting at the end does not definitely show that they weren't working together from the start. I think Shepherd's goal at the end is to clean up any possible lead that could show that the war wasn't started by an American led massacre of a Russian airport. This obviously includes both the 141 guys and Makarov.
Shepherd could've very easily worked together with Makarov to allow Allen to planted so close to him with the express purpose of blowing his cover at the proper moment. It is said that Makarov would do anything, and work with anyone, for the right price. And it certainly seems like his goal with the airport operation was to start the war. So obviously his employer wanted the war to start. The most logical person to be his employer is Shepherd.
Pretty sure its FFA only. Its a fun, small map.commish said:never played it. which game-modes?
Yeah, it's great. Fucking chaotic as hell, and the closest thing the game has to an arena-type map. Definitely not for people who obsess about their K/D ratio, though!TacticalFox88 said:It's offficial, Rust is my favorite map. Soooo fucking awesome.
Free-For-all it shows up alot.commish said:never played it. which game-modes?
Papercuts said:In close competition with Quarry, Estate, and Favela for shittiest map.
I concur.Pyke Presco said:See, now this guy knows whats up. Those maps are all terrible in my opinion, for different reasons. Quarry is absurdly vertical, Favela all throughout the middle of the map is insane, nothing but narrow corridors with a hundred rooms and rooftops to tear you apart from. Wasteland is a barren pile of shit where you either rush the trenches and get destroyed or get picked off moving through the open. Smoke grenades and cold-blooded only get you so far.(assuming you are playing with people who dont listen to directions, like "follow me I have a shield, we'll clear out the trench" or "switch to rockets when you die and take out that AC-130") Estate is a shitshow all around the house. I love playing the fight around the boat cabin and the bottom of the hill though.
On the other hand, I love Afghan and Derail, which seem to be pretty much unanimously hated among my friends list. They are open enough that you can have some solid ranged combat, but at the same time theres enough variation in the landscape that you can approach out of sight if you're willing to go around the outskirts of the maps.
Works fine for me.Zanboo said:I think "The Show" accolade might be broken.
I got a 10-0 and got the reward for it, etc. but I still haven't gotten the accolade. It's the only one missing on the page and it's driving me insane :lol
DMeisterJ said:Works fine for me.
ergo said:I find it hilarious that Wasteland is just brecourt 2.0 from vCod. I don't think anybody else played the original cod, but I hated it then, and I sure as hell hate it now...
ultron87 said:Does anyone else find it weird that Sentry Gun is the only Killstreak Award where you have to call in a drop, pick it up, and then use it (besides supply drops, obviously)? It seems odd and a little unfair that your Sentry Gun crate can be stolen from you, while there is no way to lose your Predator Missile or other airborne Killstreak award. I guess the argument could be made that Sentry Gun has the possibility of doing more damage the other 5-kill award, but it still seems to unbalance it.
Good level.Wallach said:Isn't Sub Base from one of the older CoD games as well?
ultron87 said:Does anyone else find it weird that Sentry Gun is the only Killstreak Award where you have to call in a drop, pick it up, and then use it (besides supply drops, obviously)? It seems odd and a little unfair that your Sentry Gun crate can be stolen from you, while there is no way to lose your Predator Missile or other airborne Killstreak award. I guess the argument could be made that Sentry Gun has the possibility of doing more damage the other 5-kill award, but it still seems to unbalance it.
Unicorn said:Good level.
Nice avatar.
I agree. UAV's should be the only other thing in the air besides the stuff that shoots (and care packages).bdouble said:the only complaint I have with the killstreaks are when they can have multiple things in the air at once as long as they are different. That is BS. Can't carry enough rockets.
pringles said:I nominate the tactical nukes for Worst Idea In Gaming History.
Good luck getting one.pringles said:I nominate the tactical nukes for Worst Idea In Gaming History.
Thunderbear said:In the SP campaign, I liked the bit. It only lasts for half a minute or so, but quite a bit of work for something that was only shown for that short of a while.where you are in space
I wish they made the background look more realistic in that segment. It was like a big low-res texture. :lol Everything else looked cool though.Thunderbear said:In the SP campaign, I liked the bit. It only lasts for half a minute or so, but quite a bit of work for something that was only shown for that short of a while.where you are in space
Not a Jellyfish said:I haven't even seen one used yet. Have played over 30 hours of MP.
Pankaks said:I thought they could have done so much more with that scene personally.
pringles said:I nominate the tactical nukes for Worst Idea In Gaming History.
LolwutExtraKr1spy said:It would have been nice if IW put civilian NPC's in maps for Hardcore games. Make it similar to America's Army where if you kill a civilian it counts against you.
Throw a random nade into a building at the beginning of a match? -300 for you.
A lot of the maps have buildings you can go in so just put them in there so they wont get killed by helis/air strikes/etc
Give those players a fucking medal or something.. a badge of honor.dagZ said:its a reward....I think that if you are good enough for 25 kills in a row, you should be rewarded.
I got 1 btw.![]()
cameltoe said:I dropped 2 today...
sangreal said:Seriously though, is there a way to play other beginners? I haven't played an FPS online in forever, and it keeps matching me with people who are like level 30 when im level 1?
Kibbles said:I wish they made the background look more realistic in that segment. It was like a big low-res texture. :lol Everything else looked cool though.
Ten-Song said:I was talking to some friends today about a great class idea... any gun with an under barrel grenade launcher, plus the thumper as a secondary, and then scavenger as a perk, and just fucking spam all forms of grenades constantly. (I guess that means the Danger Close perk would be handy too.)