Papercuts said:How do they get such massive plotholes in such a flimsily told story? That's the general rule of thumb--the less you say, the less a chance of a contradiction, but IW sure proved that wrong. :lol
Nelo Ice said:interesting now im gonna level up marathon and lightweight :lol
Chittagong said:I take it that the game requires quite a bit of practice - memorizing maps, learning the flow of multiplayer and all that.
Papercuts said:Haha, yeah. The basis for the plot is formed on one giant plothole, basically.
It's actually pretty fucking retarded:
Considering that russians and americans are very similar in looks, no one could really identify the guy you were playing as as an american unless through some form of ID...which he obviously would not have on him when he was with the russian terrorists. The other way is for america to confess that it was their guy, which would also be retarded. So basically, either the US is completely fucking retarded and left the guy's ID on him, or the US is completely fucking retarded and they confessed. Logically, they'd just chalk him up to being some random guy, because they don't ID people in russia like they do here. It's This was the big controversial scene that does set up for the war, but it sets it up in a way that makes no sense.
Of course you get the twists later on(Shepherd), and they don't really touch on Makarov much at that point. You never get a motivation for why they're doing this, or again how the fuck they made Shepherd into that high of a rank if he wasn't really loyal.
How do they get such massive plotholes in such a flimsily told story? That's the general rule of thumb--the less you say, the less a chance of a contradiction, but IW sure proved that wrong. :lol
Kibbles said:Exactly. I didn't understand it from the moment that footage leaked.
Thats what lag is...NeoUltima said:I get angry sometimes playing this...I shoot people a lot...seems like they only get 1 shot off and I die. Killcam comes up...Shows me not even shooting at all and them unloading into me.
Pyke Presco said:Make sure you level up a pistol too(I recommend USP or M9 since they can get a silencer. Makes killing people much easier). The tactical knife attachment makes your melee attack go off much quicker which helps when you only have a few seconds to get the kill before you get gunned down.
NeoUltima said:I get angry sometimes playing this...I shoot people a lot...seems like they only get 1 shot off and I die. Killcam comes up...Shows me not even shooting at all and them unloading into me.
Pyke Presco said:Oh man, that tac knife build is so dirty....
wait, what?pringles said:Melee is really overpowered.. insta-kill should only be from behind.
Hope they patch that.
It would be kind of underpowered then.pringles said:Melee is really overpowered.. insta-kill should only be from behind.
Hope they patch that.
pringles said:Melee is really overpowered.. insta-kill should only be from behind.
Hope they patch that.
Eric WK said:Nerf everything.
pringles said:Melee is really overpowered.. insta-kill should only be from behind.
Hope they patch that.
Pyke Presco said:If I go through all the work of getting up to melee range when you have an assault rifle/SMG/LMG/sniper/claymore traps, I bloody well deserve that kill, thank you very much. If you can 1 shot me with a sniper rifle from 300 feet away, or with a FAMAS burst at 75 feet, my knife at 1 foot should get the edge. Just sayin'.
pringles said:Melee is really overpowered.. insta-kill should only be from behind.
Hope they patch that.
pringles said:Melee is really overpowered.. insta-kill should only be from behind.
Hope they patch that.
Nelo Ice said:omg rush down class is so insanely fun especially with a p90 and silencer:lol
yeah taking forever on the M4.Son of Godzilla said:FUCKING FMJ CHALLENGES. Whoever came up with this shit should be publicly ridiculed. It should either be 40 kills with penetration or like 15 goddamn kills with FMJ pene. I'm sick of having to use this shit. People must think I'm insane when they see killcams where I position myself behind a wall before finishing them.
I need to try this...damn schoolwork halting my MW2 playtime!Nelo Ice said:omg rush down class is so insanely fun especially with a p90 and silencer:lol
No way, ACOG sniper is actually halfway decent. With pro slight of hand and you can get the drop on pretty much anyone.Fyrus said:I think ACOG sniper challenges are worse than FMJ penetration challenges. I want thermal![]()
haha when i first played this map i totally thought about that!dagZ said:![]()
terminal is ridiculously close to cs_747 in counter-strike. pretty cool.
Son of Godzilla said:No way, ACOG sniper is actually halfway decent. With pro slight of hand and you can get the drop on pretty much anyone.
jergrah said:And love the icon, been a die-hard 'Fins fan since I started watching football with my Dad in '82.
Just hope they watch WW2 in HD, not freaking Hollywood movies for inspiration for their next game.RSTEIN said:I'm shocked at what a mess the entire campaign is, really. The story is horrible and doesn't make sense. Then game play... oh boy. I don't know why these guys don't know how to make a single player campaign anymore. It's the same old MW1 bullshit: hey, let's throw 15,000 guys at the player and call it a day! The mission where you're going through Brazil for the first or second time (I forget... where you have to chase after the dude) is just amazingly awful. Really. It's just nonsensical. I was shaking my head trying to figure out how anyone could find it fun.
The multiplayer is near perfection tho. Maps are incredible.
Lionheart1827 said:Wow I just tried that knife class and I just went 38-6 on Afghan. :lol
They had NO idea what was coming.
Pyke Presco said:YES! YES! Spread the word! Let GAF bring the knives of pain down upon their heads one game at a time! Abuse that shit for everything it's worth!
But no, seriously. It's ridiculously fun to just play with knives only. The fact that it can work (and sometimes spectacularly!) is just icing on the cake. Everybody should definitely try this build once they are familiar with the maps/know where the enemies tend to be and how best to stay out of their direct line of sight. The ability to dart in, shank one and then book it around a building or through a doorway or over the wall into the treeline just makes you feel like such a badass.
Lionheart1827 said:Seriously there were times where I managed to get behind a group of 3 and just slaughter them. It was almost as though they were running away from me trying to outrun me. It was ridiculous. I was telling my buds "1st knife kill, 2nd, 3rd.....4th....FIFTH!! PREDATOR" and it just kept on going and they're laughing their asses off. The little message queue is filling up with Lionheart1827 (knife) XXXXXX constantly. :lol
DevelopmentArrested said:The matchmaking in this game is fucking terrible compared to CoD4.
Sandman42 said:Thanks to whoever it was that recommend the m203/thumper + danger close/scavenger setup earlier in the thread. That shit is dominant. :lol
It was basically the same in CoD4. People want to back out more though because there are less maps that are actually good. =\DevelopmentArrested said:The matchmaking in this game is fucking terrible compared to CoD4.