Wardriving is pretty simple if you have 2 people.
Clear the first house to the left, then make your way right to house 2.
Have one person go through the garage and the other to the top of the (closed) house's door to pick guys off.
Then once at house #2 there should be 2-4 guys inside. Pick them off slowly then
set up the turret infront of the door. Plant claymores around the garage and front door area. Once you are done, move the turret out near house #3 in the road.
Move to house #3. Make sure you blow up the cars before you enter. Clear the basement. Plant claymores. Then clear the upstairs. Sometimes guys hide in the bathroom.
Plant upstairs claymores. Put 2 turrets outside of basement/garage area. Have you and your partner camp on the stairs (from the garage area).
Once the download is completed, go upstairs sprint out the front door, head across the street. Then go through House #1's window to get back to the Extraction.
There should be like 2-4 guys, but the turret should take most of the fire and you and your partner should be able to take out any others.
Pretty easy, imo. Just take things slow, stay frosty, and watch your corners.